Welcome to my Teleporting Citadel. A citadel that teleports where ever it feels it must. Whether it's on a sea, under the sea, upside down riding a cloud, in a planets core or on the gravitational pole of some moon!
It's magical. Can't be destroyed forever. It has 144acres of land, that just magically let's you breathe whatever you breathe without killing the others around you (if you so happen to run on fumes, for example.)
It has an expansion enchantment equipped. So when you enter it'll never feel claustrophobic.
There's a casino.
A pool room.
An arcade.
Dining room.
Guest rooms.
Board rooms.
War party tents.(outside)
A colosseum.(On the roof)
A dungeon. (In the basement.)
A library.
Weapons dungeon.
Intimate dungeon.
War machine museum. (Functional ones.)
A loft.
An apothecary.
You can do anything you want, there are no rules. Or my name isn't Anarchy.
There is a Demon Butler that has the ability to split itself into clones of itself. It'll do anything you command it to. (I won't rp as the butler, if you want to use the butler for what so ever it's up to you to rp in the butler.)