Sole said
How'd you break it?
Cpt Toellner said
Yes, but I can cook like a man.Just got my internet back after 5 days.What are we even talking about?
ReonenMiruel said
I got kicked out of university for an essay which got marked an A+. Apart from that, pretty much the same as you. Except the job market thing. Hooray job security.
Drakel said
I feel you man. Jobs are hard to get and a pain in the ass... but boi... dat MONEY!!!! Still though congratulations on graduating. What Degree did you get ( if I'm correct you're older than me)Glad to have you back Ace.Skype.
Awson said
There was a Spam meet-up and everyone died. I've been struggling with my feelings with the whole "me not being invited" thing.