Avatar of Angel Vicky


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Power Rangers MXF 1x1 anyone?
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New Wow expansion is out, expect posting to be slower this week XD
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Jason David Frank, my first ever childhood crush. I will miss you. Such an inspiration to so many of us 90s kids. </3
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You don't eat, Lord Wraith???


~Angel Vicky~

Been a member of the old Roleplayer Guild since 2012 - I tend to do more Advanced. My favourite lore is Angelic (you probably couldnt tell by my name!), medieval, Ancient Rome/Greece/Egypt and Norse mythology. My fave writing genre is sci-fi and fantasy but I like drama, comedy, suspense and angst with a bit of romance thrown in!

I tend to do only 1x1 rps nowadays as they are less chaotic with less people, as they say "too many cooks around the pot". Here is my current interest check.

My Hobbies include: roleplaying (obviously!), astronomy, writing poetry, dance electronica music and raving, pets, video gaming, cosplaying.

Most Recent Posts

In ~Bonsoir~ 5 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Victoria glared at Peter as he said he tired of her arrogance. She felt her anger rising, her blood beginning to boil. Her cheeks reddened with increased blood flow into them from her quickening pulse. How dare he think of their feelings as just something fleeting and temporary. It stung her to hear Peter tell her the truth – that Vail will be one day sad when she was gone and realise that she would only be just the blink of an eye in his life time. It hurt to think of him moving on with someone else. She wanted to get up from the bed and fight for Vail. But her condition prevented her from doing so. She then felt dizzy from his increasing pheromones over her. She had little defence in her weakened state in the first place, she could not fight it. A small pool of water collected at the bottom of her eyelids. Welling up with tears at the vile poison Peter spouted. It was clear he would never approve of her. Vail would really choose her over his family? She couldn’t let him, he would regret it for the rest of his life. He would lose everything, then eventually lose her. It was not a happy ending.

Victoria trembled, she tried to stop her crying by sniffling back a gasp of air. Luckily Vail jumped to her defence and told his father to stop before he let his anger do more damage to the human fragile girl trying to recover from a horrible ordeal. She felt great comfort in his hand resting on her forearm protectively. She just wanted to hide behind Vail right now. She didn’t feel strong physically or emotionally to cope right now. It seemed to work as Peter backed off in his verbal insults. He declared that a servant would bring her dinner soon, reluctantly before warning her again of her actions and the consequences of them. Victoria’s bottom lip quivered as he left her and Vail alone. She started to breath heavily and wiped her eyes dry with a small sniff. Peter was right. This mess was all her fault. It would have been better if Spencer had killed her, then Vail could get over her more quickly and resume his normal life.

She kept her eyes down sadly at the bed covers contemplating her choices. She knew Vail wouldn’t let her go without a fight, even if she told him not to pursue her. He was stubborn after all. But she was still trembling. She was in dire need of sustenance, nutrients to get her body stronger. She was amazed she still survived the blood drain and on the road to recovery. However, recovering her was problematic. The Crest heiress could not wait to be out of Peter’s hair. She sighed and shook her head lightly. “Your father…he’s right. We’re from two different worlds and I cannot ask you to give up yours.” She looked up at Vail sadly. “I don’t know what the future holds for us but…I’m glad you defended me to him…” She leaned against his chest for comfort and affection.
In ~Bonsoir~ 5 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Yes I do get sick days but I am about to start some hospital treatment that will lower my immune system so I might get a lot sicker in future so I will try not to take sick days when I have a slight cold.
In ~Bonsoir~ 5 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Fat chance with work lol.
In ~Bonsoir~ 5 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Victoria felt soothed by Vail’s hand holding. With him by her side, she felt stronger and she could take on any illness and anything. The way he traced his thumb over the back of her hand made her feel loved and cared for. She felt a warm tingly sensation in her chest. She smiled hearing that his own perception of humans had changed from prey to potential mates. You’d never hear of a wolf taking a sheep as a mate in the natural world. But humans and vampires were a similar species. She was sure there had been cases of attraction between both sides many times in the past.

She regarded his eyes as they studied her face. “You are more open minded than your father and that will make you a good clan leader one day. “ She smiled and brought a weak free hand up to caress his cheek softly. The sounds of Peter’s footsteps outside caught her attention and she looked toward the door. She could tell he wasn’t happy before he even opened his mouth to scowl at his son. She sighed softly but then Vail jumped to his own defence.

Vail had indeed made up his mind. He refused to let his father push him around anymore. She felt worth more than a million diamonds as the vampire heir thought she was fighting for. Even against his own father. She couldn’t imagine going against her own father’s orders since she was so loyal and devoted to him when he was alive. She had hoped for a father in law she could feel that way about. But Peter obviously wasn’t approving of her. At the mere mention he could send her away, she flinched slightly. Would he really be so cruel to do that to her in this fragile state?

As Vail defended her and used logic against Peter, she sighed with relief. She could see Peter had been stumped by his own son by threatening The Order’s motives against him. Or reminding him of their mission in pursuing Victoria for her blood to offer the Wynter clan to satiate them. Then Peter countered him with his own question, something Victoria had already thought about and warned Vail about herself. If they continued down this path, it would not end happily ever after like in the fairy tales. She saw the hesitance behind Vail’s eyes and his body language.

Victoria had never even thought it possible she could be turned into a vampire, otherwise she would have suggested it as a fall-back plan. She thought vampires were born that way, not turned. She’d never heard of a human being changed before, their prey was always bled dry. The way Peter addressed her, made her heart beat faster with fear. She was scared of what he was saying, that she could be the death of him. The fact he thought of her as some harlet was tolerable but to think of her as taking advantage of Vail by using her blood as bait to keep him hooked on her? That was the last draw she would take from the Lord.

“Listen here Lord Hygrace. I know you don’t like me. I don’t much care for you either right now. Please understand that I care very deeply about your son…I struck a bargain with him at first, that much is true. But it was for mutual benefit in helping me rid us all of the likes of Spencer. I broke our business deal off so that he wouldn’t get hurt in this mess my family are in with the Wynters. Through no fault of our own – I might add. I cannot help that I was born with this condition that drives your species mad like cats for catnip. But I tried to warn Vail away. And yet he still stuck by me…not for my blood either…” She looked slowly up at Vail and smiled warmly. “But because he said he wanted to be with me.” She turned her gaze back to Peter after squeezing Vail’s hand. “I know I am only human, and I am not as strong as you all. But as long as there is breath in me, I won’t let anyone or anything hurt Vail. Even if…the best thing for him….is to stay away….I’d do it…but I can’t bear to hurt him emotionally either.” She confessed. She daren’t say she loved Vail to his father of all people, she wanted to tell him first, alone. “But I cannot control him anymore than you can. Even with my blood. He’s stubborn.” She gave Vail a small cheeky grin as she jested.
In ~Bonsoir~ 5 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Ugh think I'm coming down with a cold.... :'(
It would be Tomb Raider, Assassin's Creed and Mass Effect for my interests. Or anything sci-fi in general. I have plenty of plots that have a mixture.
Just re-watched all the X-men movies, its inspired me for this cannon pairing.
In ~Bonsoir~ 5 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
My god the worst thing about group work is WAITING for certain lazier members to do something! Well it's been hella busy this week so I should get back into a normal routine tomorrow. :)
"What's a place like you doing in a girl like this?"
In ~Bonsoir~ 5 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Victoria was silently appreciative as Vail approached her bed and sat on the edge. She looked up at him when he responded that he’d be shocked if his father wasn’t angry with them. She hoped his father didn’t deem her as some harlot who seduced his song with the lure of her blood and her body. She did lure him with the premise of her blood but it wasn’t to get him into bed, it was for his cooperation in killing Spencer. She couldn’t deny it was a little fun to tease Vail though. Knowing she could make him do her bidding for even just a drop of her blood. But it would be cruel to tease him. Like dangling a yummy sausage in front of a dog.

She smiled as he opened the bottle for her. She liked having him take care of her. She hadn’t had anyone look after her in the way a husband would do for his wife. It was a warm and nice fuzzy feeling that she felt spread throughout her soul. It was if it felt right somehow. She listened to him tentatively as he fetched a pill from the bottle. “I can imagine he is used to being the leader.”

As he brushed his fingers against hers, it sent a tingle down her spine as his closeness still excited her. His fingers felt warmer than usual, probably due to lack of circulation within her hands. As if by reflex, she brushed her fingers along his as he gave her the tablet to take. She smiled at him as he insisted he thought his father was wrong. It was amusing seeing him be openly defiant like a rebellious teenager. As he asked her if she ingested the pill as it was, she nodded. “Yes but it tastes disgusting!” She pulled a face and popped it in her mouth. She took a large gulp of water and swallowed it whole. “Be glad you don’t have to take it..guh..” She coughed a bit and licked her lips and drank more water.

She then regarded him for a moment. “One day you will be the leader and they’ll all have to listen to you. Do you think you would have the same rules if it were one of your children and a human lover?” She blushed slightly, referring to herself as his lover made her overcome with some coyness. She wanted nothing more than to cuddle up with him in front of a cosy warm fireplace under a blanket and fall asleep on his chest.
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