thewizardguy said
I'm trying to get it to work right now, but Google's being a bitch.
thewizardguy said
I am, and always will be, a smartass.
thewizardguy said
Really? BUt shit isn't even a Dutch word.
thewizardguy said
Sure (=Text or voice?
thewizardguy said
Answer to what?
thewizardguy said
Fine by me. What about?
thewizardguy said
Sorry, I'm replying to everyone at once.
thewizardguy said
I call bullshit on the 't
thewizardguy said
Best part is, Bob would have no problem with that.But I've had Devil Mat x Crow, Mat x Bob, and other fanfics and pairings thrown at me in the meantime. Creed and Angel are apparently Fanfic writers. Bring it on.