Avatar of Apokalipse
  • Last Seen: 6 mos ago
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    1. Apokalipse 11 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Mom is out of the hospital so I might actually have time to rp but we'll see
7 yrs ago
'yo sis we need a thot slayer there's too many thots want to join the thot police we're recruiting'
7 yrs ago
should I return?
7 yrs ago
If that ain’t a college mood
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7 yrs ago
“Hullabaloo, and howdy doo! Musty prawns, and Timbucktu! Yeltsy-by, and hibbety-hoo! Kick ’em in the dishpan! Hoo hoo hoo!!”


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Everything felt so hazy and fake around her, a sign that Indigo had passed tired and moved on to sleep deprived. Intellectually, she knew the shuffle of early risers moving around her were real people but a weary side of her eyed them like they were nothing but moving blurs of color. She should sleep; it’s been days since she’s laid in her bed and her nightly performances have been lacking.

Despite her thoughts, Indigo strode past her apartment complex and continued onto the street that led to her little hole in the wall shop. It would have been nice to stop at her studio apartment for a quick shower to get rid of the sweat and glitter that clung to her – but then she might be tempted to lay down. Indigo didn’t want to sleep; she wanted to push her humanly limits until she dies from exhaustion or the restlessness left her jittery limbs.

The shop looked like it always did – worn down, like her. Without the neon sign buzzing, the shop’s title proudly declared that it was “BLUE HAZE” in the tired grey of the morning. Later, when it got darker and she decided to light it up, she will be irritated by the missing letters – but fixing the sign costs money, and it wasn’t like the occult store was booming business. If anything, her finances have been suffering since Nick fucking Bloodfang. The humans that used to come there avoided her store because witches worked for the devil or some shit explanation like that. The Other that used to be regulars avoided it so people didn’t find them out and lead a witch hunt to their doorstep.

Though, it wasn’t entirely suffering, Indigo noted as she jiggled the door open and saw a piece of paper slide across the dusty linoleum. Leaning down and picking up the purple scrap (was it scented?), Indigo glared at the chicken scratch request for crucifixes.

“Fucking loonies.” Indigo huffed, crumbling the paper in her fist. If she was a more destructive witch, she would have burned it to ashes. As it were, she very well couldn’t divine it to a crisp.

Even though crucifixes would achieve two things, jack and shit, Indigo obediently tapped out an order twenty minutes later when everything was operating, albeit with a retro rustiness that Blue Haze was characterized. It’s not her fault she couldn’t afford a high-speed laptop or a nice TV; her customers would just have to settle for the slow as shit dinosaur PC that still had a box for a backing.

Crucifixes 150 £514.88

It was a waste of money, to be sure. To spend five hundred and fourteen pounds on a hundred and fifty wooden crucifixes that wouldn’t achieve anything was absolutely dumb. But, if she jumped up the price for each individual one and added some nonsense about them being blessed by a priest, maybe she could get a couple of paranoid edgy teens to buy them.

That’s what her business relies on, nowadays, anyways. Her regulars have become decidedly irregular and the Others didn’t quite like to frequent such a closet-outing location, so Indigo had to keep her business running by taking advantage on the oft clueless crazies.

Thinking about the small amount of people that came in and out of the bell-triggered door to order some ridiculous and false countermeasure against the Other made her a bit nervous, now that she took a moment to really analyze it. Mostly what they asked for wouldn’t work – holy water, crucifixes, and someone the other day had asked for her to brew a potion against leprechauns. She closed the shop down for ten minutes, went to the back of her shop and scrubbed some of the glitter from her hairline into a bottle of tap before adding a smidgen of green food dye. Was it ethical to sell that to the clueless dope for fifty-five pounds? Certainly not, but she had little regrets.

It wouldn’t do to give dumbasses scared of leprechauns, of all things, actual tools that could be used against the Other.

Nodding decisively, Indigo flicked on her cheap radio she kept on the counter – she hated the radio, but it wouldn’t do to be out of the loop if one of the stations decided to report on something important. After she fiddled with the volume a bit, Indigo retreated to the back storage of her shop.

The storage room was full of dust motes that would have caused a violent sneeze if she wasn’t so used to it already – cleaning wasn’t exactly her forte. Indigo rarely put in effort to unpack boxes unless they would be going on display, so it took her quite a bit of ruffling around and scraping boxes across the floor before she found the seven boxes tucked in the corner. Armed with industrial strength duct tape, Indigo mummified the boxes carrying iron and a few Solomon Tools and scratched “NFHS” onto the small patches of brown box left. Not for Human Sale.

Satisfied, Indigo ambled back to the counter just in time to catch the tail-end of the On the Edge broadcast.

“–ally condemn the call to violence against the Other from these anonymous pirates.”

“Huh? Did I miss something already?”

me im super excited
finally. fucking finally. ive been so burnt out from essays that getting this post done was a nightmare and its also kind of terrible since i wrote it in the wee hours of the morning heheh.

anyways, i left it purposefully open-ended so people could interact or if the timeskip post came too soon then i could just be like "weLP ISAIAH ESCAPED IN HIS OLD LADY CAR FOILED AGAIN"

Location: ► Phi Kappa Delta ► Parking Lot◄
Interacting With: ► mentions Coach Cee Lo Green @HalfOfLancelot, interacting with anyone still present at the fraternity ◄

Isaiah stared up at his ceiling for five minutes, sleep fogging his mind to the answer of the burning question running through his thoughts. Why the absolute, God-fearing fuck did he set his alarm? Isaiah couldn’t think of anything important that was happening that day – classes hadn’t started yet, so there were no deadlines he had to worry about. The senior made a point to never agree to outings with friends or whatever they like to think they are to him; that option was out, too. The last category was that it was a ‘Frat Thing’ and, like all things that fall under the category ‘Frat Thing’, it was bound to be unimportant. Not because the Frat did things that were unimportant to them, but because Isaiah found them inconsequential and extraneous. Confusion still present, but curiosity abated, Isaiah drifted back to sleep.

It couldn’t have been more than thirty minutes later – a second in the dream world – when Isaiah’s phone began to ring. This time it wasn’t the irritating Christmas jingle he set as his alarm – nothing annoyed him more in the mornings than Christmas jingles. In the jingle’s place was none other than “Cotton Eyed-Joe,” the song being the bane of his existence.

His eyes opened blearily, his bedroom unfocused to his sleep-glossed eyes. When he turned his head to the sounds of a redneck singing about STDs, brightness invaded his retinas like fucking warlords racing across fields with pointy sticks (spears, his mind supplied). Flashing across the screen was the contact name “Bootleg Bill” and Isaiah sighed, any chance of going back to sleep escaping in that one breath.

“Who the fuck calls anymore?” Isaiah slurred into the phone as he heard the heavy panting of his alcohol supplier – er, illegal alcohol supplier. Considering Bootleg Bill was called, that means Isaiah had to refile today’s event under Important and that’s goddamn annoying.

“I do. Now, where the hell do you want me to deliver it, Walcott?” Bootleg Bill asked gruffly. (His real name was Andrew and Isaiah just refuses to have an alcohol supplier named Andrew. Jesus, imagine introducing him to people, “Hey guys, remember that keg I brought that one time that was decidedly not beer? Got it from this dude. His name is Andrew.”)

Isaiah scratched his wrist hard, the sweater he slept in itching and clinging to him with sweat. The burning sensation left behind woke him up enough to answer the illegal distiller. “Uh, just drop it off at the, uh, the thing.”

Fuck, what was going on today?

“Real specific, Walcott. Got an address for the-uh-the-thing?” His supplier coughed roughly, almost like it was around a lung full of smoke and Isaiah could only imagine that he’s on the last of his cigarette pack.

Oh wait, today was the bonfire.

Isaiah cleared his throat in some weird smoker’s lung sympathy, feeling that if he didn’t he might just choke on a nonexistent cigarette burn. “Fuck off, I’ll text it to you.”

Isaiah hung up before Bootleg Bill could respond, tapping in the beach address to the thirty-five-year-old fucker. This goddamn moonshine better be damn worth it.

With that squared away, Isaiah went through the daily routine. Even though he was late, there was no point in rushing him. Isaiah would take as much time as he needed and if his alcohol supplier had to wait a little for him, that doesn’t exactly seem like his problem.

His routine was quick anyways. He never did care much for superfluous fashion and so some basic jeans and t-shirt was really all that was required of him. Isaiah peeked into the mirror hanging in his room and lazily ran his fingers through his hair, deciding that it looked okay enough to leave the house with and the mussy look could simply be chalked up to deliberate bedhead.

From outside, he could hear laughter and loud talking of those people, i. e. his frat brothers. He preferred to call them those people in his mind, it gave him some reprieve from acknowledging the fact that he was one of those frat bros.

Peeking through the window blinds that he always kept shut, Isaiah pulled a black sweater over his head as he dispassionately studied them all. A couple of them were standing around a car and talking about, probably, cars. From the second floor, he could see the frat president Cougar? Couch? Cooch? (Coach, his traitorous mind supplied and he shoved the name to the back recess of his mind). The dumbass was loftily holding a megaphone and Isaiah could already feel the headache coming on. The car some of them congregated around sped away and Isaiah couldn’t really say whose car it was or who was in it. Then again, Isaiah doesn’t know half the frat brothers’ names so who gives a fuck.

Fuck, if they left does that mean he’s going to be subjected to the administrations of Coach Cujo? Nope, nuh-huh, Isaiah doesn’t fucking wanna. The only way to possibly escape Coach’s Christina Aguilera’s clutches was to walk out, head down, face low, presence invisible.

With that in mind, Isaiah softly padded down the stairs with the most twisted form of fury he could manage to pull onto his face. Hopefully, if he seems irritated enough, the assholes he lived with would leave him be? Isaiah sent a prayer to the fucking Lord when he walked out of the frat house and began to slink off towards his old lady car.
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