pitwhousedtodopokemon said
I wonder how many yogscast complete packs it can run before it crashes.Notice: Yogscast complete pack has over 200 mods.
Considering it is 5000 times the power of a regular server, 2000-3000 instances.
pitwhousedtodopokemon said
I wonder how many yogscast complete packs it can run before it crashes.Notice: Yogscast complete pack has over 200 mods.
Awson said
Giygas - Awson - AwsonMurderSole - Kitodez-WilHallDoivid - TripMyHopKnightShade - Kn1ghtSh4d3-FirePaladinBrobyDDark - BrobyDDarkkingmitaspitwhousedtodopokemon - pokeking132Genghismike - genghismikeRilla - Rilla-Liddlemama19-Meeknhurzrpg101 - rpg101Cpt Toellner - cpttoellner-C0linafWalker of Darkness - WalkerofDarknessJorick - JorickPrimezTime - PrimezTimeBrand - WashingtonBroski-NarutoFanboi666Jster - evilwafflesGrif of Hearts - GrifofHeartsSophistikit - SophistikitPCSutfin - atrumnotaAragorn - wagon153Herzinth - HerzinthMelonHead - FragpusedDraconis Nevyn - DraconisNevynSeba - Wolf_Nine8 - SkillcapeHollywoodMole - THollywoodMouseAlex - vynedaneKenyi - SaKenyiDervish - StormwulfeSmiral - CrypticTitsElendra - AsceliaSukisho - SukishoAsuras - ZOMGodzillaTeoinsanity - talal1107Sherlock HOlmes - holm3sLady Squee - nuitsongeurAzarthes - azarthezXiga - XigaseRobeatics - teamtrAtlas - Atlas743Colbalts - ColbaltsHellis - Hellis3000Commian - Lord_CommianMarik - aMARIKanIshtar
Cpt Toellner said
cpttoellner mothafucka
Azarthes said
Don't judge me for my handle you racist.