Name : Metatron
Age : 600,000 Years old
Race : Angelic King
Personality : A sweet man deep down though at first glace he can seen a bit rough around yhe edges and cruel or even scary he is neither of those things. He is very wise and if you catch him on the right day he will share some of his wisdom with you. He is cery sweet and kind to those of students and strangers alike but to those that threaten anything he lieks he will show them a much darker side to himself.
History : WIP
Omni knowldage - knows most things before they happen. he is very powerful and is the bridge between man kidn and god himself he knows many things some of the greatest secrets of all creation he knows the truth behind. As well as the plans of gods.
Creation through writing - Can create creatures that can spand the zie of a cat to the size of d building through what he writes{Rare}
Spiritual force - can control the force of someone's spirit or a creature to untap the potential of another being
Chi knowldage - Understands the flow of ones energy and can strike against flows of chi to know out a foe or shatter their ability to use their powers for a few minutes. {main power}
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