Name: Rician
Nickname: Brother Red, Two-Tail
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Level: 5
Class: Mage
Specializations: Illusion magic, Trickery
Magic Affinity: Fire and Wind
Appearance: Biography: For most of his formative years, it could be said that Rician had a hard life. Born an orphan in Q'Ten Lo he lived as many orphan children lived without guidance. Raised in an orphanage run by Miko priestess he was always one to get into mischief whether it was pranking local farmers out of their crops or tricking his way into bathhouses to play the peeping tom his name stayed on the lips of the locals who didn't pay much heed to the mischievous boy. It wasn't until the day he grew his second tail at the age of thirteen did others begin to pay closer attention. Particularly a group that called themselves the Brothers of the Nine.
A fringe religion of thieves, tricksters and mages, the Brothers began to pay closer attention to the boy when his pranks became more and more elaborate to a point where things began to defy logic. When approached by a Brother in particular it was discovered that Rician possessed a magical knack for illusions which took his pranks to an entirely different level. When offered with a chance to better not only his life but the lives of the other orphans if he used his talents for the Brotherhood Rician quickly said yes and thus began a four year long spree of pranks and thievery.
As the years progressed, however, the pranks grew more violent and the damage became more serious which began to vex the young illusionist. When the word of the Waves approaching reached Q'Ten Lo Rician took the opportunity to leave his homeland in search of greater opportunities in the party of a Legendary Hero than in the company of the Brotherhood. So tricking his way into the group of dignitaries heading to Melromarc he, along with his newly hatched filolial (which he stole) now prays that he can actually make changes in the world be aiding in the Waves defeat.
Preferred Weapon(s): Magic (Specifically Illusions)
Abilities of Weapon: While, as a mage he does some offensive capabilities, Rician prefers to befuddle his opponents with illusions taking inspiration from kitsune mages of old.
Skills/Abilities:Name of Skill: Fox Fire
Abilities of Skill: Fires a series of three orbs of blue fire which attach themselves and engulf a single target upon impact (up to 3).
Downsides of Skill: As it is an illusion based spell once the target becomes aware of its nature it can be easily dispelled.
Name of Skill: Transformation
Abilities of Skill: Allows Rician to transform either himself or a target into a living creature of his choice. While transformed in this way the individual looks like and sounds like the intended object. (I.e. if changed into an animal it looks and sounds like that animal and the same for a person)
Downsides of Skill: As an illusion based spell once the target becomes aware it can be dispersed. Also when transforming into a person it may sound like the person but without knowledge of the person your transforming into the guise is easily broken.
Name of Skill: Vanish
Abilities of Skill: Rician appears to vanish in a plume of fire when in truth he simply turns invisible for a short time allowing him to escape or maintain the illusion in order to gain a better tactical advantage or gather information.
Downsides of Skill: This skill requires concentration to maintain and if that concentration is broken for any reason the spell will disperse.
- Tent
- Bedroll
- Gold (8 pieces)
- Silver (42 pieces)
- Book (Kitsune folk songs)
- Rations
- Knives (for utility)
On a special note Rician was given a special filolial egg which (at the start of the game) has hatched into a unique red filolial chick which he has named Rikon.