Name: Vae Dhayer
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown
Occupation: Commander of the White Legion
Residence: Chapter V: Imperium Immortuos
Character Focus: Tank/DPS
- Cruel
- Meticulous
- Efficient
- Protective
- Loyal
Notable Equipment:
- Infernal Flaming Longsword - a longsword enchanted with a powerful flame enchantment giving a boost to damage output.
- Dread Lord Plate - A full set of blackened platemail carved and embossed with a terrifying visage.
Creator Information: The_Silver_Hand - Silver was an avid roleplayer who often liked to twist normal conventions to create new and interesting characters. When he created Vae he made him as a polar opposite of himself, who chose to be shining paragon of good and justice. He would often use his creation as a bounding board for ideas for his next novel trying to create a villain that would sum up the entirety of the evil his world possesed. Plus it was always fun to play an evil character and Vae gave him the chance to do so.
Total Level: 60
Class Levels:
- Dark Knight - 15 (B)
- Necromancer - 5 (R)
- Black Guard - 10 (B)
- Antipaladin - 5 (H)
Race Levels:
- Death Knight 5 (H)
- Skeleton Squire - 10 (B)
- Skeleton Warrior - 10 (B)
Alignment: - 500 (Lawful Evil)
HP: - 100
MP: - 50
PHY. ATK: 60
PHY. DEF: 100
AGI: 30
MAG. ATK: 40
MAG. DEF: 85
Imperium Immortuos - the Imperium is simple in design but effective in purpose. Designed to resemble a Roman Legion barracks on a larger scale, the entire structure is massive in size housing the entirety of the White Legion in different storehouses. Upon entering the Chapter high mountainous walls funnel you straight into the Castra with numerous Skeleton Archers lining them ready to impale any poor soul. Skeleton Warriors stand ready to fight anyone who gets past the Archers and Vae stands beyond them.