Avatar of ArenaSnow
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 6501 (1.88 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. ArenaSnow 9 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current Seeya next week, Guild. Signing off.
1 like
6 yrs ago
Merry Christmas
6 yrs ago
Elder Scrolls RP, now with the Creation Club!
6 yrs ago
It's happening again. I have been visited by a soviet mad scientist, a king, a penguin prince of darkness, a house plant god thing, a mystical ancient member, a tired reaper (thank god) + a greeting.
6 yrs ago
For the same reason Rome 2 was attacked by thousands of players who don't know what they're talking about. lleeeeeeemmmmings


Whattr' you stairin' at.

Most Recent Posts

I'd make an exit since I won't be on for 2 weeks, but it looks like you're getting along with that already... :P

So, basically, Igorossus is watching and cloaked, and Thasseldar is off in places where he won't be met until I get back.
Rolgnar sat up and started puncing a few codes in of his own. "Right, I think that-"

The ship's power went out. Completely. Only the now-dim holograms remained, sustained by a private power system.

"WHAT THE HELL IS-" Auxillary power came on, encasing everything in a deep red hue. Rolgnar was thankful his mic was off.

He pulled up a mic from the side and started yelling. "Rick! What the hell just happened!"

"Something internal, sir. It looks like the ventalation system and the Replicators got an AI conflict that crashed the whole damn thing. It's shut down, we couldn't get power up using it."

"So we don't have an AI?"

"Nor ventalation systems. You're getting a month's supply of manually oxygenized air from those stone age compractors on the walls... we can't stay in this operation, not for this mission. There's too many inconsistancies in the code. It's too standard and not flexible enough for a system made 5 weeks ago when it was coded a century ago for underlying mainframe."

"Ok, well, stop using all the big words and get us back to the yard. I'm not going to pay for their crap." He turned on the communication channel.

"I'm deploying the private network equipment for someone to pick up, it should be going out right about now-" he glared at Cassian, who nodded and quickly started working. "The ship's running into some problems. You know beurocrats, they skim on things to 'save money' and they forget to fix this or that along the way. It appearantly shut down our Ai and power, so we need to get back to the shipyard. I'm truly sorry to pull out now, I hope I can get back in later on...

Some of you may think you can help fix this. While there are temporary fixes that can be done, there's too much flawed infrastructure. Too much new fighting with the old. My ship needs to finish the upgrade."

He disconnected and saw the now free-floating pod broadcasting the network.

"The drive is seperate from the main power core, yes?"

Cassian shook his head. "No, unfortunately. It depends on it, but we can shift power to an auxillary core."

Rolgnar nodded. "Do it." He leaned back and sighed. What a wonderful time to have to pull out of here... in the middle of a supposed practice mission...
Right, last IC post for me. Set things up for... fun... when I get back :)

Zargon, there’s been… a development.

Zargons eyes snapped open. He almost dozed off on one of Ghresus’s many bloodied benches. Go figure. He never really noticed how much the whole place looked like some sort of demonic church until now; he appreciated the irony.

How very informative. A development. I could tell you about a development of a human and his warts, too.

Ghresus resisted the urge to roll his eyes and went up to Zargon, whispering…

That’s at least three developments! They all had to come at the same time?!

Zargon stood up and paced up and down the isles, musing, while Ghresus looked expectantly at him.

Right… lock this place and Craxis’s place down. Have any demon that tries to get in eradicated on the spot after you call everyone we have in. The operation’s now shortened; we’re starting the next part after the meeting. Have Craxis steer Jelthor to the caves, but don’t let him find it, just steer him so the ‘heros’ can at least heavily weaken the dragons and Jeltheor. I want everyone who has any loyalty to me here, that means take all agents out of the human rea-

What about our established one? There has to be someone to stay. It’s going to look suspicious when everything we have is pulled out of hell and the mortal realm to every single party already.

Fine, fine, keep that one in, but everyone else I want to see here this time tomorrow. Just arrange for the nosy one to vanish, I don’t care about him.

As you wish. Oh, and there was one more thing… it actually might be important.

Oh, now you tell me. What is it?

I’m not of the old days and I personally haven’t met one, but a fwe of our spies reported something odd that happened not too long ago. Some sort of spiritual shockwave. I know one hidden took the brunt and was killed on the spot, but since it didn’t do anything to the humans, I assume it is magical… possibly angelic.

Zargon gave Ghresus an uncomfortable brooding stare.

You had best be wrong… only Archangels create that sort of effect. It doesn’t matter, we’re pulling in anyways. Even if there is one we’ll work around him. Just get working…

A deep boom echoed across the world, faintly audible and almost impossible to catch by anyone without good hearing but one that could be felt much more so in the bones. Not to an extreme, just a little vibration, although those of a magical nature felt it a lot more.

Deep in the northern mountains just beyond Waeldershore, a tall man - taller than even someone who would be tall by Elven standards - rose in a silvery-grey suit of armor, holding his long spear. Looking out at the world, he chuckled. The humans seem to be doing well enough. He saw the town in the distance, although he didn’t notice what chaos had ensued in it, or that anything would have happened there at all.

He could teleport, possibly, but he simply wanted to walk this time. See what the world was like. He hadn’t been here in a long time, after all...

He walked down the mountain path, eventually vanishing deep into paths between rivers and mountains, making no haste to come to the town.

((End of first stage… and final IC post from me for a few weeks.))
He wouldn't be sneak attacked by any damned skeletons.

<Remaining clump of skeletons jump off the roof onto his head>
Just trying to minimalize a two week backlog...
You'll love the stuff I dream up when I'm off on vacation...

Speaking of which, final post coming tomorrow to set the stage for "stage 2", after which it is left to your imaginations and a certain mage who has simply been... scheming :)
Thank goodness my character walked out :P Otherwise he would have observed the rather dead nature of the room...
Welcome back :)
Ooooh sweet, thank you ;D

Yeah I'd love to! I'm curious what kind of rp tho

It's a fantasy based one, filled with quests to bring down mad mages, firstborn demons and fallen archange- ignore that, spoiler!
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