Avatar of ArenaSnow
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 6501 (1.88 / day)
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    1. ArenaSnow 9 yrs ago


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6 yrs ago
Current Seeya next week, Guild. Signing off.
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6 yrs ago
Merry Christmas
6 yrs ago
Elder Scrolls RP, now with the Creation Club!
6 yrs ago
It's happening again. I have been visited by a soviet mad scientist, a king, a penguin prince of darkness, a house plant god thing, a mystical ancient member, a tired reaper (thank god) + a greeting.
6 yrs ago
For the same reason Rome 2 was attacked by thousands of players who don't know what they're talking about. lleeeeeeemmmmings


Whattr' you stairin' at.

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Back in game!
PM'ing a moderator could prove effective. I send PM's to @HeySeuss when I find them.
I'm just lucky I'm in one that has so far lasted for a good couple of months and has so far remained with the living...

On the worklist is getting an updated, larger map with specific names (Giray's on there, along with a number of others I've come up with) and naturally Waeldeshore, as the current map doesn't show very much for it. Which reminds me that there's a lore inconsistancy with the map that I'll have to update as well.

Anyways, onto an summary of "what just happened":
-Introduced a guard NPC. Feel free to take control of him as you guys like.
-Zargon is in the east side. If you want to interact and happen to be in the area, there he is. He'll be moving along to the town center to carry out his... scheme if otherwise left alone. Hunters can tell what he is, those who know how to detect demons will know something is quite off if around, the talking sword smells him a mile away and the Order (the proper player will know what this means) fellow will notice if in the area.
--You don't have to interact, I'm just opening up a spot of interception. There's a fun storyline to come if he gets to the town center not intercepted :)
-Artholath isn't too strong by himself. But the other ones of his kind can easily match Zargon in power. But, that all depends on if Artholath can get what he wants... that all depends on you guys foiling Zargon's little sub-schemes. :)
The East Side was relatively quiet. Indeed, most of the damage in the previous attack had been sustained in the west, and with many people occupied in rebuilding efforts, the east side was indeed almost abandoned compared to the usual bustle. One senior guard remained in a small wooden gatehouse, with most of the others on break or simply too bored to pay any attention. It was this guard that noticed a man walking across the path to the gatehouse.

Although he had every look of a villager, the guard was not afraid to admit to himself that the man had a suspicious... feel about him. He instinctually half reached for his sword, but let his hand rest. Damn it you, you've gone paranoid. He's done nothing wrong...

He was drawn to the suspicious man's less than natural eyes and the pitch black hilt that indicated a sword. Both gave him a tingly feeling inside; one he hadn't felt since staring into the empty eye holes in the skull of a flaming skeleton. I must be going mad...

Before he knew it, the man stood expectantly at the closed gate. It was later in the day, but the old guard realized that the gate should have been open. The other crews seemed less inclined to leave it open after the... incident.

Walking down the gatehouse stairs with a little effort - the stairs were steep, and chain mail and age didn't help - he pushed the gates open for the strange man. "Sorry 'bout that," he grunted after pushing both doors open.

The man gave him a smile which cheeped the guard more than anything and said, in a voice that made him feel the same tingling as before, "Thank you. Do you happen to know where the town center is?"

His voice is as weird as his eyes he thought, ignoring the fact that someone who looked local didn't even know where the center was. "Just down the street, left on the corner with the ole' cobblestone shop, and just down the road. Can' miss it." he said in his almost grunting mannor, still looking at the weird sword and trying not to look into the man's eyes.

"Thank you."

The guard shuddered again, grunted a response and made his way up to the gatehouse again. Paranoid, just paranoid...

Zargon noticed rather quickly the man's apprehension and became annoyed with himself as he walked down the road, slowly, not looking like he was going anywhere in particular. I'll need to work on my social skills. He noticed quick glances by some street walkers and felt others temporarily lingering at windows. Definitely not the subtle entrance I had in mind.

His plan was simple; it was only a matter of putting it into action. If all went well, and the red herring was properly set, the opposition would be split in two. He hoped his presence wouldn't be detected by hunters or the equivalent before schedule... and more importantly, to whom the presence belonged.

Grhesus felt, rather than heard, another demon behind him. He hadn't changed much, and the contents of his table hadn't shifted at all since Zargon had left.

"What is it this tim- Artholath?" He had spun in his favorite chair, expecting one of the Blood Knights to complain, and instead saw Artholath in his demonic form looking down at him.

"I'm a demon of few words, so I'll state this bluntly... do you like your boss?"

Grhesus thought about it a moment too long before replying, "Well, of course. He's fair, I get title and authority... and..." Damn, but I can't lie to save my life.

Artholath looked at him, and turned around. "Times are about to change, my friend. I've learned a good lot about this world. And there's more where I came from..." He walked away, leaving the slightly confused other demon on a cliffhanger.

Grhesus didn't know if that was a hint, offer, insult or some combination. He decided to ignore it and spun back around to his table of junk. Time to get Craxis out of his measly little hole again...
Alright, so...

Two questions.

1. How much activity is required? Weekends I can't do much, long posts = longer wait, and ultimately if there's a few rounds happening in an hour I'll be in the dust.

2. Is it possible to simply make up the character without basing on any particular lore? I'm not much for anime so I might struggle in that area as well. Images particularly.

If I can fit both those things, I may be able to get something up for a demon (3 to 0, after all).
And so the spooks have spoken.
Just realized I plopped the map on without making any indication where the events of the roleplay are occurring, so I'll put that on my to-do list.
So, firstly, I am testing out simply dropping right back into roleplay. I figure the pace is slow enough that I can get along without being too slow or far behind. Secondly, given my role of managing a potent demon faction + an assortment of characters, I think I'll put little summaries of what went on and OOC information after my posts. If you folks have questions, shoot away :) Just don't use flamethrowers.
-Zargon has entered the eastern Waeldershore countryside. Someone on that side of the city could possibly detect his energies arriving before they are cloaked, but after the attack, it would feel normal. Unless, of course, a character actually saw the portal (it wasn't very disguised).
-Craxis may be involved soon.
-I toyed with the idea of Grhesus as being a full blown normal character as compared with a simple minor guy. I'd like input on his personality.
-Two angels are around. One is in Waeldershore and fully undercover, the other... will come in later on.
-Aezophyl's energies have been sucked into the Abyss. You will see him again in roleplay in approximately 600 IC years. If he manages to reform before being consumed by other things in there...

I'm restructuring my character sheets; the original information has either been neglected in parts, modified, or simply never used. I've also made changes based on the "big picture". So, it'll be updated someday... soon. If you've got an old character that has grown out of his CS, I don't see any problem with updating it to reflect the times :)

Final note, I think this is my first roleplay to have stayed alive this long :)

I am quite rusty after not having been able to RP much for months and not having really typed anything much for that period of time, so if you have corrections or tips, feel free to throw those out too.

Edit: Here's the map.
Grhesus was once again overloaded with information and work, and Zargon was likely due to check up on him five minutes ago.

Between recent news of Sashaz beginning a path of conquest in the mortal realm, recent losses in factional support to power-hungry demon lords, rumors of two angels wandering close to the main operation, and the failure of the search operation for the remaining spiritual energies of Aezophyl, Grhesus was worn out and regretting for the 1000th time ever putting himself under the employ of Zargon.

I do every damn thing around here and my vacation is pushed back another five years. Ripoff.

He leaned back in a large, specialized demonic chair, spreading a variety of appendages. He rarely took human form and hadn't been in his energy form for years. He found it more comfortable to stay in his traditional form - and four arms instead of two certainly helped. He gazed at the variety of items scattered across a big, dark oak wood table before him in his 'room' - more like a dungeon - with growing distaste. A few rusty swords, various spent cups of communication material, and a bone that he was usually rather fond of seemingly glared back at him.

"And so this is the third time this week I come upon you leaning back and doing nothing..."

"You always wait until I lean back.." he muttered as he spun his chair around. He almost completely missed Zargon.

While Zargon usually donned ominous robes of some undoubtedly important demonic meaning, he was dressed to look almost... normal. Human. His eyes, however, and his voice, were the giveaways. At his side was a sword with a black hilt, sheathed in a worn scabbard, which in and of itself had a sort of odd radiance to it.

"Off on a trip, are we?" Grhesus tried to lighten the atmosphere; it always seemed to drop a few degrees in temperature but make up for it in tension when Zargon walked in.

"Yes, I think I'll be going to Waeldeshore." He paused to let that sink in.

"Er... why? Don't you have that orb thing that you use to see everything?" Zargon couldn't be up to any good.

"Ah, the Orb. I see much with it, yet I can't quite accomplish the next step with it alone. It is time to personally involve myself in these affairs."

His voice lightened up considerably, though it had the familiar undertone, and he spoke as though talking about the weather.

"Their group has grown large, and possibly too large for our interests to be well protected. I intend to spread rumor of the recent efforts of Sashaz, along with hints of her possibly targeting Waeldeshore next. Apocalypse always sets people on the move. I will attempt to find out their plans at a distance and deploy Craxis when the time is appropriate, which is where you come in. Set him up to deploy the Hidden when I need to, which will likely be in the next few days."

"He's been sitting around for weeks without orders, so I reckon he won't mind that bit of news."


Zargon's voice became more serious.

"Their group is not ordinary. They have grown into a potential threat. That is why I will learn more about them... but on to other matters. Your report?"

There drops the temperature again.

"Ah... not so great. Chandon's been pestering Scoriellus, who's been pestering me about that alliance offer. Rokyen's been gaining some ground in the recruitment centers. And I've heard from our field scouts that there's been... some of them around."

"The angels?"

Grhesus nodded.

"Not organized, I assume?"

We'd be obliterated if they were. "No, just a few lingering energies. Might be scouts or lost fallen. I'll try and call in Uridial, he's usually effective on this sort of thing."

"Do so. The Host cannot know of the plan until it is too late. Although I very seriously doubt they are still organized..."

Grhesus only nodded. He hoped this would end soon.

"Disappointing circumstances, but expected. You are in command here until I return. If Jeltheor comes to pester about Aezophyl's performance, give him the usual. I'll kill him soon enough, but he's not one we need as an enemy at this juncture."

On that note, Zargon turned and walked towards the fireplace, where a forming portal was already awaiting his departure. He turned at the last second.

"Don't worry about the recruitment. Artholath has given me interesting information regarding his home dimension which may render the need of recruitment nonexistent..."

Grhesus, who had continuously leaned forward more and tensed up during the conversation, slumped back with a sigh after Zargon vanished, and his portal behind him. If that damn Jeltheor comes in to pester me about Aezophyl I'll give him something to complain about...

A portal opened in the countryside just outside Waeldeshore. A man stepped out, looking as though he could have come from the center of town, and began walking towards the quiet eastern gate.

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