Avatar of ArenaSnow
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 6501 (1.88 / day)
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    1. ArenaSnow 9 yrs ago


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6 yrs ago
Current Seeya next week, Guild. Signing off.
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6 yrs ago
Merry Christmas
6 yrs ago
Elder Scrolls RP, now with the Creation Club!
6 yrs ago
It's happening again. I have been visited by a soviet mad scientist, a king, a penguin prince of darkness, a house plant god thing, a mystical ancient member, a tired reaper (thank god) + a greeting.
6 yrs ago
For the same reason Rome 2 was attacked by thousands of players who don't know what they're talking about. lleeeeeeemmmmings


Whattr' you stairin' at.

Most Recent Posts

Early in the morning, around 5', there was one light on in a rather musty looking motel off the side of the street in an area where trees could go on for miles without seeing another car.

Through the window with the one light, shrouded by curtains, there was a room, containing unremarkable furniture - a table , a couch, a TV with horrible connection, and a set of doors leading into a bedroom, bathroom and small kitchen. Lounged across the couch was a man in extremely casual clothes, looking at a letter he had found tucked under the door when he woke up in the morning.

Things are a little weirder beyond this.

The "man" was a shapeshifter. Specifically, Jackson Marlow, a unique hunter-shifter hybrid who focused on demons. The letter was a mysterious invitation to go to a warehouse that a quick search revealed to be in no public location. Inside the bedroom were three suitcases, with the handles inscribed with devils traps and containing a variety of demon-slaying equipment, with only one containing basics such as clothes and the like. Outside in the gravel parking lot was his trusty 70's big red Ford with a canopy; each side of the door had a devils trap on it, and one inscribed on the floor, hidden under mats.

Jackson went over the letter again, for the third time that morning.

Every piece spelled trap, from the lack of any real introduction, to the unremarkable location he was to go to, and the vague pair of sentences promising him an "experience" he could "never forget". That said, the last paragraph did stick. He might have been... getting a little on in years, but despite the shell of safety and to an extent paranoia he built around him, he usually managed to slam it into good bits of trouble often. He did find himself a little bored as of late, without jobs in his particular area that he was interested in. Getting in a little trouble once in a while wasn't the worst idea he came up with. At least, he thought not.

He read it a fourth time. Breakfast wasn't much of a consideration to him. He could skip eating until a "dinner" snack so long as he had some sort of coffee.

He got up, folded the letter, and came to his decision.
(side note; his head did regenerate)

Zargon continued to backtrack, as he shifted into his true form (an approximate of this, surrounded with dark energy), still holding his long demonsbane sword and swiping to hold his opponents back.

He felt a deep sting in his legs and lower torso and immediately looked down. A Gnome had swiped at him with a blade that appeared to have poison... a most potent poison.

His left leg bent and he almost toppled to his side before he concentrated on the location, forcing his energy to extract the poison from a now slightly concerning gash on his side. He swiped at the Gnome, attempting to knock it out of the way with a left hand a third the Gnome's size now and swiping wildly with the other, while trying to finish his shift - a complicated effort leaving him vulnerable to other attacks.

Grhesus looked at the rag-tag team he brought up over the course of a couple minutes.

"Gents, it is time to advance plans a little quicker than expected."

He looked each of them in... what passed as a head for each of them. Four blood knights, a slinky dark demon that passed as a portal summoner, a Hidden who was in the area, and a bored looking Shade demon. He fought the temptation to groan.

"I will have Craxis take an alternate route to the mountains. Intelligence gathered by Taviax over here" he nodded at the portal summoner, "Would indicate that the team was about to leave an hour ago. He also witnessed Zargon's initial attack on the Lord Marshall, an operation which went smoothly. Zargon is still on the field, pulling half our opposition away from the enemy's quest."

"You will be sent to investigate another matter. I have it on good authority that Sashaz has partnered up with our old friend... Synna."

The portal summoner visibly was startled at the reference. Grhesus couldn't blame him much.

"Additionally, they are planning on an attack on the island where our operations are focused on. We can't allow this to happen. I've set you up quickly so that you can evaluate the threat and raid them if possible. Synna will make this operation collapse if he gets in; he's been known to try and deal with humans before to reach his ends. Sashaz will wipe out the town of Waeldeshore if she can amass a fleet for her barbarian hordes."

"That's all. Taviax knows where to go."

As the demons filed out of the room, Grhesus walked over to his desk and looked into a pitch black bowl with swirls of grey in it.

"Get the key. Kill the 'heros'. Kill them all and make sure they don't get past the first cave."

The shifting swirls of grey dissipated. Grhesus knew it would be done.


"I have a task for you. Succeed, and your loyalty will be proven."

A portal slowly formed besides the shifting mass of silver and black in front of Artholath.

"Eliminate the Orderic. She is the last of those who have true knowledge. Make sure she knows I was the one who sent you. Do not return until you succeed."

Artholath nodded, having no idea what an Orderic was supposed to be. "I understand. How will I know who it is?"

"Oh, you will know very easily. It is her magic that will feel the most familiar."

Artholath nodded once more, and walked through the portal, appearing in an alley on the sides of the docks. Rain clouds? They were moving in rather quickly from the coastline...
Right, so, here's what I got from that.

The poison is a relatively normal one, and I assume that it is designed to do such things against humans. Demon limbs are solid, with raw demonic energy holding them together; no veins or the like for poison to flow through. That makes the poison unable to really go anywhere, and since Zargon, in addition to having control over every element of his form, is more powerful than a normal demon would be, the poison would be centrally located, and with a little concentration can be expelled without too much effort.

Basically, it would feel like a stinging cut to him, and since it is designed for paralysis, the limb in question would be temporarily disabled. I didn't see much on how acidic the poison is, so I assume it is a little bit.
I need to know what kind of poison Zargon is up against first. Once I do, I should be able to get something up tomorrow.
Personally, I like arranging things in the background (pm) between the players in question. It allows for more creativity... but can take longer and result in dispute.

That is one thing number-based NRP's have over free form. Structure and an ability to figure out the victor and results of the battle quickly.
Side note, what kind of poison is it?

Note that Zargon, being an entity of pure energy, can force out foreign substances that would be fatal to most other beings unless it was specifically designed for his kind.
If nothing else, plenty of demon stuff is cooking up, so the town group won't run out of things to do...
Did that just happen?
What portal did you come from?
Flowers don't have suffer nerves. A scientist I sucked in some 6 centuries ago told me so.
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