Avatar of ArenaSnow
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 6501 (1.89 / day)
  • VMs: 13
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    1. ArenaSnow 9 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current Seeya next week, Guild. Signing off.
1 like
6 yrs ago
Merry Christmas
6 yrs ago
Elder Scrolls RP, now with the Creation Club!
6 yrs ago
It's happening again. I have been visited by a soviet mad scientist, a king, a penguin prince of darkness, a house plant god thing, a mystical ancient member, a tired reaper (thank god) + a greeting.
6 yrs ago
For the same reason Rome 2 was attacked by thousands of players who don't know what they're talking about. lleeeeeeemmmmings


Whattr' you stairin' at.

Most Recent Posts

I'll call it here, it won't be long before the entire western world falls on the bandwagon.

VPNs are your friends, as are widely differing passwords (think those are safe? lol), a total retraction of anything you don't think is government business (that means don't post every piece of your social life on social media) and possibly purging/making sure accounts don't link back to another by being selective about how far you spread the same information.

It's less a matter of having anything to hide so much as some things aren't the business of any fucking government. I've used the above for quite some time, I advise anyone that values their privacy over in the UK do the same or similar.
I have a massive mix of things I do, typically coming at the cost of sleep. Roleplay's another one of them on the list.

It's fundamentally a matter of time management. Set certain things for certain times, know how your week is going to go. Usually I'm decent at it, though this past month not so much.

A quick way for me to get in "the mood" so to speak is to watch a movie, read a book, etc. that relates to whatever I'm going to write about. Getting the visual in my head helps get the mantra going; without it I've had spells where I had no idea what to write at all. If this works for you or not, who knows; perhaps give it a go. Video games can also stir it up; I've been able to very slowly chug with a back-burner roleplay by playing a game that is directly relevant to it.

I've gotten into historical gangster shows, of all things as of late. I suspect that's what has been grabbing most of my inspiration for other topics.
Something set on mid 1600-1800's ships has always been an interest to me. I even have a pirate roleplay concept on the far-back burner.

Problem is I don't know a bloody thing about ships. With me as GM any ship would sink rather quickly.
I used to go all out with a team of approximately 10 people. We weren't the best, the stories weren't always even good, but they advanced every day for years, and that makes for a lot of stories. Branching, "TBC" that grew into something else, and being one of the folks managing NPCs made it so I have literally hundreds of characters that have since gone unused. That ended not too long before I joined the guild; we drifted, and most simply said they didn't care anymore. While it lasted, though... that was quite the time.

Unfortunately, I've since lost my spark. Been having it come and go, yet the coming is somewhat short and the go can flat out kill my ability to do anything "productive" on this site for a week+.

I'm not quite sure if this is weird; however, I am weary to pitch it in an interest check because quite frankly I would not want to do any work on the matter only to find that I've wasted about an hour or so of my time.

A tavern/inn role play. Who participates? Anyone who wants to make a character that is simply up for a gathering and story telling amongst other players who find interest in the new arrival. What would they do? Whatever might happen in a tavern or inn. Perhaps they share drinks with old or new acquaintences. Maybe they simply rent a room looking to rest from a tedious journey. Maybe they are looking to pluck the dust off their lute with the local musicians. Or maybe they are looking to assassinate one of the current patrons. It is really up to anyone's imagination.

The entire purpose is just for people to brush the dust of their bones, perhaps try something new. Being friendly and amicable amongst each other to make new role playing friends. Realistically, I'm not quite sure people would be interested. But it has always been something interesting I've thought about.

This exists, search for "TNT" (The Nameless Tavern), I believe it's still going.

Though a fresh one could be interesting.

Personally? Right now I have a few canons not going anywhere, yet as an experiment I wanted to throw out MiniRPs that would end after a month or so. Problem is, if it's decent, it takes more than a month... or I come up with something for the next month and end up losing the bulk of my interest.

So there's two things; I want to advance two universes that have long gone with barely any attention, yet I feel like an asshole if I drop the next MiniRP. It's not an all-bad concept, I just don't have the heart for it right now; yet dumping and going somewhere else every interest check is exactly what I hold against some nameless people here.

Basically, if I try to push either canon, I'm going to go down hypocrite path.
I intercede because I liked the above Waifu better.

Unfortunately, due to the volume of a battlemech, I step on the building this fight is taking place on and crush all involved parties.

Even when I'm not running from something in a dream, I'll sometimes experience running in slow motion, or not getting enough power in each footfall.

Not uncommon, from conversations I've had with others. And it's certainly not uncommon for me.

I'd add more, but alas, RPguild is very low on my list of priorities at the moment.
Hold on, lemme grab that spiked baseball bat...
The hollander would raise it's eyebrow, also known as a gauss rifle to the Kronstadt' fellow's rifle.
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