Avatar of ArenaSnow
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 6501 (1.89 / day)
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    1. ArenaSnow 9 yrs ago


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6 yrs ago
Current Seeya next week, Guild. Signing off.
1 like
6 yrs ago
Merry Christmas
6 yrs ago
Elder Scrolls RP, now with the Creation Club!
6 yrs ago
It's happening again. I have been visited by a soviet mad scientist, a king, a penguin prince of darkness, a house plant god thing, a mystical ancient member, a tired reaper (thank god) + a greeting.
6 yrs ago
For the same reason Rome 2 was attacked by thousands of players who don't know what they're talking about. lleeeeeeemmmmings


Whattr' you stairin' at.

Most Recent Posts

Artholath leaned back, arms and various appendages resting on the table as he looked at Satan. "I'll admit, I was expecting something more interesting myself, but at the moment it does seem we're left with a bar in the midst of relative nowhere in this... little piece of cosmos." He pointed a finger at the demonic bartender as the hulking figure came into sight behind the bar. "Perhaps that fellow can help."

He threw a side glance to the little human that had walked up. "Is that for me?" Two appendages made vague gestures at the human.

@Gentlemanvaultboy @Antioch
Cosmo Satan's almost the age of one of my core demons...
I'll take good care of you ;)

My title? Oh, don't mind it. Just envy from my enemies.
Free murder
Don't use the other person as an example. Know their limits and desires, and ensure you're compatible, but at the end of the day - do what you do, don't base your content off of what other people do.

Reading multiple types of media can be very useful, as is writing short stories independently of roleplaying. For me, at least.

I have similar problems myself, so I can't give you the knockout tip. I'd suggest trying to find an optimal "high casual" roleplay as that seems to be the best fit for what you describe (might take a while to find one that hits your interest) or invest in a 1x1 roleplay with someone who is "fitting" enough; I'm sure there's one out there.
I tend to pick older characters, both because I find I better relate to "older characters" and because I tend to make my own niche character wise - as roleplays will often tend to attract younger characters, I like to compensate with an older one.

In my canons I have a fairly equal amount of older and younger characters, and at the end of the day I don't really care one way or another.
Granted. You're in America, the NSA is reading this forum, and they see the word "granted". They immediately trace you to your location and arrest you, sentencing you for 30 years. Is that all? Nope. You're framed for mass murder and now have 30 life sentences. Enjoy.

I wish for this post to be moved to page 52 and never move back.
1. There are quite a few advanced roleplayers, though there is a larger amount of casual folks. Still, you shouldn't have too much trouble connecting with the right folks. 1x1 tends to lean towards advanced roleplaying, and there are a good number of advanced roleplayers that frequent that section, so you should still be fine.

2. Generally speaking, the site is very open and very accepting. There's a select few that would be better off... gone, to moderate myself, but in general you should be fine. The most likely issue would be dedication - there's a high apathy rate on this site. 1x1 tends to be better, group roleplays that are smart tend to have the coffin already purchased ;p Massive, flamewar debates are pretty rare in my experience, though I've seen them happen in my time here.

3. Site rules say to keep it out of main topics and I haven't seen an issue with that policy arise. It's definitely on the site and allowed in PM and allowed to be advertised for, but the site is miles away from being from overrun by it. It's more likely to suffer a surprise spambot invasion ;p I haven't seen anyone get banned for it, but then, I haven't seen people make a problem with it either.

As long as you don't use your conditions as a sort of crutch or reason to not improve yourself, I don't care much what you have and I'll work around you with it loosely in my mind. Those who go crazy over it can go sod off, but in some cases they aren't completely in the wrong. You seem fine so I don't think there will be much of a problem with it unless you throw a paragraph into your sig, into your CS/IC posts every time or otherwise make a big deal of it. Overall, shouldn't be an issue.

Any more Q's or clarification needed, I'm open.
Tree hugger
Granted. Circumstances beyond your control result in Lady Selune buying a new car and repeatedly ramming into your own hovercar until it is utterly destroyed. Nothing was wrong with the hovercar whatsoever, it was a simple matter of bad luck and a burning desire for revenge.

I wish for an 80 ton version of the Thor omnimech that can carry 2 ERPPC's, 2 (chargeless) Gauss Rifles and pre-nerf jump jets.
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