Avatar of ArenaSnow
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 6501 (1.89 / day)
  • VMs: 13
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    1. ArenaSnow 9 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current Seeya next week, Guild. Signing off.
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6 yrs ago
Merry Christmas
6 yrs ago
Elder Scrolls RP, now with the Creation Club!
6 yrs ago
It's happening again. I have been visited by a soviet mad scientist, a king, a penguin prince of darkness, a house plant god thing, a mystical ancient member, a tired reaper (thank god) + a greeting.
6 yrs ago
For the same reason Rome 2 was attacked by thousands of players who don't know what they're talking about. lleeeeeeemmmmings


Whattr' you stairin' at.

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Welcome ;)
Welcome ;)
In Hiya 8 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
Welcome ;)
Five matches of Mechwarrior Online tonight. Three ended in losses (that I did fairly well in regardless) and one ended in a win where I scored a rather nice final kill. Then came match 5. Worst map with the worst mode and a bunch of idiots for teammates with poor mechs, builds, and collective brain cells. 1 minute in, an idiot's going off at someone else and I call him out. Next thing I know, back armor is gone, so I turn around and core him out in 4 hits. Team pretty much blames me (this is after the sod shot me in the back and gave me another load in the face) and now I have a bunch of unfriendly teammates staring at me while I'm open up in the back, so I awkwardly "excuse myself" and take the long way around for a flanking attack. I get there in 30 seconds and half my remaining team already collapsed. Another guy's sitting in the back similar to where I am, and he proceeds to fire at a timber wolf outside of his optimal weapon range. For context, I deal 72 damage an alpha; that's enough to core out nearly any mech from behind, and especially a timber wolf. Not so easy when a guy tickles his back armor from far away and leaves me to brawl with the timbies and half the enemy team that's turning around.

Needless to say, with a half dozen enemies on my ass, I was able to take out a side torso and scratch a few enemies, but ultimately ended up being obliterated like everyone else.

Then we have one player in a shitty adder, a light mech that's slow and doesn't carry a very strong loadout + serious heat issues. He misses basically every shot and is wiped out after running around aimlessly for about a minute.

Final score: 4-12. We took down 4, whoopee. One of the 12 was... mine. But then, I suppose it would have been the other guy's.

Long story short, poor team team, zero teamwork, a mentally deranged... thing that hopped in on the matchmaker, and all on perhaps the absolute least popular map + the mode that least compliments it. And it was a long ranged map, while I brought a brawler. I didn't bother to record or take screenshots at the time, so now I get to wonder for a while if the guy next to me is friendly or if he's ready to shoot my ass off...

Had to be my absolute worst game in the mechwarrior series... possibly ever. I can't quite remember another scenario that was so absolutely horrid. Got off a long day of nonsense, four decent matches and next thing I know the last one really shuts me down for the evening >.>

When it strikes, all I can typically do is wait it out. How hard/often it hits depends on my preventative measures.

Certain topics are more likely to cause writer's block for me. For example, 90% of sci-fi immediately triggers writer's block for me, usually fatal. Fantasy, on the other hand, far less often causes it. Thus, I hate to be a fellow to stick to comfort zones, but on the other hand - I hate to be the fellow that drops off for little good reason.

To keep my interest I typically throw things context relevant into other parts of my (entertainment) life. If I'm doing a mobster roleplay, I watch Empire Boardwalk or something similar. Fantasy roleplay? Chances are I'm not just sucking up fantasy in the roleplay. On the flip side, if I'm doing a roleplay that best fits in the context of game of thrones and I'm watching the Star Wars series from start to end, there tends to be a mental conflict.

I may or may not have a few gigabytes on my USB stick of assorted mood music >.>

While a strong block usually floors me, I do sometimes get through minor ones with changing the goal of what I'm going to post. If I started off with one idea, I might do a plot twist and change it on the spot, rather than force the original idea through a writer's block.
hire more staff members.

How would that help O.o
Arrowed knee
On family friendly sites or places with big-ego staff I notice disagreement to be very easily termed as flaming. I disagree frequently and am not opposed to challenging someone's beliefs or chasing them to back up their statements (the latter of which I was warned recently on a site for doing, or as the moderator put it, "encouraging a flamewar" or something similar). I engage in debate and don't moderate my position to suit people who want to be cuddled, but I will have a healthy respect for the other side. A flame war happens when both sides are flinging words that serve to no end; those words usually being insults.

In short, I think it just depends on the community when it comes to how the broad definition can be painted.
The GM shows to me as having logged in 2 hours ago (from this post). The first step, I'd say, is to directly confront him in PM about it. Don't be rude, just ask what's up and see if he has a good reason. From there, you have a few choices to make.

If he gives you a snarky response, doesn't respond at all (and keeps logging in periodically), fails to address the problem (assuming you presented it correctly) or gets back on track and then promptly goes back to not doing anything, you can make a roleplay inspired by what he created and not have to worry too much. I don't suggest taking his thread as it's ultimately his unless he actually gives it to you, but there's no rule stating you can't make something similar, especially if by all appearances you're in the right.

If you send a message and he simply doesn't log in again, it's possible something nasty came up, in which case I'd say wait for a good while, or if you're impatient, make something based off what I stated above.

But ultimately, the first step is directly communicating with him about the problem if you haven't done so.
Send me a PM if you have any random questions, though I don't quite have the time to dedicate to being a co-GM.
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