Avatar of ArenaSnow
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  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 6501 (1.89 / day)
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    1. ArenaSnow 9 yrs ago


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6 yrs ago
Current Seeya next week, Guild. Signing off.
1 like
6 yrs ago
Merry Christmas
6 yrs ago
Elder Scrolls RP, now with the Creation Club!
6 yrs ago
It's happening again. I have been visited by a soviet mad scientist, a king, a penguin prince of darkness, a house plant god thing, a mystical ancient member, a tired reaper (thank god) + a greeting.
6 yrs ago
For the same reason Rome 2 was attacked by thousands of players who don't know what they're talking about. lleeeeeeemmmmings


Whattr' you stairin' at.

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The town was proving to be a popular destination. A human in plain sight and something unseen but certainly demonic was present somewhere ahead, and behind her, the distinct feeling of a demon not too far away, though not one she immediately recognized. The town gave many conflicting signals, but these struck her plainly.

That such a town would be a popular destination was not too surprising, though it wasn't what she counted on. But then, there were many things in the past two months she hadn't counted on. More observation would be necessary before dedicating herself to her next move. Their goal was likely to destroy the hero, and that goal was one she seriously doubted would go far at all. If every one of her own plans had failed, what could a group of humans and a strange mix of others possibly hope to do?

She took up a position besides a small ruined building, smashing away with her wrist an undead that was shambling towards her. Patience, observation, and the occasional annihilation of lifeless pawns.
Good luck finding her.
Implement a plan over the course of 200 years to redefine the existence of humanity, partially to help them, but mostly just so I am immortalized beyond immortality.
Why warn them? It's not like I do anything dastardly.
The new guy has very broad definitions of human if a fully shifted demon counts as one.
Kolonis strode slowly into the village, painfully aware that even at her carefully selected angle of entry, she had done next to nothing to conceal her approach.
She had spent weeks without a plan. It irked her. While the end was always in mind, the means to it had become muddled. Losing one’s demon lord didn’t help matters one bit, and she had no chance against the so-called hero. And now her ‘plan’ was to head into a village the hero destroyed, assuming he wasn’t still present. She could not sort out the magical signatures before her, and that too irked her.

What was plain as she continued was the abundant presence of necromancy. That concerned her. A single individual with skill over the divine and necromancy, in addition to the rumors of demonic skill and a wide set of abilities, was a very dangerous concept. The zombies themselves were weak and pathetic, and to illustrate her point, she stopped her slow stride into the village as two came out before her. Slow, predictable, walking in a straight line towards her. She swiftly leaned forwards to grab both their skulls and channeled fire through her fingers, incinerating their heads as they pointlessly flailed to gain a grip on her arms and torso.

A nifty skill, but something more efficient would be necessary when two became twenty, which seemed very likely to happen.

Peering ahead, she took quick note that she was not alone in her interest. A pair of female humans. She hung back, unsure of her best course to continue. There was a time when she would have cast a few runes and dealt with them, but these were strange times, and she could not afford to be hasty.

Artholath rolled his eyes at the obviously human creature throwing a hissy at the center of the bar. The other human was marginally interesting, yet this one quickly bored and irked him. Its inability to comprehend death would have been amusing if it wasn't glaring evidence of the incompetence of human perspective.

"Yes, human, you're dead, he's dead, she's dead, those-" He pointed at a few humans at another table- "Are dead and we're one dead happy group." The word 'happy' revolted him, as surely nobody could be happy in the excessive undead company of humans, but he let the sentence stand. At least he resisted the temptation to use the word family, as that would be an inexcusable concept - referring to humans as family, that is.

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