Avatar of ArenaSnow
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    1. ArenaSnow 9 yrs ago


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6 yrs ago
Current Seeya next week, Guild. Signing off.
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6 yrs ago
Merry Christmas
6 yrs ago
Elder Scrolls RP, now with the Creation Club!
6 yrs ago
It's happening again. I have been visited by a soviet mad scientist, a king, a penguin prince of darkness, a house plant god thing, a mystical ancient member, a tired reaper (thank god) + a greeting.
6 yrs ago
For the same reason Rome 2 was attacked by thousands of players who don't know what they're talking about. lleeeeeeemmmmings


Whattr' you stairin' at.

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Revised Hypothesis

Question, is your character inside the orc to control it?

Not so much inside as much as controlling it remotely. Pretty much the same difference, though.
When Kolonis arrived at the house she had determined best fit, she tried the door to find it unlocked. Convenient. It seemed empty to her, at least from what she could tell with an excess of conflicting signals. If she was correct, so much the better. The house was far from the living quarters of nobility, but it would be sufficient. Perhaps it was the home of a merchant. She didn't particularly care in either case, as what she had in mind would take quick action. She formed a very minor illusion, one that wouldn't fool a living being for more than a few seconds, but one that was good enough to draw any undead entity that came near.

From her pockets she pulled several of the small runes from before in addition to some new ones. There were several rooms to chose from; she chose one that appeared to be a kitchen, complete with the things she was looking for: a table and a rack of knives. She slammed the runes on the table and immediately moved to the knife rack. There was at least six to pick from; after a few moments of deliberation, she chose a short, but quite sharp one. She returned to the table and ignored the chairs, opting to stand as she arranged six of the little runes in a circular pattern. A seventh, dark red to the dull gray of the others, was placed carefully in the center. And now to wait...

A few seconds later came what she had hoped for: the sound of banging on the front door. Kolonis lifted the knife and slowly pushed it through her left hand, showing no pain as the tip emerged on the other side covered in a sticky black substance. She pulled the knife out and jammed it into the center of the dark red rune.

The array glowed dark red, and the runes began to melt into the table. She brought her left hand down on the array before they embedded themselves in the wood with a smack. That should do it, she thought as she held the hand down and tossed the knife onto the floor. What she was doing was far from sophisticated, but it would do for the next hour or so. She lifted the hand, carrying with it the seven molten symbols.

Come on in... The banging became smashing as the door came down. Still standing in the kitchen, Kolonis watched impassively as a large undead orc stomped into the room with an axe in one hand and another hand stretched out towards her head. The beast's fully glowing red eyes matched the mixed orange and blue swirls of the demon. When it lifted its axe to cleave Kolonis in two was when she acted by sprinting forwards and shoving her left hand into the undead's chest. The undead figure fell heavily, seven dots burning into the undead as it feebly tried to move its limbs. Before long, it was completely still.

Kolonis looked at her left hand, now completely devoid of evidence that anything had happened. Hmm.

She strode to the kitchen's window, observing the carnage outside and the new engagement ahead involving multiple group members, Sven, and a few others. Fools for their attempts. Still, this was the lot she found herself in. What she would do next was what she was deciding. But she did know what she would do at the present moment.

The demon dissolved into liquid black substance, which moved across the floor, around the fallen orc, through the wreckage of the door, and out into the ground below the house. The undead's eyes, previously a fading red, flashed with a new orange tint. It stood unsteadily, seven smoking holes still in the center of its chest. The creature looked around a few times, then down to the floor where the large axe lay. It took up the axe and calmly strode outside.

You sure you weren't meaning that for @KingTony?
How terribly uncreative.

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