Avatar of ArenaSnow
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 6501 (1.89 / day)
  • VMs: 13
  • Username history
    1. ArenaSnow 9 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current Seeya next week, Guild. Signing off.
1 like
6 yrs ago
Merry Christmas
6 yrs ago
Elder Scrolls RP, now with the Creation Club!
6 yrs ago
It's happening again. I have been visited by a soviet mad scientist, a king, a penguin prince of darkness, a house plant god thing, a mystical ancient member, a tired reaper (thank god) + a greeting.
6 yrs ago
For the same reason Rome 2 was attacked by thousands of players who don't know what they're talking about. lleeeeeeemmmmings


Whattr' you stairin' at.

Most Recent Posts

In ...Hi 8 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
Welcome ;)
In Hi c: 8 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
Welcome ;)
Welcome ;)
Welcome ;)
Welcome ;)
Welcome ;)

The free section is probably the best way to start. Read some posts, get an idea of the syntax, have a character in mind and then post the character into the OOC of a thread that wants people that catches your interest.

If you'd like more or have specific questions, feel free to throw me a PM.
Welcome back ;)
Old dead bump thingamabob. Seriously, you saw this three times now, it's not going to change.
Not sure about what you see as inevitable issues

Minor disputes caused by miscommunication in the OOC or a general slowdown as a result of having to post 3-4 options (if that quantity) for the other party to make an alternate move when needing to get permission to assume actions a little due to the lack of collaborative posting, which I feel stifles creativity a bit.
Seems to me like it would be simpler to just collab these things on a piratepad or whatnot to avoid what I see as inevitable issues.
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