Kiara blinked a bit and finally noticed his lack of clothes. It wasn’t that she was desensitized to that sort of thing, but well… yeah, she was. In the pack, it wasn’t uncommon for someone to be nude, especially if they have just come in from a run together. It’s something that she stopped getting flustered over years ago. However, now, she could feel a blush in her cheeks. Not only because she assumed it was her that he was smelling, but also because he was not pack. She had no idea who this man was except that he was a shifter. “I-I-” She began, but couldn’t get the words out.
Taking a deep breath, she tried again, but to no avail. Instead, she turned and walked into the back of the store returning with a long coat that had once belonged to her father. Now, she kept it in the store in case of rain. “Pack.” She said trying her best to smile at him, and then mentally face-palmed herself. Come on, Kiara. You don’t know this guy. He has no idea you’re shy. You can do this. Just say what you’re thinking. Ask him how he broke his nose, or tell him that you’ve never seen someone so tall. None of this is what came out of her mouth as she tried again. “More clothes at home…”
She still would not look at him as she grabbed the keys and turned her sign to “Closed”. It probably wasn’t a smart idea to bring an obviously unmated male into the pack, but she didn’t know what else to do. He needed something to wear, and probably some provisions. Kiara cringed as she thought of what Luke’s reaction might be. However, luckily, he had not expressly forbidden this, at least not to her. “Must be c-careful.” She said aloud, beginning the trek back to the mansion knowing that this man would never fit into her car.