"Vance Meridian, At your service, M'lady."
Ignia found herself taking a step back, away from the man, as if she was frightened. In a way, though, she was. Never had anyone bowed to her as an equal or called her "M'lady." These were things much above her class and place in life. The fact that he was doing them, when she was sure he knew exactly what she was, made her nervous. Was he trying to get her to do something that would get her in trouble? Was he manipulating? He seemed genuine, but she'd never actually come across someone who was. Her guard was up.
However, before she could respond, a woman walked up to them. The captain's sister. Ignia took another step back, a bit overwhelmed. She had thanked Neis earlier because people did not usually treat her kindly, but now two nobles were treating her as if she was an equal... Ignia was certain the girl did not know what she was, or perhaps had not thought about it much.
"I am Ignia, Miss. At your service, of course." Though not as submissive as her introduction to the Captain had been, it was still formal. She followed her name with a low curtsy, showing her status if nothing else had. "Please, if you need anything at all, I would be..." here she paused. It was always this word that had her cringe on the inside, even if it was true. "I would be grateful to assist you."
It was strange to her, that slavery forced her to be a certain way. The strangest part though, was that Ignia was naturally that way. If she was a free woman, she would probably still want to help those around her. She'd still want to treat people with kindness and respect, but... she was not free and she didn't have the luxury of being anyone else. It was this that bothered her. That even though she was not different than she would have been on her own, she did not actually have the choice to be herself.