It was three months ago that two of your fellow pack members were caught murdering humans for fun. At first, it was believed that the humans had just though an animal was committing these crimes. Then, a rumor began to circulate around the small town. A rumor of a wolf who had changed into a man. Most laughed this off as a silly story, one that couldn't possibly be true.
However, there were some that did not.
These people burnt your home to the ground, along with some of your pack members. They gave no mercy, and your home was gone in a puff of smoke. The two who had started this were put to death, but this did not give your pack somewhere to go.
You have no left your home in the mountains and moved to the city until a new location can be decided upon. So far, it has been slow going, and no one is happy about this arrangement.
Something is coming, something worse than what has already befallen the pack your pack healer, Kiara, continues to warn. What will you do when it comes?Okay, so. That's a brief intro into this roleplay. You will be a member of a pack of werewolves who have lost their home and are now making due in the city. I will not be naming a specific one because it honestly doesn't matter, and I don't want any specific landmarks in this RP. If you'd like, we can decide on a name for it together. This will be very player driven. There will be an overarching plot which will be introduced slowly throughout the story. The players have the option to follow after this right away, or save it until another part of this plot is introduced.
This will be a modern day, modern world RP. So yes, there are cell phones, cars, and computers.
There may be some mature themes, such as violence or romance and extreme loss. However, though gore doesn't bother me, keep in mind that it might offend some of your fellow roleplayers. Also, obviously, keep smut out of this roleplay.
Now, the werewolves themselves. They can shift at will, and they DO shift into wolves, not some kind of mutant. On a full moon, they will shift involuntarily. In human form, they are stronger and faster than humans, but not so much that it is entirely noticeable.
- Alpha - Taen
- Beta -Taken
- Healer - Taken
- Scout -Taken
- Protector - Taken
- Member (There can be many of these)
I will add to this list as more jobs are thought of.
Age: (These werewolves age like normal humans, though they may appear 10 years younger, you will not find a 300 year old among them)
Position: (Alpha, Beta, Member, etc)
Job: (What job they have in the city, if they are unemployed that is fine)
Appearance: (Can be a picture or description. If description must be enough detail to fully picture your character. Include both human and wolf)
History: (Optional - I understand wanting to save it for the IC)
Goal in Life: (What do they aspire to do)
Other: (Scars, special items, anything else you'd like to share)
Name: Kiara Black
Age: 27
Position: Healer
Job: Dancer - currently performing on the streets, but looking for a real job

Kiara stands at 5'5'' and has a slender build, as expected.

History: Kiara was trained to be pack healer all of her life by her mother. However, she had not expected to take over so soon. When her mother died in the fire, Kiara was forced to look after all of the wounded on her own with the incomplete training she had received. Since moving to the city, she has been having nightmares. Some of these tell of things to come, and some show her what has already happened. One thing is clear though, there is something evil out there.
Personality: Kiara is not soft-spoken, but not loud either. Her presence commands respect from most people, as without her, they would not be able to survive. However, she never expects this from anyone and is always looking out for the pack. She is kind and willing to help anyone in need, even if they might not exactly be friendly. The one thing she loves more than her pack, though, is dancing. Kiara feels as if she can express herself through it more easily than through her words. Because of this, and the way she was raised, Kiara tends to be what you would call "spiritual," especially because she is one of the very few in the pack who are in touch with what some call magic.
Goal in Life: To keep the pack out of harms way, at all costs.
Other: Her left thigh has a large burn scar from the fire which can also be seen in her wolf form, she has become increasingly self conscious about this.
Name: Elena Black
Age: 23
Position: Beta
Job: Kindergarten Teacher

Slightly shorter than her sister, Elena is 5'3.

History:As the second sister, Elena was not expected to take over for her mother. Because of this, she was free to live her life however she wanted. Perhaps anyone else would have been grateful for this, but she instead felt lost. Until the fire, she had just been trying to get through each day. First there was school, which she graduated with from honors. Then it was on to college, then to her new job. Everything she did was for the pack, after all, her money would be contributing to them. But Elena wanted more. She wanted to be like her older sister, in a real position to help. It was after the incident that she was given a purpose. Along with her mother and many others, the previous Beta had also perished. When she was chosen as the next, Elena could hardly believe it, but she is now happier than she's ever been. It's strange that everyone else is mourning while she is just starting her life. At night, when she hears her sisters cries, she almost feels bad.
Personality: For most of her life, Elena was in the background. She had never been one to stand out, mostly because she always felt like she was living up to her older sister's standards. It wasn't until she graduated and began working that her caring personality came through. Like her sister, she only wants what is best for the pack and would do anything to keep them out of harms way. But, there is more to her now than pack. Elena cares very deeply for the children she teaches as well, and that is what first started the change in her. It was for this reason that she was chosen as the next Beta. People had began to notice the smalll things she was doing for them, and could feel the warmth of her love and concern. Little by little, she has started to open herself to the people around her, including her sister, who she no longer feels inferior to.
Goal in Life: To show everyone in the pack that there is more to their lives than the things they've lost.
Other: Elena has a few scars on her stomach and thighs from childhood injuries, but she was not injured in the fire and has no burns.