Name: Elena Foster
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Elena stands at 5'5'', with soft chocolate eyes and warm auburn hair. In the sun, it appears to be more red than she'd actually like it to be. Though she is not heavy, Elena does have meat on her bones and could not be called "thin." Personally, she likes it that way. After all, what guy doesn't like a nice butt?
Personality: Elena is quick to speak her mind, and never holds back her feelings. This can lead to both love and hatred from her peers, but she takes them all in stride. She'll admit that she has a bit of a temper (NOT because of her hair color), but she is working very hard on that. Described as loud, blunt, and stubborn, she can be hard to get along with. However, once she is close to someone, Elena will stick up for that person no matter what.
History: From the day she was born until the day she turned 3, Elena was an only child. Some would say that there's no way that she could remember this or be influenced at all by those early years, but it wasn't true. Sharing was not something she was accustomed to, and when her sister was born... well she learned that she did not like it one bit. If everyone shared everything, no one would have anything. That's what she believed anyway, even if it didn't make much sense. As the two of them grew, their personalities became painfully conflicting. Because of this, Elena was out of the house early in hopes of getting away from the constant fighting. She applied to a college nearby and is now living in the dorms on campus with no planned major in sight.
Top Three Powers: Not sure.
Bottom Three Powers: Uh... Death. Maybe. And possibly water.
Name: Lucy Foster
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Lucy is shorter than her sister, with a height of 5'2. Her hair is a very light blonde, and her eyes - a bright blue. Their sizes are also different, as Lucy is thin with very little muscle or fat anywhere on her body. Some have expressed concerns about this, but she does eat regularly and seems to just have a very fast metabolism. She has the body of a girl much younger than herself, with no curves, much to her dismay.
Personality: Unlike her sister, Lucy is quiet and soft spoken. She would never say anything to hurt someone else's feelings, on purpose or by accident. Everything word she speaks is thought about very carefully. This means that she does not have many enemies, but neither does she have many friends. This never bothered her, as her attention was distracted by something else: music. For this, she has a passion, and will gladly spend hours upon hours listening and looking for new songs that she will enjoy. If asked to describe herself, Lucy would probably say something along the lines of quiet or possibly patient. But when others are asked, they use the words cold and unnerving.
History: All of her life, Lucy felt like she was being compared to her sister. It did not help that this sister was loud and overbearing, quickly snuffing out the small voice that Lucy had. Early on she learned to keep her distance because honestly, the sisters were just too different. Elena was always complaining about something whether it was the clothes she was bought, or the rides she would have to give to her little sister, and Lucy eventually just shut herself in her room to avoid her sister all together. This is when music became a part of her life. With her headphones in, and the volume turned up, she couldn't hear anything that Elena was saying. It was bliss. To this day, the only time you see her without headphones is during school hours, though the reason she started listening is no longer around.
Top Three Powers: Not sure.
Bottom Three Powers: Probably... fire? Or... Protection? Was that one? I forget. (Edit: It's Barrier that I was thinking of.)