"So make a wish.
I'll make it like your birthday everyday.
I'll be your gift.
Give you something good to celebrate"
Elena was singing along to her pop hits radio as she danced out of the shower. It was still early, and she was just glad she was finally up in time for breakfast. Those sausage biscuits were calling her name! Her hair was still drying as she stepped out of the bathroom in her simple everyday wear: jeans and a t-shirt. Her long, auburn hair was pulled back in a ponytail and she went to applying her makeup. If she was to find a nice guy, she had to look good, after all.
As she stared into the mirror, her eyes gazed over a picture of her family. In it were both sisters and her parents. Homesickness overwhelmed her for a moment, and then it was gone. Here she was happy, no one was around to fight with. It was a good existence. Peaceful. Well, as peaceful as things could be around Elena. Perhaps her sister was right, and she was too loud, but she didn't want to change herself just to fit the mold that was expected of her.
She was still staring at this photograph when it began to shake, along with everything else in the room. Instinctively, she grabbed the table in front of her and looked out of the window, trying to find an anchor. Instead, all she saw was a bright light.
Lucy found herself dazing as she stared in the direction of the college. It wasn't often that her thoughts were on her sister, in fact, she'd say it was never more than once a month. But sometimes, when Lucy remembered she'd once had an older sister, she wondered what Elena was up to. If she was happy, if people liked her. She never came home, never called, so Lucy assumed that she was. Sometimes, though, she thought it would be nice to hear from her sister once in awhile. Even if they'd never gotten along, they were family. You were supposed to love your family, right?
Turning her attention back to the doodles in front of her, she could hear the teacher in the background droning on and on about some kind of math equation. Was it cross sections? Oh right. The stupid area of a shape on a graph. Like she'd ever use that in her entire life. Why had she decided to take Calculus again? There was not any time to think on this existential question as the ground began to shake and the room lit up as if it were on fire.
Her last thoughts before everything went white were, unsurprisingly, that of song lyrics.
The stars will fall tonight.
Beautiful destruction laid down before our eyes.
The blackest tears you cry.
Fighting out this city as we struggle for our lives.