Chapter Eight: Gold
She stared down at the necklace, not quite sure how she should react. Remembering the lemonade incident that happened a couple months back, she wondered if this was the cause for the guilt. Somehow, she had repressed the intense emotions this little gem on its gold chain had caused.
Who was this for? Of course, she was aware that he was still his womanizing self, but to find this hidden in his apartment... what did it mean? Was he truly not as heartless as he seemed? Most importantly, who was this for? That question would not go away, and slowly rephrased itself. Who was better than her? Who deserved his affections?
The front door opened and she placed the gem back in its hiding spot in the bottom of a drawer, but the questions still lingered as she fixed a smile on her lips.
It was when he saw her smile that he knew something was wrong. He'd often seen her smirk, or that small shy smile when they were together, and then there was the annoyed scowl that often adorned her otherwise beautiful features. This almost grin disturbed him.
He asked her about what was so obviously bothering her, but as expected, she pretended he had not said a word. This did not keep him from watching her carefully.
Later on, he asked her again about what had happened, but received the same response.
"Elena," he let out a frustrated groan. He didn't really care, he told himself. He was only curious to know, and she was denying him satisfaction. "I know something's wrong. You haven't stopped smiling since I came back."
He was oddly comforted when she rolled her eyes, but it still did not answer his question. It was obviously something in the apartment because she had been fine when he'd left.
An involuntary groan left his lips a moment later. Could she have found that? He'd forgotten her tendency to dig around when she was bored. No wonder she was upset.
Fighting a smirk at the fact that she was jealous, he simply said, "It's isn't for anyone." Technically a lie, but not one that would hurt her.
Her head snapped up and her eyes narrowed. "I don't know what you're talking about, Jake."
"The necklace," he sighed. She never made things easy for him. Always fighting and pretending. "I bought it because I wanted to. No other reason." Not technically a lie. For extra affect, he added, "So you can stop brooding."
"Excuse me?"
A grin tugged at his lips and for once he found that he did not mind when she went on her rant about not caring about, "some necklace you probably bought for one of your mindless hookups." In fact, he was surprised to find that he rather liked it.
Much better than that creepy smile.