When Dakeyras moved in front of her, all three wolves became quiet out of surprise. Watching him step into danger thinking that he was protecting her, snapped her out of whatever she was feeling. Why had she even been growling in the first place? Again, distress and confusion radiated off her being in waves. That was the problem with being in this form. They could convey feelings, but not reasoning. The kids across from them were just as surprised, but mostly disgusted. He thought he could protect their pack? Who gave him the right? It was their job to do that, and though they were at the obvious disadvantage, they would stand their ground.
Kiara felt them tense and moved as quickly as she could. If ever she was grateful for the ability to hide her feelings and do what she was told, it was now. Perhaps, she had always wished to be able to express herself, but now she needed to be who she actually was. The quiet, submissive girl that everyone expected her to be. She darted forward, still a distance away from the kids when she laid down in front of them. Submissive, Kiara. You need to be submissive. Show them that you are looking to them to protect you. Show them that it’s not him. It’s not. Slowly, she rolled onto her back so that her belly was exposed, the most obvious signal she could think of.
The two began to calm down, feeling almost superior as they saw the action. It wasn’t often that a female showed submission to anyone other than a mate or alpha, but Kiara was desperate. The only problem was that her chest was on fire. A quiet whimper escaped, but she stayed in place knowing that it was probably the only thing keeping Dakeyras safe. I know, she thought. I know this is wrong. I don’t know why you feel the need to hurt me for it. If you don’t stop, I’m going to have to hide it before they realize. The pain, however,. only grew and finally she forced it behind the wall so that no one would notice, not even herself