Avatar of Arrayah
  • Last Seen: 22 days ago
  • Old Guild Username: Arrayah
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 907 (0.22 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Arrayah 11 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
Current I'm back! Yeah. Let's go. Getting back into the swing of things. And all that stuff.


Hello all who have deigned to grace my profile with their presence! I am the great Arrayah, lord of the Phoenix. Or something. I don't know.

Anyways, bio. As of writing this, I am a 23 year old female. I am married. I own two dogs (a Dalmatian and a Labrador... so cliche). I work from home. I like crafty stuff and games. I used to be an MMORPG girl, but have since moved on to things like Minecraft and Ark as well as Rimworld and Dwarf Fortress. Who knows what's next?

I love writing, but only get to roleplaying a few times every couple years. Unfortunately, life gets in the way. I'm starting to have more time lately, and thought it'd be fine to start it up again. We'll see how it goes, but hopefully I stick around this time.

I was on the old RPGuild, so you may recognize my name. If so, hello again! If not, maybe we'll have lots of fun together. If I've been online recently, and you're interested in doing an RP, feel free to PM me. I'm almost always interested in 1x1s as long as I don't have too many going on. Check some of my old threads to see my rules, or pm me if that's too much hassle.

Long live the Phoenix Queen. Or something or other.

Most Recent Posts

That's true :o

I'm curious about that too actually.
Hilariously, Aram seems to be the most responsible teacher even though hes the most..... ahem... undisciplined.
Well. The tsundere had a serious moment (because the target of her tsundereness is eating cake, or something). Yay!
Though it seemed silly, Key listened to the boy, or was he man? It didn't honestly matter, she decided, as she moved into a standing position once more. Her most comfortable stance was one that most would not even recognize, and something she had not done in almost a century. Key clasped her hands together and raised them, palms outwards, towards the ceiling. As she rose on her toes, she took a deep breath. It was strange that something so simple would instantly begin to calm her down. Perhaps it was the familiarity of it, but she refused to believe it was just the breathing.

Once she was in position, she began to think over his questions. Peace. It was such an easy word to describe, she though. Peace was when everyone lived in harmony. Simple. And yet, when she closed her eyes, this was not the picture that came to her mind. Instead, she saw a time when she was a child, in the actual sense of the word, before she had known what she was. Together with the other children of the tribe, she danced around a fire and chanted. None of them really knew what they were doing, but it looked fun so they had joined in. The laughter carried and soon they were laying in the grass, worn out.

The warmth of the fire had soothed them into sleep, and it was the first time Key had felt that peace that Tai Yang had been talking about.

Her mind continued through her memories, and again stopped during her first life, after she had become an elder. Key had watched the people of her tribe grow older, have children, and then grandchildren. As she stared out at a family, she again found that sense of peace. A child was laughing with her mother, over what, she did not know.

Key found herself stumbling out of the position she'd been holding. She'd found her answer to his question, but the phoenix didn't like the journey or what she'd seen. Remembering had always been painful, and so she'd chosen to forget.
A song. I need a song. Any song.

The blonde teenager was having a hard time controlling herself. Her hands were shaking, and she felt like her world was ending. Though she hadn't been near anyone to begin with, Lucy tried to move even further away. Was he telling them that they all had a power like that? That those powers could potentially kill anyone who got too close?

Trying to calm herself down, she began to breathe deeply. However, the one thing she wanted she still did not have: a song to relate to this moment in time. It was this that showed her level of stress if nothing else did.

Killing with love and power in God's name
People, stop hurting people

It was close. If they really had powers like the one who had destroyed the knife without even looking... then perhaps they were like Gods. Finally, Lucy began to calm down. She believed the boy, about the powers if nothing else. If going into that place would keep herself and everyone around her safe...

A sigh escaped her lips, and she spoke to the boy for the first time. "I'll go."


Elena on the other hand was still having none of this. "Powers? What? You expect us to believe that we can all do something like that even though none of us have before? We're not superheros! They don't exist! This is a trick that you're using to get us to do what you want." A shiver ran through her as she looked at the door again.

But her sister had agreed. This caused Elena to look at her younger sibling with just the slightest bit of concern. She didn't really believe the boy, even after what she'd seen, and part of her was convinced this was a dream. But what if it wasn't? What if he was telling the truth? Lucy believed him. Or she was worried too much about other people to take the chance.

What about me? What do I feel? she asked herself, but could not find the answer. If she truly believed she could hurt someone, Elena would be going through that door, but right now, denial of what she'd seen and experienced seemed the best way to go.
I am saddened that people are going bye bye, buttttt as long as there are still the four of us it shall not die!

Also, I'm going out of town again T_T for awhile (from the 9th to the 22nd). But I'll be able to post this time. Bringing my laptop with me.
Lol. I love how Aram can just summon sweets and the only one who truly appreciates them is Yui.
Where is everyone :o
Hahahaha. I do believe that would cheer him up.

I'm not actually waiting, just been a little busy D:

And poor poor Aram
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