She couldn't breathe. That was the first thing she noticed when she awoke from whatever dreams she'd been having. The air was thick with smoke, and she could not get oxygen. The second was the heat. It felt like she was burning from the inside out. The air was pressing down on her, suffocating. Her eyes opened and all she could see was red, everywhere. The flames danced in front of her eyes, as if they were beckoning her to enter them. For a moment, she thought it was over, that this was the end. Werewolves could survive a lot, but fire was just as deadly to them as it was to humans. Her body, however, had a different idea. It's main goal was to find her mother, her sister. It would not leave this house until they were safe. It was not giving up on life just yet.
Each breath was painful, each step agony. The flames licked her ankles as she tried to find the safest route through her home. More than once, she found herself staring at some precious memory that was now ashes, and wondering if she should just lay down and let the beast take her. Each time, her body pushed forward on its own, determined. When she finally made it to her mother's room, she was not prepared for the sight that lay before her.
Mother was dead, probably from the smoke. She had not been able to save her. She was gone forever. Without even thinking, she knelt beside her mothers bed and wept. She did not care that the fire was quickly catching up to her. She couldn't. Not if her mother was gone. As the tears fell down her face, dark laughter began to sound throughout the room.
"Are you ready for me? Because I am coming." The darkness flew at her then, and she screamed.
Kiara woke and just like in her dream, she could not breathe. Tears ran down her face and her hand was on her chest, as if it would help her, but it didn't. "It's coming," was all she could manage to gasp, though no one was around to hear her.