Avatar of Arrayah
  • Last Seen: 27 days ago
  • Old Guild Username: Arrayah
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 907 (0.22 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Arrayah 11 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
Current I'm back! Yeah. Let's go. Getting back into the swing of things. And all that stuff.


Hello all who have deigned to grace my profile with their presence! I am the great Arrayah, lord of the Phoenix. Or something. I don't know.

Anyways, bio. As of writing this, I am a 23 year old female. I am married. I own two dogs (a Dalmatian and a Labrador... so cliche). I work from home. I like crafty stuff and games. I used to be an MMORPG girl, but have since moved on to things like Minecraft and Ark as well as Rimworld and Dwarf Fortress. Who knows what's next?

I love writing, but only get to roleplaying a few times every couple years. Unfortunately, life gets in the way. I'm starting to have more time lately, and thought it'd be fine to start it up again. We'll see how it goes, but hopefully I stick around this time.

I was on the old RPGuild, so you may recognize my name. If so, hello again! If not, maybe we'll have lots of fun together. If I've been online recently, and you're interested in doing an RP, feel free to PM me. I'm almost always interested in 1x1s as long as I don't have too many going on. Check some of my old threads to see my rules, or pm me if that's too much hassle.

Long live the Phoenix Queen. Or something or other.

Most Recent Posts

“Cassi. I’m sorry. You know I’m sorry. Why are you packing? Where are you going? You can’t leave!” She didn’t answer, only continued to gather everything she thought she might need until she was on her feet in a different town far, far away from here. When he realized that she was serious, he grabbed her arm tightly and pulled her away from the backpack she was filling. The action caused her to yelp involuntarily, both in surprise and in pain. He didn’t care. “You’re my wife. You stay here.”

This time, her eyes looked up at him and saw the fury on his face. It didn’t matter how sorry his voice sounded, his expression never showed any kind of remorse. That was the way he tricked you. It had taken her three years to learn, but now she knew. She fought the urge to place a hand on her belly, to protect their unborn child. If she did that, he would know. He must have already suspected that something had changed. Never before had she stood up to. She couldn’t bare it. Somehow, she needed to get out of his grip. Her eyes closed and she summoned every ounce of courage she had, her leg kicking forward.

He grunted in pain and bent over, looking like he might be sick. Cassidee grabbed the bag and hoped that she had not forgotten anything extremely important because there was no way she could stay and finish after what she’d just done. He would kill her. When she ran past him, she felt his hand brush her leg and panicked. If he got up before she could leave, she’d never get out. Somehow, though, she made it outside and to her car. In her rearview mirror, she saw him opening the door to come after her, and she gunned it.

The sound of the bus stopping snapped Cassidee out of her memories and back into the present. It was still unreal that she was so far from home, unreal that she was actually hoping to never see her husband again. Grabbing the backpack from the seat next to her, she pulled her hood up and made her way off the bus. She was in the town of Lima, a place she’d never even heard of which suited her just fine. Cassi needed to be somewhere that no one would ever look for her. This place looked like just that.

It was hot and raining when she stepped outside, the two things she hated most. How she longed to be back up north where a jacket was required and everyone moved quickly. It meant that no one had much time for anyone else, but it also meant that it was easy to lose yourself in your thoughts and have no one interrupt you. She’d already had four people tell her their life stories. It was ridiculous. Her stomach grumbled, and she realized that she hadn’t eaten in a very long time. It also didn’t help that she had nowhere to stay.

Looking around, her gaze settled on an open sign, one of the few this late at night. A diner, Cassidee thought with relief. It didn’t help with her living situation, but it was dry and it had food. So, without even considering another possibility, she made her way to the building just hoping that they wouldn’t mind that she was dripping wet.
Oh wow. He's a cutie. Alrighty. I'll get to writing a post! :D I'm just gonna put a city name into the post (it's probably not a real city). If you want to change it you can, and I'll edit mine. If you don't, it just means we can make up the population and everything there ourselves.
Yeaaaah I know. When you suggested Georgia, I just couldn't resist the song reference.

Alright so here's the basics:

Name: Cassidee Johnson

Age: 25

Appearance (Picture):

Okay, so as the title says. This roleplay will be mature, but I do not mean SEXUAL when I say this. That being said, I don't necessarily mind sex in a roleplay, but it has to contribute to plot. I'm not sure why this idea suddenly popped into my head, but here it goes:

Cassidee Johnson is 25 years old. She has long, wavy scarlet hair and big green eyes that are always wide with wonder. While in art school, she met a man who was charming, sweet, and handsome to boot. Shortly after graduation, they were married. It wasn't long after that she started to notice things about him. He would get angry when she made the simplest mistakes or if she was just a little bit late getting home. He'd insult and degrade her when he was having a bad day. The worst though, was when he became so frustrated with her that he didn't care whether he was hurting her or not. 3 weeks ago, Cassidee found out that she was carrying his child. This should have been a happy event that they shared together, but instead she found herself terrified to tell him. In fact, she found herself wanting to leave. What if he hurt her so badly that she lost their baby?

As said, mature themes. It will deal with abuse (mental and physical) and pregnany (though this won't become a theme until the story has progressed far enough for it to be an issue). The story will start with her on the run and stopping somewhere. We can decide this together. I'm looking for a male to be a possible love interest or even just a good friend that she'll meet in the new town. I was planning to play the husband, but if you want you can play him too. Up to you. That's as much as I have of the story so far though. Obviously, her husband will come looking for her.

PM me if you're interested or if you have some more ideas to add! I'll look at this thread too, but would rather you PM.
Nooooo rush :) also for the record, my girlie thinks bad things about herself..... soooo you probably shouldn't believe everything she thinks in her head.

In other words, her thoughts are not my own :D
My mate…? Kiara opened her mouth to respond to Jaii’s question, but nothing came. Nothing ever came. Remembering how she had talked to Dakeyras, she tried again. This time she managed to say, “H-h-he….,” and nothing more. He left. It didn’t matter. Once Jaii had asked Sam to be beta… well the question directed towards her was forgotten. It was going to be Claymore all over again. The only difference was that she actually believed in this alpha.

It was a few moments later, that she found her breathing was picking up and she was beginning to feel lightheaded. There was no reason for it, none at all, but it was happening. Her hearing became muffled, and she could no longer listen to the conversations of others. He left… was the phrase that she thought over and over again. The one person who even might have cared for her even a little, had gone away. The one person who she could share her thoughts to, as crazy as that was, wasn’t even here. Kiara was only now realizing that she shouldn’t have let him leave.

The pain in her chest returned full force, and she couldn’t breathe anymore. I need to get outside, she thought. And it wasn’t even that she was freaking out for no reason in front of people who probably weren’t even noticing. She needed to get outside because she needed to find him. What kind of person marks a mate and then just leave her alone. Kiara ignored the tears that streamed down her face, that she assumed was from the pain. Instead, she put all her strength into stumbling towards the door, hoping that she really was invisible and that no one would try to stop her, hoping that she could just make it outside.
Next week we watch as young Jeremiah takes on a female in heat. Will the awkwardness take him down, or willhe be able to overcome it all and triumphantly decapitate her? Stay tuned to find out!
Oh no I thoroughly enjoyed it! I'll be waiting for next weeks episode! :p
It's an "oh look at all the blood" yeah. xD
“I only talk to you,” she whispered as she watched him walk away. Kiara assumed that the male would be going off to shift and possibly never come back, but she hoped. She didn’t go after him, but she hoped that he would come back anyways. Letting him go was the natural thing to do. She had no idea who he was or why he affected her. The more he was around, the more confused she became. The young woman was already having self-identity issues, and now with everything that had happened… well she just didn’t need complications in her life. Not any more, that was. Her fingers grazed the mark on her thigh and she pushed the pang that she felt deep behind the wall where she could pretend it had never existed.

It was a few minutes later that she found herself back in the room with everyone else. She was probably the only shifter that was not set on edge by this man, only because she had already had a new encounter today. Besides, weren’t they all outsiders now? Lone wolves? Or were they a pack? It was hard to decide. Of course, they wanted to be a pack with Jaii as their alpha, but Kiara had no idea how the logistics actually worked. She had been born into Claymore, not sworn in. Because of this, she had no memory of what had bound her to Luke. Was it just a subconscious loyalty? Was it a choice? Was it something formal that had been performed for her by her parents?

Thinking of her parents made the shifter homesick once more, and she tried her best to find the reason why she had left. Her eyes scanned the room, and finally fell on Jaii. He was a good man, and a good leader, and had been put through hell by an alpha who did not deserve the title. He had been forced away from his home for protecting his people. They had been friends once, Jaii and Kiara, as all children were. She remembered when he was sent away, remembered how different he’d been when he’d returned. Kiara looked at Jaii and knew he had been the reason she’d left. Dakeyras had taken her away, but the bond to her pack had been severed even before that. She had left for a reason, a good reason. Though she had help, Kiara had finally stood up for something she’d believed in. Yes, she’d never said as much, but she was here. That was proof. As long as she remembered that, she would be fine.

Kiara looked at Jaii and felt hope.
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