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7 yrs ago
Current There is no such thing as overkill. There is simply 'Opening Fire' and 'Reloading'


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@Arthanus So, how are things coming along?
Real life does have an annoying habit of getting in the way.
No worries, most of the RPs I'm in at the moment are being slow.
She was about to answer Aiden when a couple of things happened at once; one, was her opponent blinking out of sight just as she connected and then hitting her from behind, and two, as she was doing her best to recover from being hit by her own counter, she saw Mika get punted down the block. “Shit”

Silvi could feel her frustration mounting; her semblance could let her see how her opponent was likely to move, even before they consciously committed to an attack, but this ‘jumping’ had no tells…or at least none she’d spotted yet. If fighting with others, don’t let yourselves get separated by your opponents. If you split up let it be on your terms.

“Aiden, on me!” She yelled as she pointed to where Mika had come to a stop. Her mind was working in over drive, but one of the key things her aunt had really impressed on her during their infrequent training sessions was developing the ability to think and act quickly even in the middle of a fight. With the flick of a finger, she reset Aegis Hammer to ‘combat power’ and swapped Moonlight Shard to ‘ranged’ mode.

Slamming her shield to the ground, as she triggered the Dust, she tucked herself on top of it as she did. The gravity charge tried to push away the object in front, and when (unsurprisingly) that didn’t work the force was directed to other way, the end result being that Silvi was launched in a moderately controlled fashion towards Mika. As she did that, she fired three shots around Aiden, creating a very temporary barrier of sizzling electricity between the boy and twins.

“C’mon short stuff.” She muttered, skidding to a halt beside the smaller girl. Bringing her shield back to the ready, she switched her blade back to ‘melee’ mode at the same time she pulled the trigger and discharged the last of the energy. More modern weapons had safeties to prevent the user from doing such things as they had a tendency to be both hard on the weapons and be potentially hazardous to the wielder; what it did was ‘trap’ the charge in the blade, where it would then discharge on the first object it struck…or into the user’s hand if the grip wasn’t resistant enough.
Yay, and yes Gerad isn't taking Gab's warning all that seriously; he's got a kind of inflated opinion about his own skills and the toughness of Garundin's and their tech.
Gerad replied to Gabriel’s comments about their ‘prisoner’ by simply shrugging and dropping the unconscious man back onto the ground. As the two furry scavengers got into an altercation with an ill-tempered Torros…was there any other kind?...he gave a little amused ‘snort’ when he was told to take cover.

Nothing short of a dedicated anti-armour weapon is a threat to Militia powered armour.” Gerad added with more than a touch of pride in his voice. Moving over to the human, he looked questioningly at Gabriel. “Some questions just occurred to me Mr. Phoenix. You said you’re a bounty hunter yourself did you not? You stated those two small ones are worth 1.5 million credits, so why are you…or we…not apprehending them?

He fell silent for a moment, drumming the fingers of his false-hands on his abdomen. “Has the machine…Ence…paid to ensure its assistants remain unharmed?
@Arthanus Okay, should I hold off replying until then?
"So..any plans?"


The twins attack both did and didn’t catch Silvi by surprise. On one hand, she saw the minute tensing and shifting in both of them as they made ready to strike, on the other, finding her opponent at point blank due to a near instantaneous ‘teleporting’ was not something she had ever encountered. Even with seeing the two of them demonstrating it earlier, she was still caught out by it.

Furiously blocking and parrying with her sword and shield, she quickly found she was being driven onto her back heel, fighting defensively just to stay in the fight. Never let your opponent dictate the fight. Her aunt’s words echoed in her head as she gave ground. Use your semblance, find your opening, fight on YOUR term.

As Silvi moved to deflect yet another strike, she hit a trigger concealed in the grip of Aegis Hammer. Up until now, she’d been using it in its ‘unpowered’ state, just a physical barrier to intercept and redirect incoming blows; but now, pulling the trigger activated the small vial of dark purple ‘gravity’ Dust that was loaded into the handle. As the blade struck, the face of the shield flashed purple and gave a rather significant ‘push’ to the weapon.

Prior to starting her first bits of training with her aunt, her mum had added a ‘training’ setting to the shield, as at full power it was capable of reflecting blows with lethal force, and that was far to dangerous for sparring with.
I may as well give it a try.” Gerad replied in reference to Gabriel’s mention of a career change. “Like I said, my account is getting pretty light. I came here really to study the artifacts, but I am making little progress. Perhaps a break is in order…

As he was speaking, he found his attention drawn to an approaching duo, and like Gabriel, Gerad found himself readying his weapon for just a moment before realizing the newcomers were not hostile. “Offal pickers…” He muttered as he watched the armoured furballs gather up anything with the remotest value.

Replying to Ulri’s mild distain for his weapon with a dismissive ‘snort’, he glowered through the armoured faceplate of his helmet. He’d seen the sign, and their boss, before, but had not had any business dealings with the machine, though it sounded like Mr. Phoenix had. As the loot laden duo made to leave, Gerad walked over to the one individual who had been restrained and gripped the man by the back of his jacket, hoisting him off the ground with ease. “We should see that this one tells us where his boss ran off to.” He stated. “Given that you required my intervention to remain breathing, I believe forty percent of the insect’s bounty is a fair deal.
She was right, the novelty had already worn off. Doing her best to keep her muttering to herself, Silvi drew Moonlight Shard from her hip and ejected the dark blue Dust vial from the grip, and deftly swapping it for a yellow vial from the pouch on her other side, with well-practiced ease.

Dust swap complete, she took Aegis Hammer off of its hanger and unfolded it. Moving her feet into a ready stance, with her left foot leading, she held her buckler at shoulder height, using her perspective from the twins to mask her upper torso. Her blade was held back over her right shoulder, ready to lung into an attack or parry a blow. Lastly she activated her semblance; some semblance caused overt changes with their users, Silvi’s was much more subtle. Her eyes merely glowed slightly, and her pupils dilated a significant amount, but that was about it from the outside.

To Silvi however the effect was much more pronounced. The world seemed sharper, colours brighter and even the slightest motions were noticeable. Staring at the twin over the top of her shield, she studied them, how the muscles in their necks twitched, where their eyes focused, how their body weight shifted, everything…or at least as much as she could; two opponents did make things just a tad more difficult.

From easy and relaxed, to full combat mode took her about eight seconds.
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