Gerad kept up his own fire on the scattering thugs right up until the point that Sven brought the Chimera into play and brought the fight to a rather spectacular and definite end; all except for one human. He had to give the male credit, it took nerve to keep popping away at a tank with a little slug thrower like that.
While Silas and Cyne when to speak with the poor bastard, Gerad made a quick survey of the battlefield. The gear on the bodies that hadn’t been reduced to ash by the various flavors of plasma weapons was disconcertingly mediocre. Knock-off tac-gear copied from stuff that’d been retired years ago and the same thing could be said about the weapons. Annoyed that there wasn’t anything interesting to salvage this time, he made his way back to Silas and the others.
Finally getting a look at their new ‘friend’, he let out a short chuckle. ”If only all dem wuz nice ‘nuff to come t’ us.” Clambering up onto the back of the truck, he took a look around and poked Gorcht, sort of, carefully with an armoured foot. ”Gott’s a say Boss, no tha’ tick’d by these fella. Mos’ dem kit should’a been skragg’d ‘fore these fellas born. Only thing worth Ancestor’s Piss I seen been them clank suits an’ spookies we stomped, and da’ big boi right ‘ere.” He added, waving to the tank with on of his secondary arms.”Militia spec no’ even call dis set Reserves.”
Since things things seemed to have calmed down, and with Silas calling for a ReSup and breather, Gerad carefully moved Gorcht off of the gun truck and set him somewhere out from under foot. Once the supply pack landed, he retrieved a breathing mask before parking himself back on the truck. Exiting his armour, he slipped on his breather and activated a rapid repair mode. ” ‘S a mite un-nice t’ be in der…nannies’ll use y’ fer spares if y’ not watch’n.” Stepping away from his battered looking armour, a stream of sliver composed entirely of nanobots swarmed out of the micro-assembler, first enveloping the armour and then spreading out across the truck; after a few moments the truck looked like it was beginning to dissolve as the nanobots scavanged it for base materials to affect repairs on Gerad’s armour.
While that was getting going, he snagged a drink and a snack from the pod before heading for the Chimera. ”Dunno ‘ow much I c’n fix th’ big heat,” He said, motioning to the nominally working plasma cannon. ”But ah should be able t’ fix th’ limpin’ somewhat.” As with anything Garundin, as soon as he’d heard Silas planing the ReSup pods, he’d made sure there was as extensive as tool supply as possible on board. Now equipped with said tools, he set to work on the damaged lift engine humming an old Militia war song as he worked.