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7 yrs ago
Current There is no such thing as overkill. There is simply 'Opening Fire' and 'Reloading'


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Gerad kept up his own fire on the scattering thugs right up until the point that Sven brought the Chimera into play and brought the fight to a rather spectacular and definite end; all except for one human. He had to give the male credit, it took nerve to keep popping away at a tank with a little slug thrower like that.

While Silas and Cyne when to speak with the poor bastard, Gerad made a quick survey of the battlefield. The gear on the bodies that hadn’t been reduced to ash by the various flavors of plasma weapons was disconcertingly mediocre. Knock-off tac-gear copied from stuff that’d been retired years ago and the same thing could be said about the weapons. Annoyed that there wasn’t anything interesting to salvage this time, he made his way back to Silas and the others.

Finally getting a look at their new ‘friend’, he let out a short chuckle. ”If only all dem wuz nice ‘nuff to come t’ us.” Clambering up onto the back of the truck, he took a look around and poked Gorcht, sort of, carefully with an armoured foot. ”Gott’s a say Boss, no tha’ tick’d by these fella. Mos’ dem kit should’a been skragg’d ‘fore these fellas born. Only thing worth Ancestor’s Piss I seen been them clank suits an’ spookies we stomped, and da’ big boi right ‘ere.” He added, waving to the tank with on of his secondary arms.”Militia spec no’ even call dis set Reserves.”

Since things things seemed to have calmed down, and with Silas calling for a ReSup and breather, Gerad carefully moved Gorcht off of the gun truck and set him somewhere out from under foot. Once the supply pack landed, he retrieved a breathing mask before parking himself back on the truck. Exiting his armour, he slipped on his breather and activated a rapid repair mode. ” ‘S a mite un-nice t’ be in der…nannies’ll use y’ fer spares if y’ not watch’n.” Stepping away from his battered looking armour, a stream of sliver composed entirely of nanobots swarmed out of the micro-assembler, first enveloping the armour and then spreading out across the truck; after a few moments the truck looked like it was beginning to dissolve as the nanobots scavanged it for base materials to affect repairs on Gerad’s armour.

While that was getting going, he snagged a drink and a snack from the pod before heading for the Chimera. ”Dunno ‘ow much I c’n fix th’ big heat,” He said, motioning to the nominally working plasma cannon. ”But ah should be able t’ fix th’ limpin’ somewhat.” As with anything Garundin, as soon as he’d heard Silas planing the ReSup pods, he’d made sure there was as extensive as tool supply as possible on board. Now equipped with said tools, he set to work on the damaged lift engine humming an old Militia war song as he worked.
@ShiningSector My first thought when I read your post was '2008 isn't that old'...I guess that's what happens when you're driving somthing made in the '70s
@Lord Orgasmo I like to apologize to both you and everyone else, but I'm going to have to withdraw.

As she was giving Matina a hard time about the muffin, Fara was busying herself with a bit of cleaning. Ducking below the counter to tidy some of the supplies she missed Boss Man coming over with the new hire, her head popping up over the counter however, when he called for all hands. She waited a bit for the more…enthusiastic members of the staff to inflict themselves on Amelia before she gave a short wave and a smile. ”I’m Fara, it’s nice to meet you.”

She was going to say more when some movement distracted her. Spotting Jules, who seemed to have been napping in a corner judging by the semi-stunned look on his face, Fara chuckled. ”The Dead have arisen and were seen by many!” She quipped, before returning her attention to Amelia. ”Despite what Matrina might say, the muffins for the store and not her personal consumption.” She added, teasingly. While some of the other chatted, and Jules and April saw to their shift’s first customer, she returned to her cleaning, grabbing a cloth and starting to wipe down the espresso machine.

”I swear, none of the other shift clean this damned thing…”

”Not much,” Fara replied as Ursula made herself some tea and immediately opened her book. She thought that was a bit poor form for a workplace, but no-one else seemed to care so she kept it to herself. As Billie came through the door she gave a small wave, that quickly turned into a chuckle and a roll of the eyes. She repeated the same actions with April, though she omitted the eye roll, instead replying with a ”Eh, we all seem to ‘ve just got here ourselves.” The way April moved, that fluid dancer’s grace, did ‘things’ to Fara and brought up thoughts that she was very quickly to drown in oceans of mental cold water. Not the time brain…

Fortunately Matina provided her with a needed mental distraction. With a bit of a smirk she walked over to bubbly co-worker and flicked a few stray crumbs off of her apron. ”Really now?” She asked with an over-dramatic eyebrow raise, and a stern look. ”So the muffin I saw you wolfing down as I came in was dinner?” She could only maintain that for a few seconds, before laughing. ”Oh, hadn’t heard we were getting anyone new.”

The bus slid to a halt with a squeal of breaks as Fara stood and made her way forward towards the doors; stepping from the warm bus into the cooler night air, she shivered slightly, more as a reflex than anything else. Adjusting the collar of the slightly-to-large men’s long-sleeved shirt, she stuck her earbuds in for the walk from her bus stop to work.

Her hair back in a simple ponytail, a plain blue t-shirt under her long-sleeve, a pair of nearly thread bare jeans a battered messanger bag for an oversized purse and some very well worn Converse, Fara was pretty much the reference image of ‘Broke Collage Student’, not that such a thing really bothered her. Reaching work, she opened the door while singing to herself. ”Baptized in a firefight/Hot blood running cold as ice/Forty four minutes of target practice/All hell's breaking loose…” Nodding a greeting to the few remaining evening shift staff that were still leaving, she did her best not to roll her eyes as she spotted Matina helping herself to a muffin.

Leaving her co-worker to her ‘theft’, she stepped into the back to drop her stuff and put on her apron that she’d stuffed into her bag. She was still singing to herself, though this time without the music in her ears, as she came back into the front.”Standard police issue guns were just not enough/But SWAT arrived and settled the fight/Between AK-47 and AR-15.” Tying off her apron, she then redid her ponytail, taking a moment to scratch her head as she did so. ”Evening Matina,” She said finally. ”Have the muffins gotten any better?” As muffins went they weren’t all that great in her opinion.

As Sven pushed the tank forward, Gerad stood up and joined the advance, drawing almost as much fire as Sven and the Chimera. VLA shots burned down two more thugs before he focused his attention on the APCs; Silas, Cyne and Ducaelia could deal with the foot mobiles and gun trucks easily enough, but only he and Sven had the firepower to make short work of the APCs.

Leaving the ones in the open for the tank, he spotted two in hull down positions near one another. One had the cluster of aerials of a command vehicle, while more imminently dangerously, the other sported a rail-gun as its primary. Fortunately the gunner seemed to be focusing on the tank, which Gerad was most grateful of; that rail-gun had almost no chance of harming the battered Chimera, but it could give him a real bad time. He was about to do what he did with the earlier APCs, VLA to disrupt the shields, PRP to fry them, when he spied a way to do that and scatter the dug in troops near them. Smiling to himself, he adjusted the impact point of his PRP.


Troop Leader Stilson swore from the back of the Alecto class Armoured Command Carrier. Watching through the gunners sight feed, he saw the tank that Command swore was out of action, lumber towards them, sure it looked like it wasn’t in great shape, but the smoking crater that used to be the second wave, showed that it still had teeth…far more teeth than anyone on his side of the firing line had.

The rear hatch was open and he could hear the crackle of small arms fire from his men and the other units, the ‘thumping’ of the old style chemrail auto-cannons on the standard Megaera class troop carriers, the ‘zipkrak’ of the rail-gun on the Tisiphone beside him as well as the barrages from the jury-rigged gun trucks. Another rail slug shattered against the tanks defences, “May as well try and piss on it…” Fortunately the tank seemed to be ignoring them. However movement from the far side of the tank suddenly drew all of Stilson’s attention.

The squat, quadrupedal profile, coupled with its seemingly total immunity to hostile fire, could only mean one thing; a Garundin. “Raptor-6 shift fire to the Garundin, left of the Chimera.”

“Say again, Raptor-1. The what?”


Stilson watched in horror as the Garundin’s shoulder mounted cannon pivoted in his direction. During a raid early in his time with Apocalypse, his unit had tangled with a small Garundin patrol; they’d out numbed the patrol 5 to 1, only 10% of his unit had survived, and they never brought down an single one of those damned four legs. Now, all he could do was watch in slow motion as he was about to die.

The plasma cannon fired…and Stilson opened his eyes. Somehow he was alive? Maybe that little bastard had taken more of a beating than he’d thought; he was about to shout at Raptor-6 again, when one of his men rushed into the back of the Alecto. “TeeEl, tower’s coming down!” It took a moment for the words to click. They’d gone hull down beside an old transmission tower…already unsettled by the events so far, he ran, shoving the man aside in a bit to get clear. Staggering outside, he looked back at the tower as it toppled and realized the Garundin hadn’t missed, instead blowing a sizable chunk out of the bottom of the tower…and dropping right across the two APCs and and firing positions of his men.

There was no time to do anything, the tower fell right across both pieces of armour, their shields sparking briefly before collapsing, the impact taking the turrets out of the fight. Some of the men saw what was coming, and managed to warn others, scrambling clear. Too many weren’t fast enough and were crushed under the mass of metal, and even those that survived that now found a new problem, in their desperate bit to get away, many now found themselves out in the open.

Troop Leader Stilson was knocked from his feet by a piece of flying debris, and though his body armour stopped it from killing him, it still took the wind out of him. Laying in the dirt he could only watch as his command was crushed and scattered. The man that’d run to warn him was dead, the chunk of metal that knocked Stilson down had first gone through the man’s neck. Stilson had just managed to drag himself to his knees when he was slapped back down as Raptor-6 exploded, a Garundin plasma bolt smashing into it’s mangled turret; he died before he’d even realized what’d happened. The next shot slammed into Raptor-1, searing its turret and gunner away as well, sending super-heated gases boiling through the hull of the APC but, unlike Raptor-6, Rapto-1 had its rear hatch open and that acted like a nozzle, directing the gases straight into one Troop Leader Stilson, incinerating him on the spot.


Gerad surveyed the carnage with appreciation. One enemy strong point shattered, the survivors rattled and exposed and a potentially serious weapon destroyed, all in a few moments; all in all a great success. ”C’mon ye slackers!” He chided to the squad as he opened fire on the now scattered and exposed thugs with his VLA. ”Them boy’o ain’t a pity fuck, dey no gonna jus’ lay der an’ take it!”
@ShiningSector Wow, glad to hear the rear-ender wasn't too bad, hope your next few weeks are nice and calm (sounds like you could use it), and thanks for the update.

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