Avatar of Athol


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7 yrs ago
Current There is no such thing as overkill. There is simply 'Opening Fire' and 'Reloading'


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@Delphio Okay. The closest thing they'd have would be whatever 'combat' training they got during Basic.
@Delphio Anything that isn't a main combat oriented job. Artillerist, Vehicle driver, mechanic, communications tech, cook etc; roles like that.
I'll give this a shot if it's still on.

(Question) Could a PC be active military if they were something other than Infantry/SpecOps etc?

She woke to ash and dust, knowing little more than her name. Nezumes sat on the crumbling remains of a wall and surveyed the dead world around her. Behind her, a black sun over two peaks that unsettled her to no end, before her a seemingly endless desert, to her left a sea so still it was almost as unnerving as the sun and to her right the shattered remains of a city. She wasn’t sure how long she sat there, time seemed of little relevance.

Eventually she chuckled softly to herself and clapped her palms against the threadbare trousers she’s woken in. ”Sitting her isn’t going to achieve much.” She muttered to herself as she stood. Stretching to her full nine feet, she raised her arms over her head and arched backwards. Feeling slightly better, she looked about her immediate surroundings once more, and not seeing anything of interest, she gave a small shrug and began heading towards the ruins.
@Roughdragon1 (Beating my head against my laptop to put a post together) I know we're all starting with little more than our skivvies, but is there anything to salvage gear from? (long quiet battlefield, remains of those who came before us and perished etc)

[Ignore, miss click]

@Roughdragon1 Cool. Some of that may change anyways, depending on how the rest of the sheet comes out (assuming I can get over thing 'block')
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