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Chester Jones

September 5th, 1969.
0745 HRs

Chester sat in his Studebaker '51 at the crosswalk in front of the school. There were at least fifteen students before him, at least two of which he considered a menace. It wouldn't be difficult, the kids before him had no reason to believe a stopped car at a crosswalk had any reason to cease being stopped, especially considering that the man behind the wheel was their vice principal, it would be all too easy.

Chester entered the parking lot of the school without incident, as he had been doing for the past few years of his life, and would continue to do for the foreseeable future. He pushed open the door, stumbled out (he never wears his seatbelt), and vomited into a bush. After calming his nerves, he pulled the worn leather briefcase from his car, then shut the door, making sure to lock it.

0805 HRs

"Kostashe!" echoed through the halls of the building, bringing a sense of nausea to all who heard it. Mr. Jones came lumbering down the hall with long strides and a look of anger on his face. Vice Principal Jones was becoming a real hardass lately. Some of the students speculated that he may have regained the will to live, but most didn't like those odds. Jones stepped right up to Nick, pointing a chubby finger at his chin.

"Listen, buster, I told you to mop the floors, didn't I? I want you to explain to me why Jake Watson's telling me the second I get through the doors that you're smoking LSD in the women's bathroom!" Before Nick could retort, Chester continued, "You know what? Don't even try to give me an excuse. From now on and until the end of the year, you will come to school at 7am and report directly to my office. You will spend break and lunch in my office, and you will not leave the building until you sign out at my office, understand me? Good." Chester flicked the cigarette off Nick's ear, then turned around and walked away. A grin slowly spread across his face. It was nice to blow some steam.
A veteran owned store, Semper Fi!

Meaford Firearms
I like to erp.
Roleplay roleplay roleplay
Right, so it seems just about unanimous. If Ogobrogo returns, he's GM again, but until then, I don't want to see this rp die. Should we start a new thread or use this one?
You have my interest, but I have a few questions that come with it.

The planet is described in an intentionally sparse, dreary-sounding way, which I dig, but it leaves me wondering about the planet. I figure because the plot of the story is "cosmonauts from awful planet seek nice planet", the culture and nuances of Myar don't matter so much since the story is about literally any planet but Myar, but the fact that their planet is dangerous and their society is primitive leaves me wondering how they developed space-faring technology. The description of the mountain folk says that they recover and repair their ships, but I'd like a little more explanation on the subject. Are the ships just crashed alien vessels? Are they just recycling the same ships that make it home until there are none? Did they develop spaceships from planes after inventing engines like on Earth? Are voidcrafts organic beings from Myar like EVAs?

As I understand it, they've been maintaining the ships that brought them there for occasions like in the rp.
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