Avatar of Baklava
  • Last Seen: 23 days ago
  • Old Guild Username: FMAlchemist
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1456 (0.38 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Baklava 10 yrs ago


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Takin' a break.


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No, you're not. You're just a fart that gained sentience.
The Ship That Sank

Callan | Sander]

๐•Ž๐•–๐••: ๐•†๐•”๐•ฅ. ๐ŸŸ, ๐Ÿš๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿš๐Ÿ˜ / / ๐”น๐•’๐•๐•• โ„๐•–๐•’๐•• ๐•€๐•ค๐•๐•’๐•Ÿ๐•• / / ๐•†๐•—๐•—๐•ค๐•™๐• ๐•ฃ๐•– / / ~๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ๐Ÿ›๐Ÿ

Collab with @Baklava and @RedDusk


Shaky fingers withdrew from the man's neck. She'd decided to check despite the dismal state of his crushed body, hanging onto whatever shreds of hope she could. As long as there was a pulse, there was a chance, right? Christmas or Lily could heal anything, couldn't they? It was worth checking....

Yet once again wide eyes stared forward, as lifeless as those of the boy she'd been fighting. She tried not to look at them. As the sandstorm cleared and the wall fell apart, Callan immediately noticed the other two staff a short distance away, broken and unmoving. She gave a despairing sigh before her attention was drawn towards a bright light in the distance. They were... retreating?

A short-lived relief.

Her breath caught in her throat and she slowly rose to her feet, watching as the wave took form. Up and up and up.... So terrifying and sudden that for a fraction of a second she almost considered letting Misery loose. As if it could do anything to shatter the massive wall of water. She had to remind herself that she'd be fine. The others might not survive, but no matter how hard it hit her, she was durable enough to take it. Her body evidently needed a little more convincing, however, and she took several steps backward out of reflex.

When the inevitable finally happened, she squeezed her eyes shut, widened her stance, and took a gulp of air. The water was more than enough to knock her clean off her feet, drowning all her senses. She let it carry her, hands reaching tentatively for something she could hold onto but anything she managed to grasp instantly crumbled beneath her iron grip. Callan was left gasping for breath a good distance from the cliff's edge. Sand, seaweed, and other such ocean bits had been lodged snuggly in her hair and clothes. She shakily pulled herself to her feet.

Glancing at the two lifeless staff members who had washed up beside her, Callan reached to turn the maid over but paused as soon as her hand met the woman's shoulder. If she wasn't dead before, she certainly was now. She should... check and see if the others were alright. In spite of herself, she turned her over just enough to see bulging eyes and a gaping mouth full of blood and debris. She inhaled sharply and let the woman fall face down again, cursing her decision as she quickly turned away.

A quick headcount as she ran towards the lighthouse and everybody seemed to be accounted for. Worse for wear, but coughing. Which meant breathing. Which meant living. And those in the lighthouse were probably better off than everyone outside had been. She could hear Brent's voice shouting through his cuff, still on from before the wave hit apparently. Still, she'd feel a lot better after a much needed regroup. "Transmit. You guys okay in there? We've got three dead-- staff members." Callan clarified solemnly, "Everybody else out here is alive, but we've got injuries. Don't know how bad yet. End transmission." But that itching feeling that she was forgetting something still kept her eyes searching until she realized who she was looking for.


Over the patter of persistent rain and the voices of her peers, Callan could just barely make out the sound of intense splashing. Her eyes fell on Sander's pale figure in the water where he seemed to have been swept down the cliff side and pulled out past the shore. Accompanied by the stolen ferry, the ominous blue light was fading in the distance, but she gave it little thought. A brief moment of uncertainty clouded her judgment and she watched Sander struggle for a moment, waiting for him to stop panicking and start swimming.

"Shit-- really, Sander?!" She ran towards him, soggy shoes sliding down the rocky cliffside. Before reaching the bottom, she gauged the distance and launched herself into a haphazard dive a few yards from where Sander's thrashing was growing weaker.

Even when he was choking down mouthfuls of salt water, Sander still recognized Callan's sweet scent once her hands closed around his shoulders. He stopped his thrashing then, and turned to her instead, arms reaching and grasping for whatever leverage so he could take another gasp of air.

A small burst of air bubbled out of Callan's mouth in surprise as Sander started trying to essentially climb on top of her in his effort to reach the surface. Geez, he was seriously drowning, wasn't he? The lost air had her feeling a bit panicked as well. She quickly adjusted her grip on Sander, trying to shift him to the side as she kicked her legs. She'd never been a phenomenal swimmer, but at the very least she could say she was a strong one now. She kicked as hard as she could, but a wave broke over the pair as soon as they'd reached the surface. Maintaining her grip on the evidently terrified Sander, she started kicking again, headed for shore.

She held on well after her feet could finally touch bottom, dragging him into ankle-deep territory before letting go. On all fours, she coughed and spit, the salty seawater burning her nose and throat.

As soon as she noticed Sander starting to sit up more, she aimed a tempered punch at his arm, pushing him sideways. "Fucking--" she coughed and shivered, "Learn how to swim! You scared the shit out of me!"

Sander only gave her a brief but apologetic look, still far too occupied with retching out the salty water and catching his breaths. Eventually though, he responded, voice hoarse from all the coughing and exposure to the frigid water. The damage could have been worse, if it hadn't been for the natural resilience his power provided. It did shield him from damage when the waves sent him tumbling through the dirt too, turning grievous injuries into superficial scratches and scrapes.


Slowly, he rose to his feet, offering a hand to Callan. She accepted it with some reluctance. Once on her feet, she rang out her shredded sweatshirt, nose twitching with the occasional sniffle as the cold began to take its toll.

"You're okay, then?"

Meanwhile Sander didn't seem to be very concerned with the soaked state of his clothes. Instead, he just cast red gaze toward where the ferry had made a significant distance, then back at the battered lighthouse.

"We should probably get back."

Callan glanced up at him and sighed. "Right." She'd almost forgotten what it was like to talk to Sander. Then again, he probably wasn't thrilled about the whole needing to be rescued thing. Or maybe he would've been just fine without her... yes, that was definitely a possibility.

Either way, he was right. They desperately needed to regroup. "Let's go then," she said simply before taking off in a sprint towards the steep path back up to the lighthouse. Sander only nodded, before following closely.


Callan | Lawrence | Siena

๐•Ž๐•–๐••: ๐•†๐•”๐•ฅ. ๐ŸŸ, ๐Ÿš๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿš๐Ÿ˜ / / ๐”น๐•’๐•๐•• โ„๐•–๐•’๐•• ๐•€๐•ค๐•๐•’๐•Ÿ๐•• / / ๐•ƒ๐•š๐•˜๐•™๐•ฅ๐•™๐• ๐•ฆ๐•ค๐•– / / ~๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ๐Ÿ›๐Ÿ

Collab with @Baklava, @Snagglepuss89, and @PapiTan

@shylarah Ganbatte. I believe in you.
@shylarah Hey! No arguments here! I'm more than happy to draw for full price~ mwahahaha~

(but also thanks for calling my art pretty aerlkghblaerbgh)
Rhohan a la carte
(To go, please.)

Sander | Callan

๐•Ž๐•–๐••: ๐•†๐•”๐•ฅ. ๐ŸŸ, ๐Ÿš๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿš๐Ÿ˜ / / ๐”น๐•’๐•๐•• โ„๐•–๐•’๐•• ๐•€๐•ค๐•๐•’๐•Ÿ๐•• / / ๐•ƒ๐•š๐•˜๐•™๐•ฅ๐•™๐• ๐•ฆ๐•ค๐•– / / ~๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ๐Ÿ›๐Ÿ˜
Collab with @RedDusk and @Baklava

With his enemy bisected and bleeding beneath him, Sander did not hesitate, especially when his gaping gut wound took far longer to heal that he would like. Leaning forward, he bit cleanly into the exposed neck, slurping down the still-warm blood that oozed out. The other Aberration was already dead, so his blood had lost much of its potency, but Sander would make do. He could not waste the strength. It barely took a minute for the corpse to run dry; Sanderโ€™s power had soaked up even the pooling blood on the forest floor. Rejuvenated, the blood mage rose to his feet, maimed body forgotten at his feet. His armor was falling to pieces as well, so he took it off, letting the fragments slowly absorbed back into his skin.

Then his eyes fell on Callan's battered body. His breaths hitched as he leaned down, pressing a feather-light touch to her shoulder. There was just simply too much blood. He didnโ€™t know what to do. Didnโ€™t dare.


Fear spurred the pounding in Callan's chest as she watched the razor sharp claws of her enemy rise to strike. Enduring a fate similar to Sander... she wasn't so sure she was capable of fighting through it like the vampire aberration had managed to do. Amethyst eyes still wet with reluctant tears widened as Allison's blade made contact and her own axe fell. Through racing thoughts, adrenaline, and distressed nerves, a single question flooded her mind.


Callan stared down at the remarkably human looking "monster" just before the sandstorm forced her to shield her eyes and turn away on reflex. The lifeless eyes and stark black X, glistening with rain, was burned into her memory, however. Just face for her to add to the collection she'd so far accrued. Why did it have to be this way? Why were they attacking? Why couldn't they be on the same side? Why was this so infuriating?

She shivered as the pain of her wounds brought her back to the now. They needed to get out of here before anyone else showed up. Hissing through her teeth as the sandstorm seemed to exacerbate the gashes, she barely managed to make out the figure of Sander crouched over their enemy's corpse. She grimaced at the sight. Waste not want not, she supposed.

Pushing herself further off the ground with her arms, the stress pumping through her veins propelled her to try and stand. The pain was almost worse than the sensation of feeling her own detached and raw flesh move against itself as the severed muscles failed to function in sync with one another.

"Agh!" she exclaimed, falling back into a sitting position immediately. Sander's touch might've gone unnoticed if he hadn't spoken. She released a shaky breath, amethyst eyes locking with two glowing red irises before falling to the closing hole in Sander's chest. The reminder of how effective Sander's self healing was provided its own small bit of relief in the midst of the ongoing chaos.

"Hey, Sandy," she forced a weakly reassuring smiled when she noticed his gaze tracing her injuries, "We-- ngh-- we gotta get outta here. C-can you get Hazel and I to a healer? I can't...." She looked down at her legs, seeping blood into the mud at an alarming rate.

The mention of Hazel's name caused Sander to lift his gaze and glanced toward where Lawrence was crouching over her, ripped cloth stemming the flow of blood. Having just drank quite a bit, Sander didn't fully trust himself with the task, but he also knew the stakes; just from the thickness of the scents alone, he knew that he had to get both of them back to safety, and fast. His throat tightened, suddenly too dry and his heart thudded in anticipation. The fire was waiting for a single lapse in his concentration, the traitorous thing. He would not let it stop him this time.

"Okay." -Sander nodded, because he thought he should -"Alright."

Leaning toward, he took both of Callan's arms and wrapped them around his neck, urging her silently to hold on while his other arm reached around to support her lower back. She held on tightly, wincing throughout the motion.

Callan had meant to thank him, but with every pulse her strength felt like it beginning to dwindle, her breathing, more labored, and her tongue felt heavy in her mouth. All that escaped her instead was a restrained groan. Bleeding again-- why couldn't she be better than this? Sleep was beginning to sound like a fair idea. A dark, still, quiet where nothing burned and the looming stress of death overcoming not only herself, but everyone else would be a muffled thought. But she held on, willing herself to remain conscious, though completely missing the thin black thread that moved towards her and Sander through the raging sands. The wounds faded, though some fatigue lingered.

"Lily," Callan said, loosening her grip around Sander's neck and letting her feet plant themselves on the ground. She turned to try and see Hazel. Visibility was too low and she and Lawrence were too far, but it was probably a safe bet Lily had healed Hazel, too. Now to figure out their next course of action. The top of the lighthouse was almost completely lost from her sight. No sign of Angelique. No ferry. No vehicles. How were they going to get out of here?

"Pull back. We're retreating back to the tunnels." Ernie's voice buzzed through the cuff, just audible over the augmented storm.

She'd take it.

"Sander, help me make sure everybody gets back inside the lighthouse. Time to go!" Callan shouted, running towards Hazel and Lawrence.

Sander simply looked at Callan as her skin knitted together and her wounds close, his nostrils flared slightly to catch any scent that could contradict the healing. There was none. Callan was fully healed. As well as Lawrence and Hazel. Quickly, Sander took a few steps back now that Callan could stand by herself, giving her some space. When their order came from Ernie through the cuff, Sander raised his eyebrows, clearly confused. Weren't they to get out of here? Wouldn't retreating defeat that purpose? He turned, narrowed eyes stared off into the distance while his senses worked. The sand storm beat harmlessly against his skin, but its rage paled when compared to his own. What it did though, was obscuring his vision, making him rely on his blood sense.

When Callan finally decided for herself and ran off, Sander gave her back a silent nod before dashing off on his own as well, heading toward the scents of Zoe and Kusari. Theirs were the closest.

@DearTrickster LMAO. For a minute there I thought you might be commissioning me to draw some twilight fanart and my brain went "FUCK!"

Yes, ofc. Just shoot me a PM with the details and your paypal email so I can send you an invoice.
Hereby offering a 50% discount for the first 2 guild members to come at me with the following pass code:

Your prices are too high. Give me a freakin' discount, Bak. Also, Twilight is my favorite movie.

(3 piece limit, if you want to order multiple works at once)

Made a wee price adjustment~
@POOHEAD189 Heyy! Thanks-- that'd be great! Yeah, just let me know!
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