Jon Lastaire
18 ◼ OCTOBER 30th ◼ MALE
Biography:Jon's parents were Oran Berry farmers, and he was born miles from the nearest town. His parents, both coming from farming families, wanted him to take up the family buisness when he came of age. Unfortunately, there was nothing that Jon hated more than farming. The idea of staying in the same place, doing the same thing everyday, scared him to no end. He wanted to be a pokemon trainer, like his uncle. To his everlasting graditude, his uncle gave him a Ralts for his 17th birthday. When he was 18, he left home without turning back to travel the world.
Personality: Jon has a love, nay, need for adventure. It's what drives his every move. The idea that tomorrow, he might see or do or taste or touch something he never has is what wakes him up in the morning. There's nothing he hates more than routine. Through all of that, though, he is a perfectly nice guy, and is always willing to help if one were to ask.
Pokemon: Pokemon Party: Pokemon Reserves: Inventory: