@KazeXDZ First off, you can only have 3 Techniques/Spells or 1 Gift. You have 6.
- Holy-Demonic: This is passive ability and more suited as a Gift.
- Healing Hands: This one is fine as it is.
- Shield: I'll give you daily usage of Shield 1 per 10 levels (starting with 1) or you'll be unable to block attacks from enemies more than 5 levels above you. Pick one.
- Demon's Fireball: You'll probably be really hard pressed to find playing cards. You could just make it a normal fireball that doesn't require cards or other such things to use and just spam it in fights without care for resources.
- Demon's Fist: This one is okay, nothing to add.
- Devil's Hand: Nothing to complain about here either.
Question: I'm pretty sure it says it in the CS (I can't remember and I'm too tired to look) but is he able to have Thaumaturgy and a Gift? I would guess not but it's safer to ask than to assume. BTW, I have no idea what to do for now with Gabriella, anything you can send her way?