Avatar of BespeckledCeph
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    1. BespeckledCeph 7 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current I squat with fellow Gopniks. I slurp vodka. I eat semechki. I dance to hardbass. Life. Is. Good.
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I'm very interested
I'll be getting a CS up later today
I'll be trying to get an intro post in tomorrow, but i'm not making any promises ;-;
Ooohhh makes sense, as an extra layer of immersion and events @Traps
Is this still open, or just a one time thing

@Traps I really like these Ideas, like our characters growing and having an impact on the world. I always like some weight behind my decisions, even if it's a forum RP story. I don't understand 3 and 4 much, but I also like 5 and 6

All in all, I might look at some tabletop RP's now because if they have mechanics like this, I want it all.

Is was a nice morning, reminding Dimitri of his homeland. He opened his window, and put on some clothes. He left his uniform in his office, so he planned he would pick it up on his way. He put on a tank top, and some camouflage cargo pants, along with a coat, and head out. He parked, and could see his breath in the air. He breathed deep, and head over to his office, unpacked boxes still littering the place. His suit was on the wall and he snatched it and slung it over his shoulder. As he strolled through the offices and chairs, he recognized a few people, but disregarded it, he had seen them plenty of times before.

When he went into the room, a few people were there lined up, with the commander. He took off his jacket, and stood at attention, like the rest. Over the next few minutes, 4 more people walked in. He was ready for the briefing, and was excited, like he was for every other time. It got him a special way thinking about crashing through a door, adrenaline pumping, and neutralizing a suspect.

It was rather short lived though. The commander got a call, he would have to wait longer than he needed to. He was starting to get bored, and started to listen to what she was saying. Was it a new suspect? He wanted to confirm his suspicions, he asked the guy to his right. He had knew him for a while, they had worked on a few missions together and had become good acquaintances. He was one of the few friends he had made through his career.

"What do you think she's talking about? It's eating me away just thinking about it." His thick Russian accent was very apparent, and he was mumbling, making it even worse.

His wonders would soon be quenched when she turned back, and said to suit up. His face lit up. It was a warehouse of zombies. Would they be affected by tear gas? Or smoke. These thoughts churned through his head, eating him up just like before. He put on his moderately heavy Raider armor and looked at his gun rack. He didn't think that zombies operated off of hearing, and he wasn't feeling like a shield, he took his ak-15 off of the rack, and cocked the bolt, cycling the chamber. He took the mag out, and but the bullet back in, It'd be a waste to just leave it. He took 4 tear gas grenades, assuming it would be useful to at least distract them. He also took more mags than usual, he needed to to pump these zombies out.

His sweet ak-15, glistening in the light of the armory. He looked over it, and aimed down the sights. It was so comfortable in his hands, yet had some weight as well. He put it down temporarily, and got his knife out, flipped it a bit, and put it into his holster. He also took his PP-200, as well as a few mags. It wouldn't be too useful for this mission, but it was a nice backup. He was ready now. He rolled up his left sleeve and looked at his dragons. He was going in fierce today, full power, no holding back.
Name: James Adams

Age: 24


Race: Distant angelic blood

Brand: Large White Double Helix of Hydras on Back

Power: Control of water: He mostly uses ice and snow: but has experimented with water in the past

Personality: James usually keeps to himself, and doesn't talk much. He tries to fade into the background and go through life without any drama. He won't usually avoid a conflict, but definitely won't start one. Very sensitive, and keeps it real, speaking his mind the times he does. Nice, will try and protect his friends, and will do a lot for the ones he has.

Bio/History: James grew up as a social person, many friends, and many relationships. No one knew why, not even James, but he slowly became less social, losing almost all his friends. He moved North, where his friends became fewer, to the few that lived in his town. One day, he was standing with his friends who were playing snowball, he started to trace the balls flying back and forth. One flew towards him, and he braced, and closed his eyes, yet no snowball came. When he opened them again, a snowball was inches from his face, floating mid air. Him and his friends all circled around it, as it hovered. James began to think. He thought about hitting one of the other boys, in the face, and moments later, the ball flew at the exact boy he imagined. He could control this. He looked at the other boys as they looked at each other. What could he say? He couldn't say anything. He just walked away, fading into the forest.

He went back and forth to the lake, trying to do the same thing, practicing, and training. He started to lift bigger things. More compact things. Ice balls, and more. He trained like this, soon able to form them. He could move them around, like small dragons dancing in the sky. Nothing else mattered to him now, he only needed this.

Extra: Likes to wrap himself up in comfy clothes, not fashionable ones.

P.P.S.: Not the best at history stories, never really liked them much
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