Avatar of bloodbitten
  • Last Seen: 5 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 47 (0.01 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. bloodbitten 10 yrs ago


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9 yrs ago
Current I haven't been on in such a long time. >.>


Not taking roleplay invites at this time.
Sorry everyone. I can hardly keep up with the four that have right now. xD

Most Recent Posts

HAHA I've done this before. xD
I would like to build an Animal-on-Animal type of story with you.

PM me? ouo
Ahh, hello!

If you are reading this, I can only assume you have experience in animal roleplay, be it very little or very vast.
Either way, I am summoning all of you one-by-one to tell a story with me.

I can roleplay virtually ANY kind of animal (as long as it's not fantasy, excluding dragons).
I can also do anthro roleplays, though I am not very experienced with them.

But maybe you don't want JUST animal roleplay... well, I LOVE shapeshifters! We can work out a shapeshifter RP!

NEW! NOV. 23, 2014
- I have a plot for a Wolf x Wolf roleplay with an original character of mine. (one who is not listed in my Character Dump)

If you are an animal roleplayer and interested in plot discussions with moi, please comment below and I will PM you, or you can PM me. ouo
Innue said
Welcome back!How about roleplay where you tame creatures? Would that be interesting to you?

It sounds interesting... I could give that a shot. :o
This is my official character dump.
I just needed a place to put my characters in, really.

Feel free to look around, but please do not comment here. If you have a question about one of my characters, please PM me!

This is the ANIMALS section.

The hiders will be named like this: [insert name here] -- [insert species here]

Adding TONS of other characters when I get the chance.
Thought I'd say hello anyway. ouo

Not a previous member of the OldGuild, but a previous member of the current one. But it's been like... maybe... 3 months since I've been on?
I believe I still have access to the previous account (that which I will not mention; irrelevant information unless asked), but I'm starting fresh, so here I am.

Instead of roleplaying with anyone who sparks my fancy, I have switched to strictly [literal] animal roleplay until further notice.
However, I AM willing to make a few exceptions.. c;
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