Wake the hell up!
Also, I made a new RP, click here for it!
ActRaiserTheReturned said
I'd like at least six total players, unless you can't get anymore. Preferably as many as you can handle. ;D Also, my character is not a total villain, he just tends to be extremely creepy.
Boboclown89 said
oh, and please link to the restart. I would like to join that. Like I siad, this RP was fun, but with dropouts and inactivitys, it became dull and unfun
ActRaiserTheReturned said
god is just his title, unless you mean he can't even use the word god as a title. He's just a Titan.
Boboclown89 said
I do believe it's dead, there's barely three people active, and it's not fun to be in :/
Derpestein said
I don't have anything to post.