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  • Old Guild Username: BlueRose
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    1. BlueRose 11 yrs ago
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Drakel said

No I did not XD I know a few people on here who do but I was unaware you were one of them.
Drakel said

I know right? My area is probably going to have to water ration in the summer. We're already in a drought and it's not raining much if at all and the state won't deliver us our water so... We're going to mummify.
:/ It's probably only like 60 F here during the day, if that low.
Over the next two weeks Iris will most likely be researching spells, and practicing. Practicing to raise her essence levels, because she was dissatisfied with how little she could do with her magic as it stands. She shall go to libraries, read up on the internet, and figure out new ways to use her magic.

One day, as she visits a library, she'll see a little kid with scratches on her face who seems sad. Approaching, Iris asks what happened. The girl says she got in a fight with a kid at school because the kid stole her doll. The girl had the doll back, and was clutching it in her arms, but she was still upset. To cheer her up, Iris shows her a tiny mana barrier. The child is so excited and asks for Iris to teach her how to do that. Iris attempts to teach the child some basic magic, but unfortunately the child is just not skilled in the disciplines of magic. Iris herself had to go to a fancy school to learn how to use magic. The girl almost leaves the library, upset at her inability to use magic, but before she does Iris grabs her hand and puts a hand to the girl's cheek where some of the scratches are.

"Smile, don't be upset. I'm sure you'll learn magic one day. It took me years to learn even what I can do today. Magic is a fickle mistress." Iris smiled and the girl perked up, nodding.

"I'll keep trying!" she smiled.

Iris removed her hand, and the scratches were no longer there. "Good, now go on home. You don't want your parents to worry."

The girl nodded and ran off.
Sorry I took so long, thought Turt was gonna post.

Also cause of my jokes, the next 3 times we need to be brave, we can add +1 to our rolls.
Iris and the others ventured deeper into the forest, where the was virtually no light from the sun able to pierce the foliage of the dense wood, and the air smelled stale, like rotting leaves and stagnant water... and of smoke.

Iris, always prepared, had a lantern which she removed from her pack and lit, lighting their way. The forest looked sinister and frightening. The red smoke had become trapped under the dense leafs and the air was tinged pink. The dew on the leafs even absorbed some of the red particulates, enough so that it looked as though the trees were covered in blood. As they drew deeper into the forest screams and crunching noises became audible and grew louder. The crunch of bones and gnash of teeth. Wild life being devoured by the undead.

"This place is evil... Why ever would they build a palace near here?" Iris chuckled, trying to keep the mood light.

Noticing the mood is rather tense, Iris decides to tell some jokes.

"A chicken and an egg are lying in bed. The chicken takes out a cigarette and begins to smoke. The egg, pissed off, takes one look at the chicken, rolls over and pulls the blanket over him and says, 'I guess we answered that question!'"

"Three vampire bats live in a cave surrounded by three castles. One night, the bats bet on who can drink the most blood.

The first bat comes home with blood dripping off his fangs. He says, 'See that castle over there? I drank the blood of three people.'

The second bat returns with blood around his mouth. He says, 'See that castle over there? I drank the blood of five people.'

The third bat comes back covered in blood. He says, 'See that castle over there?' The other bats nod. 'Well,' says the third bat, 'I didn't.'"

"A man cheats on his girlfriend named Lorraine with a girl named Clearly.

Suddenly, Lorraine died.

At the funeral, the man stands up and sings, 'I can see Clearly now, Lorraine is gone.'"

The lightening of the mood is tangible and Iris smiles.
If I win this, which I think I will, I get either all the games in the Sid Meier's Humble Bundle or a steam game up to $20 in value.
Sherlock Holmes said
Definitely looking better!

I agree :) thanks for the help!

Here's my version.
Sherlock Holmes said

I realized my light source was turning into light sources as I was drawing it. But it was like 2 am and I had been drawing all day XD But damn that's pretty cool what you did. I probably will do that now. Just to make it look awesome. Also I had considered doing something like what you did to the background but I was really tired by the time I was done with the man XD

Anywho I definitely like what you did and will try and emulate it if you don't mind. Also what program do you use to draw?
K-97 said
Looks really good so far. Out of interest what are you meant to be drawing?

Here's the exact post:
Contest Time!

I need a character sketch for a DnD game. The character is a human necromancer.

Distinguishing characteristics
- Unusually tall and gaunt
- Has many stitched up old wounds on him (stitches still in)
- Very high charisma, but of the intimidating kind not the pretty boy diplomat kind
- Wields a Glaive (bonus points if you can put a taxidermied weasel or ferret type thing on the glaive's staff section)
- Wears a cloak over padded leather armor (not too concerned about what the clothing is under the cloak though)
- Is a taxidermist, so if you want to incorporate that in some way go for it.

I would prefer a full body sketch of him standing, but that is not a requirement. The sketch will be used by me in a DnD campaign I am playing with my brother, and as such will not be used for any commercial purposes whatsoever.

Prize is all the keys from the Sid Meier Humble Bundle, or any steam game up to $20 in value. Winner's choice. If there are two or more compelling entries I will consider an equal prize for second place.

Contest ends one week from today: Thursday Feb 13th, at 12pm EST time
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