Avatar of Blushing Donkey
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Joined: 4 yrs ago
  • Posts: 16 (0.01 / day)
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    1. Blushing Donkey 4 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current When it's been so long you're not just rusty, but your writing skill has gone backwards...Hoping practice makes perfect!
4 yrs ago
Blame the boredom on the insomnia or blame the insomnia on the boredom?
4 yrs ago
"you have no friends" Hmm...should I be offended or motivated to make some? I'll go with the latter!


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Most Recent Posts

How would you feel about a FxF pairing with the "Famous Isn't Everything" idea? It catches my interest a lot. I could play a male if you were craving one though. Oh, and were you hoping to play Muse A or B here?
needed more preparation
Got a chance to read through and it sounds super intriguing! Definitely interested if there will be room for one more.

R E V E L R Y A N D R E V E R I E:

Thank you for checking out this interest check. This I intended to be a fantasy steampunk rp with elements of an apocalypse. Ideally, players would have free choice, and your choices determine the direction things go. It's not as complete as I would have liked, but I tried my best to keep it short and simple to check for interest. If you're interested, please leave a reply. Once I have 3-4, I'd gladly toss up an OOC and get started on characters. (It's mainly world building here.) If you have any questions I'll do my best to answer.


You hold the letter in your hand, a certain expression on your face as you turn it over and read the parchment:


This letter is to inform you that you and up to two guests are cordially invited to attend the 105th Revelry at Reverie Isle.

Our Revelry has an expansive history of bringing together those from every nation in a way that can alter the tides of time, create lasting memories, and reveal secrets otherwise kept hidden. This year is shaping up to be no exception! Amongst the peace and celebration, your leaders plan to sow seeds that will bloom within the next decade.

Depending on where you live, an escort envoy will be arriving within the week to transport you to the nearest airship. Do not fret over gold, as all travel expenses are waived. You need only bring what you wish to spend at the fair. Lodging at Whitebridge village has also been generously provided for this year by Pharom Banise, king of Croa.

The fair will be underway the day of your arrival, and the Gathering of Nations will be held the following. Please take a moment to digest our core rules before deciding if you'll join us:

(*)Weapons of all kind are banned from public spaces. You will be asked to leave them on your ship, with the assurance they will be returned.
(*)Disruptions to the peace will be met with appropriate force...

You scan down the list of rules, then examine the other pamphlets you'll use to secure your travel and lodging. Unbelievable! You've been invited to attend the annual Revelry, free of charge. But why you? Surely there must be a reason.

And that's exactly what you intend to discover.


Escary is a world split into four main nations and a handful of races, each of which has a tendency to break out into war with the others at the drop of a pin. More than one thousand years ago, the Goddess of Time, Lyra, decided to raise from the depths of the ocean an Isle: The Isle of Reverie. Here, she demanded each of the four nations to come together. Weapon-free. Leaving their issues at the door to simply enjoy spending time together at risk of her wrath.

What started as a simple week-long celebration once a decade quickly became a summit of sorts. A place for leaders to debate freely the problems they have with each other without risk of inciting violence. Towns and a main castle were built. An isle-only population grew. As the letter stated, it is a place where gatherings are held, secrets are revealed, and memories are made.

Here our characters would come together, each deciding to attend for their own motivations. Each being paid for due to a reason their leaders left off the record. A skill or talent? Nobility? Special knowledge? Whatever the reasons, they will meet, celebrate, and eventually witness the Gathering of Nations...where things may never be the same. There's great injustice, a hunger for war festers...

...A storm is surely on the horizon.



Magic use in this roleplay would depend on a few factors. Most all magic is based on elements: light, dark, air, water, fire and earth.

Humans cannot innately cast spells but can recite from and consume a magic tome to create certain effects. Fairies must cast using their voice, as must Goblin and Minkin. Vampyrs use a magic that does not rely on voice, but on intent. It is said they hold secrets to older magic not based on any element.
<Snipped quote by Blushing Donkey>

Welcome to the Guild! Let me know if you need any assistance.

Thank you, I certainly will.

Welcome to the Guild. How long have you been writing? Is there anything in particular that you're itching to write?

Thanks! I've been at it since I was little, writing stories. As for rp, I started at high school playing tabletop (it's been awhile though), then with one liners and asterisks lol. Now I am more into multi-paragraph.

Looking for fantasy, school and horror roleplays as my top picks at the moment. I also had an idea for a fantasy rp I'm working on.


Hello there! Good to meet you.

Welcome to the guild, @Blushing Donkey.

Thank you very much. I look forward to being here.

@Blushing Donkey

Thanks, I appreciate this warm welcome.
Title says it all really.

Name's...up for debate. Blush, Donkey, Bob, whatever you'd like. I'm an internet wanderer who has a creative gaming itch with nothing out there seeming to scratch it but roleplay. I wanted to test the waters, create some chars I haven't tried before, some I have, see what others have made, even make something of my own if I can muster the guts.

As for me personally, I'm just a big ol mess to untangle. Not for the faint of heart. Kidding. Mostly. the mess never ends, let me off this ride I'm a girl, late 20's, studying various subjects and looking for work. Have a few conditions I gotta cope with, but I'd prefer to keep that side of my life private unless it is interfering with rps. In which case please let me know that I'm being a problem. Hopefully I won't be. I try my best.

I like to hike, bike, swim, play card games and take care of animals. It's been awhile since I joined a forum and I'd like to think I have matured past bad habits and form I had in the past. For example, usually I can write annoying pages upon pages, but I'd like to try seeing if I can tighten up my writing and move things faster.

Anyway it is nice to meet you all.
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