"Hmm... Just let me talk to Alicia about the arrangements of our stay, and we can get ready to go..."
Gant smiled and nodded at Klisa, walking past her to flag down Alicia. He pulled her aside from her activities a moment to go over the details of their stay in Hargeon. There were some clarifications, plenty of questions, and a very serious warning that Kilsa and Charlotte were the only women to accompany the young mage back to the guild. Gant simply sighed and agreed, sticking his tongue out at Alicia as she turned away. She'd made it clear from early on that he wasn't to bring strange women in to the guild, no matter how 'friendly' he was with them. Gant winced at the memory of the chewing out he'd gotten the first time... And when he'd tried hitting on Alicia herself. She'd also made it Painfully clear he wasn't to try and use his charms on any one in the guild... Though that didn't stop him when he had a few drinks...
"Alright, so here's the deal; We're going to Hargeon to pick up a friend of the Master's, and while we wait for her to get in to port, we need to investigate rumors about a book of dark magic..." Marcus scratched his chin, looking off in to the distance for a moment before snapping back in to reality. "Seems strange they'd want to bing it in to Hargeon, since it's not the most magically inclined of places, but whatever. We'll be staying a nice place right on the water, and our meals are included with the stay. All we have to provide is clothing and whatever information we can get while we're there."
Damon smiled at Klisa, giving a small bow as he started towards the exit of the guild. He waved back at her, and called over his shoulder. "I'll see you at the train station in about an hour, yeah?"