Kingdom of Numbinia
NATIONAL -Capital: Nishaknabu
-Government Type: Elective Monarchy
-Currency: Numbinian Denerik
-Population: 1,980,289
-Realm Size: 20 blocks
-Unique Trait #1:
-Unique Trait #2:
-Unique Flaw #:
-Unique Flaw #2:
-Internal-Realm Map:
-Major Cities: Etekhe Dinna, Dinebu Sheme
-Major Castles: Lakama Shaba, Iteme
-Buildings of Interest:
Istanbushaka - Originally constructed thousands of years ago as a palace in the center of Nishaknabu, the Istanbushaka, or "Ultimate Wisdom," has been in service as a place of worship for the city's residents since the arrival of the Cataclysm. It is a remarkable building, surviving numerous earthquakes, and often in dire need of repair. Beautiful and ornate, the structure is build solely stone and marble, and topped by a golden dome measuring over 30 meters n diameter. An extremely difficult engineering challenge for the time, the dome has collapsed several times during its existence. Later on, following the Ezekiel Revolution, a trio of minarets were erected in front of the building, each displaying a Numbinian flag, turning the site into a nationalistic symbol.
Tirnambia - Sitting just outside the outskirts of Etheke Dinna, the Tirnambia is a large palace complex of Prince Tafari Selassine the Elder, who controlled much of the surrounding region prior to his execution. Construction first began first began under the rule Selassine and was continued under his successors, who eventually turned the structure into a fortress. Taking its name from the orange hue of its painted mud brick walls, the name Tirnambia literally translates to "The Orange Fortress."
-Geographic Features of Interest:
-Majority Race: Labarak
-Majority Race Appearance: Although looking quite identical to humans in terms of physique, a number of significant physical characteristics set the Labaraks apart from baseline humans. The most striking of these were a series of vestigial horns that crowned the heads of both males and females. These horns grow at puberty in varying patterns and signified that the time of their rite of passage was drawing near. The horns are one trait shared by the many Labaraks subspecies, which are divided by a number of physical characteristics that differed from subspecies to subspecies, including different skin tones (the most common of which are peachy white, yellow, red, tan, and brown), horn patterns, hair growth (though it should be noted that most Labarks, unlike Humans, could not grow eyelashes or facial hair) and eye color (which have certain pigmentations that humans lack, such as purple, yellow, red, and orange).
-Majority Race Characteristics: Internally, Zabraks possess a second heart, and have a great resistance to physical pain. Most Labaraks are roughly 1.5 - 1.6 meters tall.
-Minority Races: (If any, these are typically standard races or races created by other players, however you can still create your own. Note that minority does not necessarily mean insignificant)
-Minority Race Apearance(s):
-Minority Race Characteristics: (Things like height, species type, biology, etc. Note that due to things like sub-races and cousin species, you can modify the standard races)
-State Religion: (Either create your own local religion or take on a major religion)
-Religious Information (If creating your own local religion, information here)
-Religion Demographics:
-Holy Relics In Possession:
-Holy Sites Under Control:
-Magical Schools and Curriculum: (What forms of magic are common? Note worshiped deity)
-Total Military Size (See Guide For Info)
-Military Details (Unit Types and distribution of numbers)
-Head of State/Monarch:
-Ruling Dynasty (If applicable):
-Constable Of The Army (If applicable):
-Religious Head (If Applicable):
-Persons of interest:
-Insert hero characters here
-List of Historical Grievances
-Cultural Notes