44. Female. Bisexual. Married. 𝙷𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚢𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚋 𝙻𝚊𝚗𝚎 𝚁𝚎𝚜𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚗𝚝."Kill them with success. Bury them with a smile."

A Brilliant Mind and Caring Soul...
Loraine, or Lori as she's so often called, is intelligent. That's the word many an acquaintance or passerby would use to describe her like, “Oh yeah, Loraine. Smartest chick to ever graduate Uni.” Graduating highschool with a full scholarship to really any school she wanted. Could you blame them? Of course, Lori's actual friends and family have something different. They would call her 'Witty'. They would call her 'Kind'. They would refer to her as a 'Hard-ass' even. They would even call her 'Tough' or 'Rough on the Outside' but with a heart of gold underneath all the stone.
Lori likes to refer to herself as resourceful. She isn't the kind of girl who likes to waste time and energy on something that won't help her goals. In college, while most people were at parties drinking the night away, she was in her dorm studying her ass of and doing her assignments. Not to say that she wouldn't go out on a weekend to have a drink with some friends but... she kept her priorities in order. And to show for her efforts, she graduated from university with a Masters in Architecture. She could remember how proud her parents were, taking a million pictures and screaming about how they knew their baby girl was going to graduate and be... better. She still refuses to admit to them how much their words stuck with her through the years.
And as life went on and she gained experience in her career, married this amazing man that she loves dearly (Even if he drives her up the walls sometimes.), and even had her children along the way, she remained driven. Of course, she couldn't go full force in her career as she wanted with children and work to be done there. But, when her husband suffered an incident leaving him on stay-at-home dad duty, she got her chance to put her skills to the test and become something better. Of course, she loves her kids and would do anything for them... but she'd be lying if she said she wasn't excited to get out of the house and do... something. You could call her a workaholic and maybe you're right. But, if being a workaholic means she can take care of her family, then so be it. Although, it's not like she doesn't have ANY fun!
She enjoys a multitude of things ranging from yoga to reading to writing to hanging out with friends to... well, those are the main things. And saying that she enjoys spending time with her children seems a little bit sad. And saying she enjoys spending time with her husband would only serve to make him never stop teasing her about it. So, we'll say that's it for now. She enjoys cooking, though. And cleaning... partly because she's a neat freak. Although, she does hate washing dishes but that's what a husband and children are for. She does, actually, dislike meeting new people despite her somewhat charismatic nature. She can be a little untrusting, perhaps with good reason. She can also serve as the voice of reason, keeping this in order and in proper condition. Sure, you could call her stern and you wouldn't be wrong. But, is that really a bad thing?
Trembling Hands and Sleepless Nights...
Lori has always had a bit of an... alcohol problem. It's gotten better over the years and she has done a great job at limiting herself and keeping herself in check. You probably wouldn't have expected that considering her adverse to partying and distaste of losing control. But, with being a workaholic, stress is pretty much able to follow right after. So, she used to turn to a glass of wine or two or three... or perhaps a bottle, during those nights she needed to get some rest and stop obsessing over how she did on an exam. Of course, once children came into the picture, she wanted to set a good example and all. Admittedly, once she got back into the full-swing of her career and her husband remained at home with the kids, she did have times where she needed a glass of wine to calm her nerves. But, it still a vast improvement.
She has been called a worrywart, with her constant worrying and rather overprotective nature when it came to her children. She'd always been scared of losing her children, always. When she was pregnant with her first child, she used to lay awake at night with her hand on her stomach, worrying about what the world could do to her baby. However, it's thanks to her nature that she's saved her children a lot of needless pain and bruises, something that some parents would disagree with her about. But, considering it's
her children and not there's, she has no problem kindly telling them to fuck off.
She also has this irrational fear of disappointment. She hates the idea of disappointing those important to her. When she was younger, it was her parents and it turned into her colleagues as she got older. Considering how much she was praised as a child, she grew up with these high expectations of herself, almost too high. She never wanted to be below her potential, she always wanted to exceed every expectation given to her (Even if they existed or not). It led to her being a very close-knit person and very guarded, always putting on this front of perfection that she only began to slip from once she met her husband. And although she's gotten better, there's still this part of her deep inside that craves the approval and attention.

Aaron Donald • Husband
"Aaron is... Aaron. Honestly, if you'd told the younger version of me that I'd end up dating the man, I would've laughed at you. So, to explain how this exactly happened would be useless endeavor. However, despite his somewhat immature nature and his god awful jokes... he makes me happy. Through all the face palms and groans, I'm happy. He's a great man, a fantastic father and I trust him completely. What more could I ask for, really?"Dane Donald • Eldest Son
"I am well aware that Dane is a grown man who can make his own decisions, I really am. But... but he's my first born, my first baby. And as he's grown older I've seen him become a real... person. Am I always happy with his choices? Of course not. But, as his mother I will always support him. And I can indeed tell that he takes up after me more than his father... which is very pleasing to the more competitive side of myself, admittedly. I just hope that he doesn't take up after me too much."Mariah Donald • Eldest Daughter
"I love Mariah, truly. I love all my children. However, Mariah has always been closer with her father than with me which - which I personally have no problem with! I'm glad that he's about to have someone to connect with over hockey as I know it destroyed him to have to retire. She and I just... don't have much in common, so to speak? We still talk and there is a comfort there but... but I'm just worried that I don't know as much about her as I should."Jessie Donald • Youngest Son
"Jessie, my precious baby boy. Yes, I know he is 16 but he's my kid. He'll always be my baby. He is such a sweet boy, innocent, sometimes to a fault. It is due to his innocence that I do find myself very protective of him. With my older children, I can reasonably trust them to protect themselves, as with even Julia. But, Jessie? He always wants to believe the best of people and... I just can't find it in me to dispel him of his dreams. I can only do my best to help him when I can."Julia Donald • Youngest Daughter
“Oh, Julia. My sweet angel, my youngest. She's truly a blessing to a parent. Kind, sweet, and doesn't cause much trouble. Apart from the usual shenanigans a 9 year old would get into. She's a breath of fresh air, even. When I'm stressed, I just have a talk with her and I leave the conversation feeling... content. She is a little easily frightened but she's a child. Who can fault her for such a thing?”