Name: Oscar Parks
Age: 32
Physical Appearence: Oscar Parks is just over 6' tall and of a lean build. His face is stern and thoughtful and rarely reflects deep emotion. His nose is slightly bent to one side and his eyes appear to be at a slight squint. His cheek bones are well defined and cause his mouth to remain in a mild smile always.
Extra Information (nationality, temperament, etc.): Oscar was born in England but moved to America at the age of ten with his family. He became a private pilot and then started working for international airlines, before eventually joining USAF. After six years as an officer in the USAF he joined Caelus Tech as a Mission Captain.
As of Launch Day for Mission: Nos Discere, Oscar has spent a total of 673 days in Space, which includes his iconic 66 days on the Moon. Oscar has also joined NASA astronauts on missions to the ISS and assisted in the planning and training for NASA's mission to Mars.
Mission Specialization (pilot, chemist, engineer, etc.): Captain, Pilot, On-board Mission Control
Anything Else: Picture: