Emmaline Muller
As Emmaline was passed the binoculars, she coughed and sniffled a little bit. Pollen wasn't too bad, but nevertheless, she was going to have a runny nose sooner or later if they stayed in the forest by late afternoon.
With the binoculars up her eyes, Muller pivoted the gun towards the general direction of the vehicle in question, and squinted to see if it really was blue in terms of paint, not just a blue tarp or something mundane.
The question was : were they right to even discover this in the first place? The APC wasn't made for vehicular combat, much less against something that could be a full-on ambush.
Well, she'd have to see for herself. If it was the red or black of the Empire, that would be no good.
Hopefully she wasn't going to see white and gold either. The last thing Gallia needed was a two-pronged invasion on both fronts.