Its a bit difficult to come up with stuff for the HS season of the fanfic and I end up needing to borrow a base idea. But as long as everyone gets a good laugh out of it. I'm happy
Nyxella said
^We take Zaveed's catamaran to Vice City. Thyra fights in the shade to avoid Persian arrows and retain her Irish-girl glow.Skip to the last three paragraphs (ye brave ones who read it) for more substantial, less Nyx going on writing spree, stuff. I do not know for how long we're meant to keep it going, so it stopped short of Thyra bronco-busting the remaining staff-cannon-boomstick. In a previous post, it is implied that both have been torn off but that's a damn dirty lie. Sorry, am ficksing.
Leidenschaft said
Pffft, definitely not haha but everything needs comic relief. Speaking of which... new chapter when?
Leidenschaft said
Pretty good post, Wit. I especially love how Cub is changing from childlike giant to hulking monster. It's very unsettling, bravo, friend.
Captain Jenno said
Man it's not Burkswallow's lucky day at all.
WittyReference said
Just get Unturned for free on Steam; it's a DayZ/Minecraft thing that's surprisingly fun.