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    1. Capt0blivious 7 yrs ago


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It's pretty obvious when you think about it.

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In Godspeed! 7 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
I'll make a sheet for purity a little later
In Godspeed! 7 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Telum Dei

Level One God of Weapons(Swords)
Four Might


Level Two Hero
Four Prestige

*high over the continent *

Though he was just introduced to this mystifying new world, Telum dei's only focus was finding a hero worthy of wielding one of his mighty blades. It was at this time that a strange phenomena caught his attention. There was a large forest covering the land far below him, yet, something seemed odd about it...

Stopping to contemplate why this forest was so... unnerving... Telum shortly realized parts of it didn't seem to fit, they were warped, and twisted, defying all logical thought. Slowly descending to look more closely at this mismatched jigsaw of a forest, the Swordson realized that this had to be the work of a god, not a noble god, but a dark, twisted thing.

His disgust quickly turned to excitement as his feet touched the profaned ground, for where there is darkness, so too shines a vibrant light, this is where he would find his first hero, one worthy of wielding one of his blades.

Her dark carapace stained in Vyer-fluids, Newygnong emerged from the darkness and looked to where the Swordson stood. There was corruption there that needed cleansing, but something about this stranger - the way he was dressed, the crimson aura surrounding him - spoke of divinity. And a very familiar divinity at that. 'I do no know you, yet you reek of godhood,' Seihdhara's hero spoke, 'you did not come through the Door. So who are you, and do you stand there to keep the Corruptor's influences safe from me? Even if you are a god, you will not be permitted to pervert me from the mission my Mother has given me.' And the great bug opened her mighty mandibles and seemed set on taking on the god in combat if he thought to protect the corruption from her.

Telum dei smiled as he turned to face this new voice, a magnificent creature, one that had obviously pushed itself through many battles stood before him. "What a magnificent creature!" he muttered to himself, ufazed by the bug's threats. Moving closer he saw that this creature had no arms, or any means at all to wield a weapon... its only apparent means of fighting being the mandibles being bared before him. "No, no, no! This will not do at all!" Telum grumbled angrily to himself. Moving closer he placed his hand gently on the creature's glistening carapace; this creature was his Mother's work... his sister! Grinning, he looked at his sister's face, "I know not this corrupter you speak of, but I do know one thing, I am Telum dei, Swordson, god of weapons... and you, are my sister." Newygnong's mandibles slackened in surprise - though the strange caressing had also taken her aback somewhat.
'Yo- your sister?' The thought was... terrifying. She did not know why, but it scared her. Her mother did not accept her, how could she have a sibling. And a sibling who seemed to... well... who acknowledged her. But this also meant that... that her mother now had a true child. It meant that her mother had... no need for her anymore. Had forgotten her. She did not know whether to be angry or terrified or sad, whether to lash-out at her 'brother' or to run away. But she did nothing - only watched him warily, and then with curiousity. 'So... that's what a worthy child looks like,' she said at last, pensively. And determination filled her beady eyes once more as she took in her brother's humanoid form. 'I plan to be worthy too. I will have a beautiful form - standing on two feet like the gods -, and our mother will love me even as much as she loves you.' Perhaps there was small amount of bitterness in her words, but it was determination above all else. Even now she no longer stridulated but spoke words, even now she did not crawl on the earth, but walked on four feet. And yes, one day she would walk on two. 'When do you think it will be, Telum dei? When do you think Newygnong will become worthy?'

Hearing this declaration made Telum's smile grow even larger, "Oh, but my dear sister, you already are..." and with those words a blinding light filled his hands, and took the shape of a long, slender, katana. The blade was held in a long white sheath, ornamented with shapes and materials reminiscent of Newygnong's magnificent carapace. Unsheathing the sword, Telum revealed an astonishing silver blade, with an ornate golden crosspiece, and a night black handle with strips of white string forming the grip. With a quick, fluid motion, Telum dei made a minute cut across his sister's side, spilling her lava-like blood all over the blade. "With your blood, I hereby dub this blade 'Purity', and eternally bind it to you." as he said this, the wisps of red, yellow, and orange blood fused into the blade.

Newygnong immediately began to transform; her large, insectoid body slowly took a slender feminine shape, all but two of her legs fell off, and on her upper body, sprouted arms... By the end of this transformation, the woman before Telum dei resembled little of what she used to be, the only similarity being the beautiful black carapace covering her body like armor, but in place of mandibles was a snow white face, with luscious black lips. The final change to occur was the crimson hair that now grew on Newygnong's head; exactly like that of her mother's. And she looked clearly shocked. She raised a carapaced hand and looked at it, moved her armoured fingers, felt her toes moved a hand across her chitinous, humanoid torso. She was... had become...


A smile broke out across her pale face, her dark lips spreading. It was not the broad, giddy smile of her mother, her lips remained tightly sealed, but there was a spark in her jet-black eyes. That she had done it. And her hair was red - the red that only those blessed and loved by her mother bore. She looked down shyly and muttered a small word of thanks to her brother. 'This... thank you Telum. This feels... right. Better.' She looked to the corruption at Telum's landing place and took a step towards it, her face suddenly hard and cold, her black lips returning tightly to place. 'And that needs to be-' and then she realised that she... did not know how this new form worked, exactly. She had no weapons - perhaps her carapaced fingers could function as claws, but they were nothing like her mandibles. She looked to Telum, 'I- my mandibles. I need them back.'

"You have a far superior weapon now, I will show you how to use it..."

The newly formed blade ( now in its sheath) floated out of Telum's hands and floated pointing downward in front of her. " That blade; Purity, is the bane of this corruption, any corrupted substance will burn at it's very touch, now, draw your blade"

*to demonstrate, Telum manifests a katana in his hands and draws the blade*

The movement came naturally to Newygnong, as though she had - somewhere deep down - always known about this weapon and always known how to use it. She gripped the hilt and paused, taking in the texture. It was familiar. Comforting. And she drew, the image of her mother flashing before her eyes and guiding her movement. She stood frozen and wide-eyed, and then she laughed. 'How was that?'

"You are a natural sister! Now, thrust the blade into your enemy with all your might, and observe your newfound power!" Hefting the blade and looking to the slowly bubbling earth and the small tendrils that every now and again crept further outwards int he corruption's incessant growth. Silently, she took a step forward and drove Purity's point into the ground right where her brother had set foot when he landed.

The corruption bubbled and burned at the blade's very touch, in but a few moments the corruption in a small diameter around the blade had all withered, crumbled, and died. Newygnong bent down and inspected the area of damage. The corruption had, indeed, been completely eradicated. It was a much faster process than her fluids. She looked at the blade with newfound awe.

"Though this blade has the power to rebuke the corruption, it's area of effect is quite small, for now... Over time, this blade will become more powerful, and gain new abilities just as you do, it will be your stoic companion for all of time. This gift, my dear, is a LIVING blade, the first of my finest creations, soon after I leave; she will awaken, and take my place in aiding your quest... Now, this corrupter you speak of... would you enlighten me more of him?'

'The Corruptor...' she murmured, her eyes distant. She rose and looked to Telum, 'Larwen is the name I know it - or him, I think - by. On the Day the Gods Came he declared it his intention to make everything "perfect",' and here she gestured to the corruption all around them, 'and perfection to it is this that you see all around. This... I don't even know what it is. It's not death or decay - those things we see all around and are of Pelegath's making, they are part of the natural order. But Larwen, it seeks the destruction of all of that and the recreation of everything in its twisted image. If you walk a while you will certainly come across the Vyer. They are of Larwen's making, aggressive, hostile creatures of corruption. Mother bid me destroy thm where I find them, and eradicate all of Larwen's taint. And so I do.' She flexed one of her hands, 'but now I feel more prepared, more able. I think the time is right to venture forth from this place and seek out the heart of the disease. Perhaps the time is right to confront Larwen at the fount of corruption.'

"Sister, though that blade gives you great power, you are not yet ready to face a god... Gather your strength, and assail his vile font, I will ensure Larwen does not stop you."

With that, Telum dei set off to find the god of corruption and distract him from Newygnong's plan.

In Godspeed! 7 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
@Lauder you're making an animated spinoff of this?
In Godspeed! 7 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
@Antarctic Termite so I'm just thinking of this now, but will all the gods automatically know of my existence and vice versa?
In Godspeed! 7 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
I just realised something...

something big.

Telum just broke the Divinus parent-child rituals that have been established for aeons. HE GAVE HIS PARENT A GIFT. THAT ISN'T HOW IT WORKS. IT'S MEANT TO BE THE OTHER WAY ROUND.

This is cataclysmic.

Gremju made me do it
In Godspeed! 7 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay

Seihdhara of the Red Hair, The Crimson Goddess, The Bear Mother, The Flame Eternal, Whose Beginning Is Tears and Teaches Laughter
Level Three Goddess of War(Martial Combat)
One Might
Telum Dei

Level One God of Weapons(Swords)
Four Might

Time: Takes place between one-week and four-weeks after the Day the Gods Came

Seihdhara watched as the Sullied and Unsullied burst across the globe, warring and fighting as they went, and watched also the terrifying power of the First Warsword. Even now it struck down one unfortunate Sullied or another, cleaving them in twain and causing them to burst into a great cloud of magick and dust. The very act of creating the Warsword had sapped her, its aura... there was something about this feeling.

Suddenly nauseous, she called Dwynen to her and splashed into the sea, leaving the singing island behind her and sinking beneath the waves. Dwynen fluttered above the water, trying to keep the flame-haired goddess in sight. But it was no use, and her efforts were swiftly cut short as a Sullied suddenly swooped upon her, caught her, and flew away laughing and cackling, a pair of Unsullied hot on his heels.

Seihdhara noticed Dwynen's plight, distantly, and thought to help. But her body felt heavy and the feeling of being afloat in the water, being carried away and cushioned without any effort and without any joint or part of her body being overburdened, was serene. She could feel it now - the reason for her heaviness. Her bloating belly. She laughed inwardly - it was only natural that a such a worthy sword should impregnate her. But with what - residue? Too meek! And yet here she was with a life grewing within her. Another child - a boy, she knew, and smiled as she whispered his name inwardly. She knew he would hear and know.

Telum Dei... Telum Dei

She remained in the water long, and she quickly regained her strength. An unfortunate Goldari thought to take a curious peck at her floating hair, and the keen-eyed goddess struck it down with a single struck and ate its flesh raw. It tasted of Larwen and she gagged as she vomited it all back up - and from the ejecta there swam little creatures, keen-eyed like the one from whose stomach fluids they emerged, and who immediately set to consuming the corruptions and discharging them as nothing more than their most basic elements - natural fertiliser for the seabed and food for the microbial beings that inhabited the seas.

Seihdhara swam upwards and broke through the surface, stepping onto air. It had been some four weeks, and her stomach was completely bloated. And as she ascended higher, the first pangs of her new motherhood reverberated through her, and by they time she had reached the first layer of the heavens, a crying babe was entangled in her crimson hair. Bloodied, it was true, and naked, but she raised him up to feel the sun and he smiled.

'Telum Dei, my child,' she half-whimpered and brought him to her face, kissing blood and membrane away, her tears intermingling with the birth fluids, 'Swordson,' and then they fell very suddenly. And as they descended he grew in her arms until they hit the water and he was full-grown, his eyes staring into her eyes of green.

This new man.... nay... This new GOD, though thrust into existance but moments ago, who had already come to know so much; his name, his purpose, how to use his immaculate power... Now found himself staring into the beautiful green eyes of his maker; his mother; the goddess Seihdhara. It was in that moment; that Telum dei's aura manifested itself; a red glow wrapping his body like the midday sun in a heavy fog, his eyes now shining as bright as the sun, and crimson as his mother's hair.

The god's eyes snapped shut, for fear of blinding his dear mother; and was astonished to realize he could still see. Telum dei then manifested clothes for himself, as a means to (partially) stifle his deific glow; a simple robe, a pair of Sode, and a straw hat. "Thank you mother, for bringing me into this world, if you ever have need of me, speak my name into this blade"

*Telum dei holds out his hands, between them, shines a magnificent light*

"I dub this blade 'Ursus Mater', its name and beauty a tribute to the goddess responsible for creating me"

*Telum dei begins to move his hands toward Seihdhara as if meaning to hand her something, suddenly the light begins to form a blade*

As the light began to fade, in its place sat a magnificent shortsword, the blade was a beautiful silver, dressed in an orange glow, its edge; sharper than a razor, the handle was a dark mahogany, wrapped with a stunning leather grip, the pommel; carved into the head of a roaring bear. Telum dei held out his masterful blade, offering it to the the goddess before him.

Seihdhara looked for a few moments at this first of her new children, noting that he had taken care to dress himself, noting that his first act - that of closing his eyes - had been done out of some instinct to protect her, noted his strong voice - though he spoke far too formerly to his own mammeh! She smiled warmly, and the water around her sizzled and bubbled. 'You grew into a jimmy so strong too soon,' she muttered, 'look at you making your mammeh a sword so she can protect herself - and I haven't even had time to protect you! Your mammeh's lad alright.' She took the blade in two hand and raised double-edged shortsword high for inspection. It was a thing of astounding beauty, it hardly felt like she was carrying a sword at all - all of it, from hilt to razor-tip seemed but an extension of her arm, the warm aura intermingling and congealing with her own essence and uniting with it.

Sheathing it - it merely dissipated into a shower of golden dust and light which enveloped her in a protective warm mist. She laughed at this, joyful at the wonders of her son's creation. 'Thank you Telu - it is a wonder. But the truth is - you are the greatest gift of all, my very own lad.' And she hugged him tightly and seemed to sniff - though whether she cried could not be ascertained since they were in water. Then she took him by the hand and they ascended once more to the surface. 'This world is wondrous, Telu. And now that a child of mine inhabits it, it is almost perfect. There are many gods - they may look down on you because you are younger than them, but we are all siblings. Some are idiots; they have tasted power and are driven to acts of sadistic debauchery by it. Some are pompous and full of their own self-importance. Some see absolute kindness as the way, and others are blunt and have no time for the emotions or sensitivities of others. And I do I think is right and what brings me joy!' And she turned to Telum Dei with a broad smile, teeth showing and eyes creasing, 'like you! You are right and have brought me joy.' Then she gestued with a hand towards the far horizons, 'now go! This world has waited on your arrival, and I know there are many who are in need of you even now.'

"Farewell mother, I'm sure our paths will cross again, but for now... There are legends to be made!!!" Telum said with a smile and a bow before rocketing off into the horizon, searching for heroes worthy of wielding his creations. Seihdhara laughed as he rushed off excitedly - he was his mammeh's boy alright.

In Godspeed! 7 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
In Godspeed! 7 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
@Lord Zee if you dare do anything to those poor, innocent, beautiful swords, Telum dei will probably wholeheartedly try to annialate Larwen
In Godspeed! 7 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
@Lord Zee can Larwen's corruption affect gods?
In Godspeed! 7 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
@Lord Zee I wouldn't be too hasty to try and fight Telum though, you may be higher level, but it probably won't end well
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