Doivid said
what's the best joke you ever heard, card?
I don't have terribly extensive taste in comedians, so I mostly know big names, my favorite being Louis CK. He's had a ton that have made me laugh, but I think of all the comedians I've seen and remembered or forgotten about, Daniel Tosh is the only one that's told me a joke that I've managed to remember.
"Some teacher got busted in Placelocationville in Fuckitville, Stateplace (I don't remember the specifics) for fucking a student... I dated a teacher in high school. It didn't make me /cooooler/. And some of you are going, 'that's because you were home schooled.' That doesn't really mean anything other than, statistically, I'm smarter than you. And I had game."
The Nexerus said
Card, who are you? Why have I never heard of you before? Why is Nargle making threads on your behalf?
I'm some kid somewhere that some people like for some reason. Back on the old guild I was anon as fuck for a while until I finally stopped the "pop in, tell a joke, pop out" method that used to work on the internet. People liked it, but I never knew because it never made me any friends. I came out, told some people about me, like that I was sixteen (now I'm seventeen). At the time, it was a /huge/ shitfit because everyone thought I was super old because I was super cool. People saw my face, I made friends, people like me and kind of know me. For some reason.
Nargle's probably making threads about me because we're Super Sugardrop Besties Forever and Ever (officially), and she thinks I'm still hanging around here, which I don't really anymore. But I pop in now and again.