Unforeseen ConsequencesAcademy--Late Afternoon/Early Evening
Collab between: Fallen, Yoshua, and CelairaAfter opening the door to her room, and stepping out, Aeris felt herself hit something relatively
sturdy. Just as she was looking up to see what it was, arms wrapped around her, gently enveloping her in their warmth. She almost growled, until she realized that it was Mairyell. She'd been so focused on going to talk to Hazumi she hadn't even felt his presence. A moment passed before she finally hugged him back, her grip a little tighter than his. This was the second time today she'd lost someone important to her. However, this person wasn't dead, and if the vampire had anything to say about that
would not happen.
"Mai..." She croaked out quietly, her arms tightening a little as she spoke. It was then she felt Lisara's mind perk at the smell of a similar essence to her own. The Hell hound was waking up, and clearly visible from the doorway.
Aeris? What's going on? The beast questioned inside her mind, unaware that she might be tapping into someone else's as well.
Nothing, Lisara, I'll be back. With that thought, Little Kasio grabbed her brother's hand and simultaneously shut the door to her dorm room, gently tugging him down the hallway. "We need to find Hazumi." She said simply, a tinge of anger obvious in her voice.
Feeling her cling somewhat and squeezing in response. Besides the clean scent of his sister, which he could not help but notice Mairyell's nose notified him of a nearby demon, the scent was coming from Aeris' room and internally an eyebrow raised. Then that very demon peaked through the crack in the door. It appeared to be some sort of utterly massive wolf or dog, and from the smell he guessed it was some breed of hellhound.
Soon after the hound showed its interest, Aeris disengaged and quickly shut the door in the demon's face. Mairyell made an effort not to react as if he'd seen the demon. It seemed like she didn't want him to know and while part of him
really wanted to tease her about it, the rest of him was too kind and tremulous to really do it.
Baby steps, he told himself, he could tease her later, as it seemed they had more important things to take care of.
Wait, why did they need to see Hazumi? Something clicked in his mind as he was dragged along by his younger sister.
"Wait, why exactly?" he queried, following after her, but decreasing his pace so as to force her to do so as well. He raised an eyebrow,
"What's got you in such a rush anyways?"Perhaps she'd gotten the call too, and if so he had to ask why. She hadn't really known Sir...right?
It suddenly occurred to him that she could've been doing any manner of dubious things in the 200 years they'd been apart.
It bothered him. Especially since it probably meant he'd probably never gotten to scare off the first bloke to try his hand at wooing her. The thought caused him to curse fate silently. So many missed opportunities to make her feel awkward too...well, he could always start now, right?
Then again, it hardly seemed like the time for him to be trying to make his sister feel awkward.
Yeah, he'd have to hold off on that for maybe another few hours...or a week. It all depended on mood and circumstance really.
He again cursed fate at the annoying circumstances he currently found himself in.
It was troublesome because she had always been rather amusing to watch get embarassed, even though he'd only seen her in such a state several times. He recalled it being...cute? Yeah...that.
Anyways, what was going on again, oh yeah I was waiting for her to explain why we're suddenly in a hurry.
They were halfway through the courtyard when her brother slowed down, forcing her to as well. When his voice perked up in question, Aeris came to a full stop, turning around to face him. Rage burned in her eyes, though not directed at him, and she couldn't help but growl as she opened her mouth to speak, purple starting to weave its way through her blue irises. "A girl that was like a little sister to me was kidnapped tonight. I plan to get her back. However, to do that, I need to talk to Hazumi. Apparently, the bastard that has her wants a girl named Mary. I don't know what her father has planned, but I doubt he'll let that girl get hurt either. Not while I'm involved." The vampire stared at Mairyell for a long few moments, waiting for his reply.
While she waited, her mind darted between Olivia, to Darius, to Mairyell, and finally came to rest on their past. She remembered being kidnapped, and wondered if this is how he felt when he had lost her. The question burned in her throat, but she dare not ask it. Thus, she simply stood their silently, listening to the various sounds going on in the courtyard.
As she explained, a frown formed on the vampire's face and his brow screwed up in thought as his mind snapped into focus, the stray ponderings vanishing altogether. How in the hell did she know about this? Surely Sir hadn't called her. Then who?
"Well, fancy that," he begun, letting out a long sigh, and then gritting the teeth on the right side of his jaw a bit.
"Seems we got similar messages. I presume Olivia is the one you're referring to," he rubbed his hand over the center of his forehead and then back down over his eye, letting out an annoyed sigh.
"Fucking figures..." he didn't clarify, but he was plainly very annoyed.
Meeting her rage filled eyes made him recall that terrible day again and so he strode up to her and put a hand on her shoulder.
"I'll help, I'm involved anyways. Should've killed that bastard 200 years ago..." he then gestured before them, motioning for her to lead on.
The doll looked at her brother, and for the first time in 200 years, she resembled her old self somewhat. In the way that, her eyes held immense gratitude and love for her older sibling. "Thank you, Mai. Thank you so much." She spoke softly, the purple in her eyes receding for the moment. She would save up her rage for the pinnacle of it. After a moment, she began to lead the way, once more pulling him by the hand. Though, instead of walking in front of him, she matched his pace and strode side-by-side with him.
"How do you even know this guy, big brother?" She asked curiously, her head tilting the side as she looked at him, opening the door to the building that would lead them to the ballroom.
Nodding with a light smile, though not quite a weak one, Mairyell watched as she matched his pace, less in a hurry now. However, when her question hit his ears, he swallowed hard and his eyes did their best to look anywhere except at her. His jaw locked and set in place showing the tension in his nerves.
He, for a third time, was forced to remember that day.
"That guy...or rather Sir, is the same one who killed Mary's father all those years ago. That's why she was alone and on the run through that alley when we found her--..." his eyes turned to Aeris, as he was interrupted.
"Wait, wait. Who are you talking about? I don't remember--" Her speech was interrupted by a flood of short memories, and she blinked in confusion. "--Wasn't that girl
human? I don't understand, shouldn't she be dead?"
Mairyell's teeth gritted slightly, his head nodding.
"Yeah...she was human," he stated, his eyes avoiding her face again.
"However, um...well, sometime after your kidnapping," he took a sharp breath and exhaled slowly, notable anger disipating from his eyes as they briefly flashed red before shifting back to a calmer purple.
"...Caeldrin was taken by some cheeky bastard, after which two vampires showed up." The tension in his jaw only increased as his eyes hardened slightly. This particular part of his past was a harsh reminder of his weakness back then. His lack of temperance, something he'd worked on in excess ever since. He cleared his throat, his words strangled before he could speak them.
Aeris paused midstep, "Caeldrin was what?" She figured they weren't bonded anymore, but she wasn't sure. Last she knew, Cael was 200 years old already, did he die? What happened to him? It had been so long since she'd actually thought about the angel that she'd almost completely forgotten him. He wasn't that badm and definitely deserved to be remembered.
After a long moment of silence he spoke up again,
"Let's just say they, and--...."Aeris, seeing her brother utterly distressed, spoke up, "Bro, stop. You don't have to tell me. I'm sorry I asked."
He frowned in response, gritting his teeth slightly before sighing.
"...all you need to know is they did something terrible to her. If not for Solus, she would have certainly died." His eyes then cast their gaze downwards, looking at the ground. He'd thought he was over this, but it seemed that even with her back safely at his side he couldn't quite forgive his powerlessness back then.
It made him curse his memory somewhat. If only he had forgotten. Then again, he'd have forgotten his time with her too...and that would've hurt even more than remembering. Or at least that's what he thought.
Aeris squeezed his hand gently leaning into him to
show him she was there, and he could depend on her in a manner of speaking. She didn't like seeing him so disturbed, and she genuinely felt bad for bringing up such painful memories for him. Part of her wondered if it had truly been a good thing that she had found him. Another, more sensible part of her knew, however, that he needed to move past all those things in their entirety. Especially if he ever hoped to actually be able to digest what happened to her.
The doll guided her brother down the hall toward the ballroom, which was still very much alight with music. After a moment, Aeris blinked, and looked down at her left wrist, realizing she had forgotten something. "Oh my god, Mai. We may not need Hazumi. I need to call someone, but," After a short pause, she unclasped an obviously handmade bracelet from her wrist, that was hidden by her sleeve, and handed it to Mairyell. "This should have Olivia's Essence on it." With that, Aeris turned from her brother and pulled out her phone quickly calling Darius. "Come on... come on... Pick up."
Feeling her hand's warmth helped a bit and he finally looked at her, smiling gratefully, though the smile was a bit weak.
"Thanks..." he muttered, squeezing back before letting go and continuing onwards.
As they entered the building once more, Mairyell heard, and felt, the overwhelming energy of their destination. With the music hitting his ears, Mairyell peered down the hall at the ballroom door and tilted his head slightly. There was
a lot of essence in there. Luckily, Aeris stopped right before they entered, appearing to have realized something as she glanced at her wrist and unfastened something.
Before he could ask questions, she plopped the thing into his hand, which he raised so he could look over the thing. As she made a call a somewhat wicked smile spread across his lips. Sir was going to get it, and oh was he going to regret his decisions dearly.
Holding the
bracelet up to his face, he took a long draw of its scent, his eyes closing as he did so. His teeth briefly became as sharp as knives before returning to their normal state--somehting of a reflex really. The scent was a bit aged, but not so much that it made any real difference. This brought a strange look into the vampire's eyes.
The look would reveal something to Aeris--if she was paying attention--it would reveal the hunter in him. The part of him that, two hundred years ago, he had rejected adamently. Now he embraced it, knowing its usefulness.
"Hurry that up, I know where she is, and I intend to catch this bastard's lackies red fucking handed, if you catch my meaning," his eyes were alight with something akin to excitement and bloodlust.
Still, it was apparent that he was very much in control and would remain as such for a long time. Oh man was this going to be priceless. First they'd snatch victory right from Sir's arrogant, conceited grasp, and then he'd make sure to snatch away his pitiful excuse for a life as well.
He'd make it last though. Mary deserved that much, even if he hadn't ever liked her too much. No one deserved what she'd been through, just as Aeris and him hadn't deserved their lot in life.
Darius's cell vibrated as he was about to retire, his golden eyes snapping to the small item and brief confusion washed over his features. For a moment, he considered just leaving it, letting the voicemail record the message for the morning. However he brushed away that thought when he reached out his arm to answer it. He noted the name, adding more unease into his chest, when he flicked his claw and answered.
"Yes, Ris? What was Hazumi's word on the matter?" He assumed the reason was about the woman he had earlier discussed with her.
"Darius!" Aeris chirped excitedly into the phone. "I know a way to get to Olivia without having to involve anyone else," Little Kasio paused for a moment, looking at her brother's face in a mild bit of confusion before hastily continuing. "My brother actually showed up shortly after you called me the first time. We were on our way to talk to Hazumi, when I remembered, Mairyell can track
anyone with the tiniest bit of their essence." She smiled as she continued. "And, I just so happen to always have the bracelet Olivia made for me on. He's already traced her scent. With your permission we could track her and have her back to you without Sir even knowing what hit him." After her splurge of excitment died down, the vampire listened for the fox's reply, still partly staring at her brother, with a goofy sort of admiring look on her face, excitement obvious in her voice and body language.
Darius listened in utter silence. Already, his mind was ticking in a fashion he was taught long ago, weighing the odds against both failure and success. Mostly it eliminated any farther need to call in anymore favors, including threatening to rip away his connection with the Academy which would've been more harmful to him in the end then done anyone any good. It was in his nature to keep balance unlike some of his kind. His time with Szayeis had given him enough chaos in his life, enough to last him for many in fact, and though he still worried, it had faded slightly with the passing time. Time to take a risk.
He inhaled then answered Ris, "Very well, but ensure Olivia's safety first above anything else. Please, Ris, if this doesn't work then I believe Olivia will pay the price. I have little doubt this man will hurt her and even I have my limits to what I can heal."
Naturally by heal, he was referring to himself. Bones, muscle and fur was easy. His heart, no matter how jaded and black it might've become over the last hundred years, wasn't.
Aeris listened calmly to the silence on the other end of the line, waiting for the yay or nay verdict. When he told her it would be okay, she nodded. "Darius, I swear to you, no one is going to touch Olivia as long as I'm there. Her safety is my number one priority. My brother can handle himself, so I don't have to worry about him, and I'll use the utmost caution when getting her. Nothing will happen to your daughter, and if, by some horrible chance it does... Well, I'll be going down with her." Aeris' voice was resolute in her words. Absolutely
no one was going to hurt Olivia. She would rather die than see that happen.
"Thank you, Ris. Though it's best if you both
aim to come back. I would hate to have to peel this man's hide back and lay it to dry in the sun. Leaving his still living corpse out in Hell's Wilds for the feral kitsune." Darius's tone was steady with an undertone of ice glistening in each syllable. It was rare his emotions, at least his darker ones, showed in his voice. "He will regret threatening my family..."
Having fully ascertained the quickest way to get to Olivia, Mairyell was looking out a window at the gradually falling sun. The clouds held light oranges and purples all ready. Then he heard it, causing his head to almost snap around. The phrase partially killed the fun, though not entirely...to his great relief. He was, nonetheless, giving her a somewhat worried look, though the predatory look remained obvious in his body language.
It seemed her family had expanded since they'd last seen each other, and he knew he would've said the same thing in regards to her--even if she would've hated and missed him for it. He couldn't entirely blame her, so after a moment he shook his head and turned away, trying to banish the thought of her death from his mind.
Simply put, he wouldn't allow it.
Aeris smiled warmly at Darius' response, "Don't worry. I always
aim to come back, Darius. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst." She made a strange sort of purring noise in her throat, a sound meaning to comfort him. "I love her too, Darius. The man that did this will pay, but, you need to calm down. In this sort of situation, if you're not calm, you know what happens." The vampire paused for a moment, catching her brother's eyes. She reached toward him and squeezed his hand. "We're gonna get going. When we have her, we'll make sure she calls you. I'll talk to you soon Darius. I promise."
Darius's grip tightened...then released, his grip flexed back into a more lax hold. His ear caught the purr, a memory took a second to flick across his mind and he inhaled slowly. His eyes closed again realizing since his time on the surface, he had gotten less cold and far more emotional then he should've been. He almost chuckled to think how much he would've disappointed a few individuals to see him acting so...human. "The risk is too great Ris. I hope I don't regret it, the price is far too high for my tastes, not just Olivia but yours as well. Good luck and make a message out of the one who took her about messing with our loved ones..."
With that, he hung up allowing Aeris to accomplish her goal. However, it was unlikely he was going to get any sleep tonight as he settled back into the chair once more.
Aeris nodded, "If they manage to survive what I'm going to do to them, the only thing they'll be able to do is tell their
master who not to fuck with." Once Darius hung up there was a familiar dull tone in her ear, signalling the call was gone. The vampire locked her phone and looked at her brother, her wings forming on her back slowly. "Lead the way, Mai. We've got a job to do." Her voice was cold, and her eyes... her eyes were even colder.
Hearing her last statement on the phone made him think, what
had Szayeis done to her all those years ago. Part of him wondered, the other part dreaded the knowledge.
Nonetheless both halves knew one thing, he'd have to find out eventually.
Pushing the thoughts aside like he had the others, Mairyell nodded, patting her shoulder lightly, the warmth of her hand still warming his before they headed back out into the courtyard. He briefly glanced at her before he turned in the direction of Kenan and his crimson wings emerged from his back. He knew he didn't have to ask her if she was ready, he just needed to fly fast enough that she didn't pass him.
So he bent his knees, took a deep calming breath, his muscles coiling almost like springs as his bodily functions sped up, blood rushing, Brisn pumping, and then his wings rose up.
Boom! The sound of his wings slamming the air down into the ground was tremendous and the force of his legs and wings pushing him from the ground simultaneously left a rough
dent in the courtyard. He had blasted almost twenty yards into the air with just the first thundering flap.
He intended to make record time to Kenan on this run. Hopefully it'd be the last one today, he'd been back and forth once already. Still, that hardly mattered, he was on the hunt now, and his eyes lit up--the red coming forth a bit more than normal.
As her brother took off, a small admiring whistle left her lips as she pushed herself off the ground in record speed using her levitation and small wings to catch up to her brother's breakneck pace. Glancing at him, she smiled. However, this smile was dark, and only lasted for an instant, almost like a ghost.
The things she would do to the person who had Olivia. Oh, this would be
Out of the corner of his eye he noted her smile, despite its brief nature, but with his mind in the hold of excitement and his body suffused with adrenaline it did not entirely register. Still, in his subconscious some warning flares went off, too bad they went unheeded.
Or perhaps it was for the best, regardless...the hunt was on.