Avatar of Celaira
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Celaira
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 765 (0.19 / day)
  • VMs: 19
  • Username history
    1. Celaira 11 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current Thank you to whoever sent me a candy cane <3
4 yrs ago
That moment when you realize one of your friends changed their username. Hello, again!
4 yrs ago
pls we don't need more lolis
4 yrs ago
While I'm thinking about it, I just want to openly apologize to anyone I've ghosted in the past if you're still active on the site. I know some people don't care, but I am sorry, fam.
4 yrs ago
Advanced RPs are usually way slower than casual ones, if that's a concern for you, casual regardless of post length is a good spot for you for sure! That's what I've noticed anyway.


how to be dynamo frokane: a guide.
step 1; randomly tag people and bait them into arguing
step 2; once someone takes the bait, make a poorly made observation about them
step 3; never stop repeating this observation
step 4; ignore any valid points they make, because losing against people who have more brain cells than you have chromosomes is for losers.
step 5; rinse and repeat daily
bonus step; if they start to ignore you, constantly tag them in the hopes they'll give your attention whoring ass some more of that loving attention.

- by Grim

Most Recent Posts

Tatsua Aiisen said
Wow, you're such a horrible person, never talking to you again. I hate you.

*works on templates for the information and character roster site thing that I want to make for this*
I disagree with the table-top RP point. I do agree that, if done wrong, they can definitely restrict creativity. (I hate stats. I don't like keeping track of them)
So, the only question I particularly can think of an answer for is that the Players should be able to influence the plot to a decent extent, cause ripples, destroy relationships, etc. However, if there is a big bad, they shouldn't be able to influence that much outside of maybe making it more difficult for them without realizing it, or making it easier for them without realizing it.

I'm interested as well. You gonna teach me how to fight, Yoshu-nii?
Shaky Reunion
Collab: Fallenreaper, and Celaira

The Sky Above Loom--Evening

Olivia felt the warmth fill her, soul and body, her eyes rolled under her closed eyelids. The sweater dress Noel made was an ideal cover, its history not yet made, as she nuzzled deeper into her caretaker’s protective arms. If any chill was present then it was unlikely Olivia would’ve felt it or anything at all while she dreamed.

Flashback--6 Months Ago--Olivia's Room At Darius' Estate


Olivia’s eyes shifted lazily to the clock ticking in her room. It was one of those cartoon cat faces, its smile grinning at her while its eyes beat side to counting each second passing by, making her sigh to see barely a minute had gone by. She always felt this way whenever Emmet was supposed to pick her up and nothing ever seemed to change her anxiety over it. Her chin settled on her crossed arm while her gloved hand flicked the pencil up and down across the slanted work desk. For several ticks she followed the motion until she heard the sound of her door click open, her head jerked up to spot Aeris entering and smile. Like an infection, Olivia found herself returning the gesture with genuine feeling.

Present time

Aeris' wings beat against the air as she pushed herself forward. She needed to get to the Academy as fast as possible, or she ran the risk of falling right out of the sky.

Continuation of Flashback

Aeris watched Olivia with a soft amused smile. "Whatch'ya workin' on there Liv?" She asked walking into the room, her feet padding across the carpetted floor. For once, her hair was down, falling lazily about her back all the way down to her waist. The vampire's hands were nestled safely behind her back, hiding something from Olivia's view.

Olivia's eyebrow raised in question when she noted Aeris's hands were behind her. Her eyes shifted upward as if asking her question silently, including taking keen note of the facial expression or any give aways. Though she knew the chances were rather slim. Aeris, the one she saw to be a big sister and part time mother, seemed to have almost a better poker face then Uncle Darius himself. A fact which he, himself, found rather amusing.

Her mind was distracted when the question came. Seemingly realizing the face she had been making, her lip being bit and slightly sucked on, Olivia turned back to her homework. It was advance math filled with formulas and other calculations including various graphs. Not that she minded the difficulty in understanding them. "Just math homework. Darius decided to up the grade level when I mentioned how easy it was and boring. So far, it's been far from easy now."

Again she found herself tilting back in her chair, fully turning it toward Aeris. "You know... if I didn't know better, I would've thought you were hiding something there."

Aeris smirked at Olivia as she looked up at her in question. She watched the girl carefully, looking back at her calmly. When she answered her question about what she was doing with make homework, Aeris grimaced a bit. "I always hated math. S'not a fun thing to learn at all." She mock shuddered in horror at the subject and giggled.

When the younger girl mentioned she was hiding something behind her back, Aeris grinned. "Well, aren't you observant." As she spoke she pulled out a small wrapped package. Within the package Olivia would find a necklace that Aeris had a jeweler friend make for the girl as a birthday present. She had to give it to her early as she was leaving Kenan for a few months again to continue her search for her brother, Mairyell. The vampire smiled a little sadly as she held the box out to the girl in front of her. "This isn't the only reason I'm here, though, so open this after I've told you the stuff, all right?" Aeris' question was soft, and she paused waiting for confirmation.

Olivia’s curiosity naturally got the better of her, yet she couldn't shake the worry. It was a slight but strong gut feeling of worry and warning, seemingly to nudge at her mind's attention until she pushed it away. She paused a bit when her eyes noted her shirt had ridden up in her slumped over posture and quickly pulled down the pink tee with a black, glittery skull graced by a petite bow. In its mouth was a sucker stick and the words, Sweetheart, underneath in 'angelic' stylized letters. It was one of her favorites because her brother had picked it, a key reason why she had chosen to wear it in the first place. Alongside a paair of tight jeans that hugged her figure in an appealing, modern yet modest fashion. Like Aeris, Olivia realized, making her smirk wider.

Olivia playfully stuck her tongue out then added, " I enjoy the challenge of learning something new. Not many things are as complicated as math or at least anything I've found."

Gingerly she took hold of the box, her fingers nearly engulfed it in her grasp, and peeled off the lid. She pulled it underneath then began to removed the inner protection until something bright, crystal blue revealed itself. Immediately Olivia's eyes lite up. Then they fell and the memory of her last gift traced on the outer frindges of her mind. A pain in her heart, both regret and self hate, filled her core while she tenderly took a breath. Olivia braced herself enough to stroke the crystal heart and debated a little in letting her finger touch it bare handed then shook the idea away. Instead she praised its beauty, deciding ignorance was best.

"It's so pretty, Aeris. Where did you get? When did you get?" Olivia asked, both trying to fish the object's origins and delay it being put on her.

Aeris watched the girl as she opened the box calmly, carefully analyzing her reaction to the present. "First," she paused, "Darius told me to tell you that Emmet wouldn't be able to come get you today, though he didn't tell me why." She spoke softly as she broke the news to Olivia, and then walked to her side looking down at her. "I had it made for you. It was supposed to be a birthday present, but information on my brother came up last week so I called the friend that made and had him send it to me so I could give it to you in person before I had to leave." There was a look of regret on her face as she spoke. She felt horrible for missing Olivia's birthday, but if there was any chance of finding Mairyell, she had to take it.

Olivia thought her heart dropped out of her chest and splattered on the floor, leaving a mess of depression in its wake. She blinked. At first, she was slightly shocked at hearing the news about her brother and soon rather crushed at realizing that Aeris had gain news on her brother, now likely absent for her birthday coming up in a few days. Slowly Olivia's legs took her to the edge of her bed. Her body lowered down on top of the stuff animals, horses, tigers, foxes and more piled at the foot. Some fell to the floor but she didn't want to bother picking them up. Hands sat in her lap while her eyes locked with Aeris, eyes trying hard to understand and hide her emotions.

Her throat felt thick when she questioned the reasons, mainly her brother's. Aeris she could understand. If Emmet was missing then Olivia wouldn't want to be held back in finding him and would expect empathy, though it didn't stop it from hurting so much. "I don't understand, Aeris. He knows we only get everything other weekend and this it. I won't be able to see him until the one after the next. Are you sure you can't tell me anything?"

Aeris walked over to Olivia and sat beside her, sighing as she picked up the stuffed animals. Once the few that had fallen were back on the bed she pulled Olivia close and held her gently. "All Darius told me is that he had to work or something, that's really all I know sweetheart." The vampire gently squeezed the girl, resting her face in her hair and kissing her head. "I'm so sorry Olivia."

Olivia let Aeris hold her, her head rested upon the woman's shoulder while she let her words reach her ears. She had barely noted the stuffed toys were back in their place until she felt her sister pull her in close . "It's not fair, but I shouldn't be surprised. Everything's been going wrong this week."

She turned her head into Aeris, her eyes closed while she wanted to use the vampire to hide the anger she felt. It wasn't fair at all. First her magic had started recently and now this, what else could happen now? What else could get worse? Emmet was supposed to be there for her to tell him, even make it better, but now he wasn't. Gently she pulled away from Aeris to look at the woman. "Do you think this last lead will end up better then your last one?"

Olivia hoped the change in topic was enough to get her mind off her brother. The notion was painful, worsened now if she continued to linger on it.

Even as Olivia pulled away from her, Aeris stroked the girl's hair, hand resting atop her head. "I hope so, but apparently Mai's been moving around a lot more recently, making him hard to pin down. But, if all goes well, I might be able to introduce you to a new addition to your family, and a lost one to mine." Aeris' smile was hopeful, but her gut told her that this wouldn't be the right lead. She wouldn't find him this time either. In truth, the vampire was losing hope that she would ever be able to catch up to him.

"Do you wanna talk about your bad week, Liv? If you want, I can stay the night, I don't leave till tomorrow anyway."

"You'll find him," Olivia said, her forehead tingled where Aeris touched and seemed to lift her mood a little. She was only sad it won't stay that way for long, and pushed away her selfishness to focus on the matter. "It's complex. I'm not even sure where to start, but you really should get going. You never know, it might be the lead which will end up being your brother and with some luck, you both will be back in time for my birthday. I ask Darius to save you a piece of the three tier velvet raspberry cake if you stop by the Rabid Dog. We'll get the back rooms to ourself..."

Then she added hastily, looking sheepish at her forgettfulness. "With supervision of course."

Olivia glanced down at the item then back at Aeris, her eyes seemed to be struggling with something until finally she gave in. She pulled the chain out with her fingers then shifted the box aside, gesturing for her sister to take it. "However, before you leave will you put this on me?"

Aeris smiled softly at the girl kissing her forehead again. "Sure." As she spoke she gently lifted the chain from the box and rose from the bed to walk behind Olivia. The gem weighted itself against the top of her chest as Aeris fastened the claspe, smiling. "How do you like it?"

"The best gift I could ever recieve," Olivia said honestly while she admired it a bit, then considered something. "Aeris?"

"Mm?" The vampire murmured walking back to sit beside her. "What's up?"

"Good luck," Was all Olivia could manage to say.

Aeris smiled warmly and hugged the girl tightly. "If I don't see you on your birthday, Happy Birthday. I love you, Liv." Aeris kissed the top of her head again, and waved as she walked out of the room beginning her search for Mairyell once again.

Present Time--Heading To The Academy--Evening

The dream ended, her mind slowly came aware of the sensation of wind whipping around her cradled figure. Her face scrunched up in confusion, her memory inching to recall Noel and herself were supposed to be in a hotel when a thought hit her. Her body stiffened within Aeris’s grip while her eyes snapped open. Immediately the first thing she caught a glimpse of was the ground, namely several feet below her, made her heart leap into her throat. Instinctively her first impulse was to grip her captor and utter words which came into her mind.

“Holy shit! What the…” Olivia’s head snapped back to Aeris, pale and half expected her original captor’s face only to recognize it,”…Aeris?!”

Aeris, trying to focus on keeping herself steady, blinked as Olivia grabbed her and cursed. "Olivia... Did you just curse at me?" Her head tilted to the side a bit, and she glided upwards, dodging a flock of in coming birds.

Olivia ducked her head against Aeris, her hand tightly hugged the woman's neck, bracing against the fluttering birds who scattered in panic. She thought a few had brushed her with their feathers and bristled her skin, her body tried to curl farther away in fear Aeris might accidently drop her. It wasn't the height that scared her most but rather the drop. It won't take much and from this level, Olivia knew or at least had some idea of the pain she could suffer from it. Her lungs felt like they were about to die within her chest while she pleaded with Aeris.

"Yes.,,but please, put me down. Please, mainly on some solid ground." Her face was turned away in a hope to avoid looking downward, pretending that she wasn't dangling very high above it.

Aeris gently squeezed Olivia's tiny form, silently letting her know she wasn't going to drop her. The vampire looked down at the ground and saw the Academy in the distance. "Just a little further sweetie and then you can be on solid ground, and a bed." Looking at the girl, Aeris smiled warmly, but she was obviously tired as well. Her eyes were visibly duller, though outside of that, there were no signs of her exhaustion. If her brother had been there, though, he could have felt it. "Oh, by the way. I found Mairyell." Aeris spoke, rather out of the blue.

Olivia kept her eyes closer, her mind centered on her own anchor that she was safe. Though the sensation of air and movement didn't help to concrete that feeling very well within her heart. The thing was flipping and jumping within her chest, trying to choke her until it felt like it would jerk right out of her chest. That or her stomach was about to reveal what her last meal was, something Olivia didn't want. The sourness that had seeded at her throat back was quickly swallowed and forced down, though it only made her middle farther upset at her. It was likely she was turning a shade of green just from the thought.

Hoping to prevent her queasiness from growing, Olivia caught Aeris's attempts to sooth her and gave her a weak smile. "That's good. I told you would wone of these leads, but what happened to Noel? Is he alright?"

The vampire watched Olivia as she struggled with queasiness. Luckily for both of them they were almost there. The Academy was only a mile away now. So close. When Olivia questioned about Noel, Aeris nodded. "Noel should be fine, he's with Mai right now, they're doing Darius a favor. Hopefully we'll see them a little later today." As she finished her sentance and was already over the Academy's courtyard. "Liv. Hang on tight." Aeris spoke sternly as she leaned her body forward and divebombed toward the ground, stopping a few feet from it and letting ehr wings open to drop her safely to her feet where she was able to sit Olivia down on the grass.

Olivia felt Aeris nod as her face was pressed into the area between the shoulder and neck, her body still fighting the need to be sick. She wasn't sure much longer she could keep herself together and manage not to make a fool of herself in front of Aeris. Not that it was the first time. When Aeris mentioend something about her to hang on, her eyes opened long enough to do two things: first look at Aeris and second, more stupidity she'll admit to later, look down.

"Wait, what are you-Ahhhhh..." Olivia couldn't help the small cry from exiting her mouth while she muffled it against Aeris's shoulder. Insider her head, a number of curses roared but thankfully she was too busy trying not to scream in her gaurdian's ear to say them.

Her arms tightened instantly and her mind flooded her head with images of them diving to the ground, unable to reassure her that it won't happen. Her body was trembling before Olivia realized they had stopped moving, their halt an abrupt jerk that cut off her sound within her throat. She then felt her lower legs drop down onto something solid which seemed to prompt the girl to take three wobbly steps from Aeris then hunch over, her arms held on her knees just when she couldn't control her stomach anymore. Her stomach tossed up its contents in a wet, smelly liquid right on the nearest patch of grass. Twice. Once she was sure the last of it was gone, Olivia edged herself upright, her sleeve wiped away the drippings left behind. The taste was completely foul and lingered in her burning throat.

"Gross." She spoke softly, more to herself then Aeris.

She turned and gave a guilty, weaken smirk. Her way of apologizing for tossing up whatever she ate on the Academy's front yard it seemed like. She only hoped the landscapered wasn't going to track her down and insist she clean it up, her body shivered at the thought rattling too soon within her head. With careful steps she bagan to walk back to Aeris, now noting the vampire's current status and getting feeling Aeris might've pushed herself too far. Namely because of the dimness in Aeris's eyes Olivia had started to feel a bit alarmed, her pace increased until She could wrap her hands about her caregiver's shoulders.

"Aeris, do you know where your room is?" Olivia asked, her voice struggled to keep the panic out of it while her eyes flickered about. She was hoping there was someone around but any she had was quickly shattered when she realized they were alone. She felt a little stupid in hoping someone, anyone, against all odd might've been around as no one in their right mind would've been. "Just show me and I'll see if I can get someone to help."

Aeris silently watched as Olivia lost whatever it was she had eaten last all over the ground. She smiled a little, as she was so used to flying she didn't even think about what it would do to a normal person if they weren't in a plane. "Yes, Olivia, I know where my room is. I'll be fine, I just need some sleep." With that, she took the girl's hand and guided her inside, and all the way to her room.

As she opened the door, a familiar large black nose sniffed at the crack, and whining could be heard. When the door was fully open, the seven foot Hell hound, Lisara stood up with her tail wagging. Flames lapped at the air and then quickly dissepated as she saw Aeris' condition, as well as Olivia. The dog's face went from overjoyed to worried, her ears falling back against her skull.

When Aeris walked into the room, her world began to spin for the second time that day and she stumbled forward a bit. SHe couldn't keep up the strong act any longer it seemed. Fantastic. She thought to herself as she hobbled her way over to the large bed. She climbed on top of it, and as soon as her head it one of the four pillows, she was out.

If Olivia had walked into the room with Aeris, Lisara would have walked behind the girl and closed the door with her snout, nudging her gently toward the shower. Though she couldn't communicate with her like she could with Aeris, the hell hound was fully capable of fetching things that she thought the girl would need.

The surprises kept coming for Olivia, her body paused in following Aeris to reach down and pick up the fallen sweater dress, saving it from grass stains of hell. Her eyes caught glimpses of the building, which gave off a school like feeling to her, a lot like the private school Darius had enrolled her making her feel more comfortable since her run in with Ashley. A cold chill raced down her spine when she remembered the woman’s face and Olivia fought the need to hug herself. Thankfully, they seemed to be the only two roaming the hallways toward the wing where Aeris’s room laid, not another soul to interrupt them when they came to the room’s door. Something sniffled and clawed at the door, a black nose revealed when suddenly Olivia found her eyes traveling upward in awe.

Last thing she expected was seeing Lisara, the hellhound familiar, waiting for them at Aeris’s room. Most schools-at she assumed this was one- from her own experience didn’t allow pets, or companions as some of the girls called them, to live on campus and so it was naturally a small shock to see her here. At Lisara’s whine, Olivia turned to spot Aeris drag herself into the room and stumble. Olivia’s hands came out but fell short when Aeris seemed to inched herself on the bed, her arms wrapped about the pillows and was out.

Hesitantly, Olivia made her way while Lisara closed the door behind her. The soft click had made the girl jump and twist about, only to be nudged toward the shower with the sweater dress still folded in her arms. She knew she could resist but it was not likely the hellhound would allow it.

“Alright, I’m going.” Olivia said while she stopped at Aeris’s bedside, her hand reached for a blanket, which decorated the top and placed it over her sleeping form. “Thanks Aeris, sleep well.”

With those last thoughts, Olivia headed to shower.
Unforeseen Consequences

Academy--Late Afternoon/Early Evening
Collab between: Fallen, Yoshua, and Celaira

After opening the door to her room, and stepping out, Aeris felt herself hit something relatively sturdy. Just as she was looking up to see what it was, arms wrapped around her, gently enveloping her in their warmth. She almost growled, until she realized that it was Mairyell. She'd been so focused on going to talk to Hazumi she hadn't even felt his presence. A moment passed before she finally hugged him back, her grip a little tighter than his. This was the second time today she'd lost someone important to her. However, this person wasn't dead, and if the vampire had anything to say about that would not happen.

"Mai..." She croaked out quietly, her arms tightening a little as she spoke. It was then she felt Lisara's mind perk at the smell of a similar essence to her own. The Hell hound was waking up, and clearly visible from the doorway.

Aeris? What's going on? The beast questioned inside her mind, unaware that she might be tapping into someone else's as well.

Nothing, Lisara, I'll be back. With that thought, Little Kasio grabbed her brother's hand and simultaneously shut the door to her dorm room, gently tugging him down the hallway. "We need to find Hazumi." She said simply, a tinge of anger obvious in her voice.

Feeling her cling somewhat and squeezing in response. Besides the clean scent of his sister, which he could not help but notice Mairyell's nose notified him of a nearby demon, the scent was coming from Aeris' room and internally an eyebrow raised. Then that very demon peaked through the crack in the door. It appeared to be some sort of utterly massive wolf or dog, and from the smell he guessed it was some breed of hellhound.

Soon after the hound showed its interest, Aeris disengaged and quickly shut the door in the demon's face. Mairyell made an effort not to react as if he'd seen the demon. It seemed like she didn't want him to know and while part of him really wanted to tease her about it, the rest of him was too kind and tremulous to really do it. Baby steps, he told himself, he could tease her later, as it seemed they had more important things to take care of.

Wait, why did they need to see Hazumi? Something clicked in his mind as he was dragged along by his younger sister. "Wait, why exactly?" he queried, following after her, but decreasing his pace so as to force her to do so as well. He raised an eyebrow, "What's got you in such a rush anyways?"

Perhaps she'd gotten the call too, and if so he had to ask why. She hadn't really known Sir...right?

It suddenly occurred to him that she could've been doing any manner of dubious things in the 200 years they'd been apart.

It bothered him. Especially since it probably meant he'd probably never gotten to scare off the first bloke to try his hand at wooing her. The thought caused him to curse fate silently. So many missed opportunities to make her feel awkward too...well, he could always start now, right?

Then again, it hardly seemed like the time for him to be trying to make his sister feel awkward.

Yeah, he'd have to hold off on that for maybe another few hours...or a week. It all depended on mood and circumstance really.

He again cursed fate at the annoying circumstances he currently found himself in.

It was troublesome because she had always been rather amusing to watch get embarassed, even though he'd only seen her in such a state several times. He recalled it being...cute? Yeah...that. Anyways, what was going on again, oh yeah I was waiting for her to explain why we're suddenly in a hurry.

They were halfway through the courtyard when her brother slowed down, forcing her to as well. When his voice perked up in question, Aeris came to a full stop, turning around to face him. Rage burned in her eyes, though not directed at him, and she couldn't help but growl as she opened her mouth to speak, purple starting to weave its way through her blue irises. "A girl that was like a little sister to me was kidnapped tonight. I plan to get her back. However, to do that, I need to talk to Hazumi. Apparently, the bastard that has her wants a girl named Mary. I don't know what her father has planned, but I doubt he'll let that girl get hurt either. Not while I'm involved." The vampire stared at Mairyell for a long few moments, waiting for his reply.

While she waited, her mind darted between Olivia, to Darius, to Mairyell, and finally came to rest on their past. She remembered being kidnapped, and wondered if this is how he felt when he had lost her. The question burned in her throat, but she dare not ask it. Thus, she simply stood their silently, listening to the various sounds going on in the courtyard.

As she explained, a frown formed on the vampire's face and his brow screwed up in thought as his mind snapped into focus, the stray ponderings vanishing altogether. How in the hell did she know about this? Surely Sir hadn't called her. Then who?

"Well, fancy that," he begun, letting out a long sigh, and then gritting the teeth on the right side of his jaw a bit. "Seems we got similar messages. I presume Olivia is the one you're referring to," he rubbed his hand over the center of his forehead and then back down over his eye, letting out an annoyed sigh. "Fucking figures..." he didn't clarify, but he was plainly very annoyed.

Meeting her rage filled eyes made him recall that terrible day again and so he strode up to her and put a hand on her shoulder. "I'll help, I'm involved anyways. Should've killed that bastard 200 years ago..." he then gestured before them, motioning for her to lead on.

The doll looked at her brother, and for the first time in 200 years, she resembled her old self somewhat. In the way that, her eyes held immense gratitude and love for her older sibling. "Thank you, Mai. Thank you so much." She spoke softly, the purple in her eyes receding for the moment. She would save up her rage for the pinnacle of it. After a moment, she began to lead the way, once more pulling him by the hand. Though, instead of walking in front of him, she matched his pace and strode side-by-side with him.

"How do you even know this guy, big brother?" She asked curiously, her head tilting the side as she looked at him, opening the door to the building that would lead them to the ballroom.

Nodding with a light smile, though not quite a weak one, Mairyell watched as she matched his pace, less in a hurry now. However, when her question hit his ears, he swallowed hard and his eyes did their best to look anywhere except at her. His jaw locked and set in place showing the tension in his nerves.

He, for a third time, was forced to remember that day. "That guy...or rather Sir, is the same one who killed Mary's father all those years ago. That's why she was alone and on the run through that alley when we found her--..." his eyes turned to Aeris, as he was interrupted.

"Wait, wait. Who are you talking about? I don't remember--" Her speech was interrupted by a flood of short memories, and she blinked in confusion. "--Wasn't that girl human? I don't understand, shouldn't she be dead?"

Mairyell's teeth gritted slightly, his head nodding. "Yeah...she was human," he stated, his eyes avoiding her face again. "However, um...well, sometime after your kidnapping," he took a sharp breath and exhaled slowly, notable anger disipating from his eyes as they briefly flashed red before shifting back to a calmer purple.

"...Caeldrin was taken by some cheeky bastard, after which two vampires showed up." The tension in his jaw only increased as his eyes hardened slightly. This particular part of his past was a harsh reminder of his weakness back then. His lack of temperance, something he'd worked on in excess ever since. He cleared his throat, his words strangled before he could speak them.

Aeris paused midstep, "Caeldrin was what?" She figured they weren't bonded anymore, but she wasn't sure. Last she knew, Cael was 200 years old already, did he die? What happened to him? It had been so long since she'd actually thought about the angel that she'd almost completely forgotten him. He wasn't that badm and definitely deserved to be remembered.

After a long moment of silence he spoke up again, "Let's just say they, and--...."

Aeris, seeing her brother utterly distressed, spoke up, "Bro, stop. You don't have to tell me. I'm sorry I asked."

He frowned in response, gritting his teeth slightly before sighing. "...all you need to know is they did something terrible to her. If not for Solus, she would have certainly died." His eyes then cast their gaze downwards, looking at the ground. He'd thought he was over this, but it seemed that even with her back safely at his side he couldn't quite forgive his powerlessness back then.

It made him curse his memory somewhat. If only he had forgotten. Then again, he'd have forgotten his time with her too...and that would've hurt even more than remembering. Or at least that's what he thought.

Aeris squeezed his hand gently leaning into him to show him she was there, and he could depend on her in a manner of speaking. She didn't like seeing him so disturbed, and she genuinely felt bad for bringing up such painful memories for him. Part of her wondered if it had truly been a good thing that she had found him. Another, more sensible part of her knew, however, that he needed to move past all those things in their entirety. Especially if he ever hoped to actually be able to digest what happened to her.

The doll guided her brother down the hall toward the ballroom, which was still very much alight with music. After a moment, Aeris blinked, and looked down at her left wrist, realizing she had forgotten something. "Oh my god, Mai. We may not need Hazumi. I need to call someone, but," After a short pause, she unclasped an obviously handmade bracelet from her wrist, that was hidden by her sleeve, and handed it to Mairyell. "This should have Olivia's Essence on it." With that, Aeris turned from her brother and pulled out her phone quickly calling Darius. "Come on... come on... Pick up."

Feeling her hand's warmth helped a bit and he finally looked at her, smiling gratefully, though the smile was a bit weak. "Thanks..." he muttered, squeezing back before letting go and continuing onwards.

As they entered the building once more, Mairyell heard, and felt, the overwhelming energy of their destination. With the music hitting his ears, Mairyell peered down the hall at the ballroom door and tilted his head slightly. There was a lot of essence in there. Luckily, Aeris stopped right before they entered, appearing to have realized something as she glanced at her wrist and unfastened something.

Before he could ask questions, she plopped the thing into his hand, which he raised so he could look over the thing. As she made a call a somewhat wicked smile spread across his lips. Sir was going to get it, and oh was he going to regret his decisions dearly.

Holding the bracelet up to his face, he took a long draw of its scent, his eyes closing as he did so. His teeth briefly became as sharp as knives before returning to their normal state--somehting of a reflex really. The scent was a bit aged, but not so much that it made any real difference. This brought a strange look into the vampire's eyes.

The look would reveal something to Aeris--if she was paying attention--it would reveal the hunter in him. The part of him that, two hundred years ago, he had rejected adamently. Now he embraced it, knowing its usefulness. "Hurry that up, I know where she is, and I intend to catch this bastard's lackies red fucking handed, if you catch my meaning," his eyes were alight with something akin to excitement and bloodlust.

Still, it was apparent that he was very much in control and would remain as such for a long time. Oh man was this going to be priceless. First they'd snatch victory right from Sir's arrogant, conceited grasp, and then he'd make sure to snatch away his pitiful excuse for a life as well.

He'd make it last though. Mary deserved that much, even if he hadn't ever liked her too much. No one deserved what she'd been through, just as Aeris and him hadn't deserved their lot in life.

Darius's cell vibrated as he was about to retire, his golden eyes snapping to the small item and brief confusion washed over his features. For a moment, he considered just leaving it, letting the voicemail record the message for the morning. However he brushed away that thought when he reached out his arm to answer it. He noted the name, adding more unease into his chest, when he flicked his claw and answered.

"Yes, Ris? What was Hazumi's word on the matter?" He assumed the reason was about the woman he had earlier discussed with her.

"Darius!" Aeris chirped excitedly into the phone. "I know a way to get to Olivia without having to involve anyone else," Little Kasio paused for a moment, looking at her brother's face in a mild bit of confusion before hastily continuing. "My brother actually showed up shortly after you called me the first time. We were on our way to talk to Hazumi, when I remembered, Mairyell can track anyone with the tiniest bit of their essence." She smiled as she continued. "And, I just so happen to always have the bracelet Olivia made for me on. He's already traced her scent. With your permission we could track her and have her back to you without Sir even knowing what hit him." After her splurge of excitment died down, the vampire listened for the fox's reply, still partly staring at her brother, with a goofy sort of admiring look on her face, excitement obvious in her voice and body language.

Darius listened in utter silence. Already, his mind was ticking in a fashion he was taught long ago, weighing the odds against both failure and success. Mostly it eliminated any farther need to call in anymore favors, including threatening to rip away his connection with the Academy which would've been more harmful to him in the end then done anyone any good. It was in his nature to keep balance unlike some of his kind. His time with Szayeis had given him enough chaos in his life, enough to last him for many in fact, and though he still worried, it had faded slightly with the passing time. Time to take a risk.

He inhaled then answered Ris, "Very well, but ensure Olivia's safety first above anything else. Please, Ris, if this doesn't work then I believe Olivia will pay the price. I have little doubt this man will hurt her and even I have my limits to what I can heal."

Naturally by heal, he was referring to himself. Bones, muscle and fur was easy. His heart, no matter how jaded and black it might've become over the last hundred years, wasn't.

Aeris listened calmly to the silence on the other end of the line, waiting for the yay or nay verdict. When he told her it would be okay, she nodded. "Darius, I swear to you, no one is going to touch Olivia as long as I'm there. Her safety is my number one priority. My brother can handle himself, so I don't have to worry about him, and I'll use the utmost caution when getting her. Nothing will happen to your daughter, and if, by some horrible chance it does... Well, I'll be going down with her." Aeris' voice was resolute in her words. Absolutely no one was going to hurt Olivia. She would rather die than see that happen.

"Thank you, Ris. Though it's best if you both aim to come back. I would hate to have to peel this man's hide back and lay it to dry in the sun. Leaving his still living corpse out in Hell's Wilds for the feral kitsune." Darius's tone was steady with an undertone of ice glistening in each syllable. It was rare his emotions, at least his darker ones, showed in his voice. "He will regret threatening my family..."

Having fully ascertained the quickest way to get to Olivia, Mairyell was looking out a window at the gradually falling sun. The clouds held light oranges and purples all ready. Then he heard it, causing his head to almost snap around. The phrase partially killed the fun, though not entirely...to his great relief. He was, nonetheless, giving her a somewhat worried look, though the predatory look remained obvious in his body language.

It seemed her family had expanded since they'd last seen each other, and he knew he would've said the same thing in regards to her--even if she would've hated and missed him for it. He couldn't entirely blame her, so after a moment he shook his head and turned away, trying to banish the thought of her death from his mind.

Simply put, he wouldn't allow it.

Aeris smiled warmly at Darius' response, "Don't worry. I always aim to come back, Darius. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst." She made a strange sort of purring noise in her throat, a sound meaning to comfort him. "I love her too, Darius. The man that did this will pay, but, you need to calm down. In this sort of situation, if you're not calm, you know what happens." The vampire paused for a moment, catching her brother's eyes. She reached toward him and squeezed his hand. "We're gonna get going. When we have her, we'll make sure she calls you. I'll talk to you soon Darius. I promise."

Darius's grip tightened...then released, his grip flexed back into a more lax hold. His ear caught the purr, a memory took a second to flick across his mind and he inhaled slowly. His eyes closed again realizing since his time on the surface, he had gotten less cold and far more emotional then he should've been. He almost chuckled to think how much he would've disappointed a few individuals to see him acting so...human. "The risk is too great Ris. I hope I don't regret it, the price is far too high for my tastes, not just Olivia but yours as well. Good luck and make a message out of the one who took her about messing with our loved ones..."

With that, he hung up allowing Aeris to accomplish her goal. However, it was unlikely he was going to get any sleep tonight as he settled back into the chair once more.

Aeris nodded, "If they manage to survive what I'm going to do to them, the only thing they'll be able to do is tell their master who not to fuck with." Once Darius hung up there was a familiar dull tone in her ear, signalling the call was gone. The vampire locked her phone and looked at her brother, her wings forming on her back slowly. "Lead the way, Mai. We've got a job to do." Her voice was cold, and her eyes... her eyes were even colder.

Hearing her last statement on the phone made him think, what had Szayeis done to her all those years ago. Part of him wondered, the other part dreaded the knowledge.

Nonetheless both halves knew one thing, he'd have to find out eventually.

Pushing the thoughts aside like he had the others, Mairyell nodded, patting her shoulder lightly, the warmth of her hand still warming his before they headed back out into the courtyard. He briefly glanced at her before he turned in the direction of Kenan and his crimson wings emerged from his back. He knew he didn't have to ask her if she was ready, he just needed to fly fast enough that she didn't pass him.

So he bent his knees, took a deep calming breath, his muscles coiling almost like springs as his bodily functions sped up, blood rushing, Brisn pumping, and then his wings rose up.

Boom! The sound of his wings slamming the air down into the ground was tremendous and the force of his legs and wings pushing him from the ground simultaneously left a rough dent in the courtyard. He had blasted almost twenty yards into the air with just the first thundering flap.

He intended to make record time to Kenan on this run. Hopefully it'd be the last one today, he'd been back and forth once already. Still, that hardly mattered, he was on the hunt now, and his eyes lit up--the red coming forth a bit more than normal.

As her brother took off, a small admiring whistle left her lips as she pushed herself off the ground in record speed using her levitation and small wings to catch up to her brother's breakneck pace. Glancing at him, she smiled. However, this smile was dark, and only lasted for an instant, almost like a ghost.

The things she would do to the person who had Olivia. Oh, this would be fun~.

Out of the corner of his eye he noted her smile, despite its brief nature, but with his mind in the hold of excitement and his body suffused with adrenaline it did not entirely register. Still, in his subconscious some warning flares went off, too bad they went unheeded.

Or perhaps it was for the best, regardless...the hunt was on.
Loom -- The Academy -- Morning

Mini-collab Fallen and Celaira

Aeris stood with her back against the door, her blue eyes wide with disbelief. The room was so... big. Compared to the hotel she'd been living out of for the past couple of days, this place was her own personal mansion. She scanned over the ornate furnishings with a blissful sigh. The soft glow coming from the light fixtures around the room created a certain sense of ambiance. It was almost like she was in a dream. A queen-size four poster canopy bed sat in the center of the room adorned by blue silk sheets, and a black comforter to make them pop. On the right side of the room, there was a row of bookshelves, and on the left, what seemed to be a wooden door. With a little bit of a heave, the Vampire pushed herself off the door to enter the room, and walked toward the door on the left of the room. When she opened it, she was greeted by marble. Lots of marble. The comparatively smaller room she now stood in was a bathroom. On one side, there was a rather large tub that looked reminiscent to a jacuzzi. On the other, there was a glass-paned door that, once opened, revealed a shower. At the back of the room sat a porcelein toliet beside a sink with an overhead mirror, and two cabinets beneath it. "Whoa.." Aeris muttered to herself as she slid out of the bathroom and shut the door.

After a few moments of looking around the room some more, and finding the books she required for her class piled up on a desk that she found in an alcove around the corner from the bathroom; Aeris sighed to herself turning to face the door she had entered through. With a sarcastic grin on her face, Little Kasio held her hand up to the wall beside the door, as there was a shadow cast upon it. Carefully she focused, using a fair amount of energy to make sure her destination was somewhat visible on the other side. Okay... Lisara... You can come on over. ...Please make sure you have everything. She reached her mind out to her familiar. Her bestfriend, hoping that the strain she was enduring wasn't obvious. A snort was the reply she got. Then the shadows began to ripple and warp as a 7ft tall flaming beast stepped free of the of the portal, three suitcases dangling from her closed jaws.

Weakly, Aeris smiled at the Hell hound, gratefully closing the portal and stumbling toward the bed. The room began to spin, and the lights dimmed. Her head was swimming. She really should have thought through transporting her stuff instead of just bringing it with her. She felt herself start to sink into the darkness, but the bed looked so far away...

The next thing she knew, there was nothing but blackness.


Aeris was running through an abandonded building, searching for something. Something important. Her breath was leaving her lungs quicker and quicker as she tried to leap up flights of stairs, pearing in every room she could see. She could feel herself try to call out, but her voice was soundless.

The more she searched, the farther away she felt she was getting from what she was looking for. The stairs seemed to become endless, and the rooms were only ever filled with dust. Mounds and mounds of dust. The creaking of the stairs began to sound like some derranged lullaby as she continued her trek.

After what seemed like hours, the doll heard a strange, yet familiar laughter. Her eyes darted around frantically, catching a glimpse of a black jacket. Without a second thought, Little Kasio darted toward the jacket, only to tumble forward and fall...

Late Afternoon/Early Evening

The vampire sat up suddenly, her irridescent blue eyes full of fear and confusion. Her breathing was ragged, and it took her a moment to realize where she was. Lisara lay curled around her in the floor at the end of the bed, the beast sleeping soundly. As she took in her surroundings, hre breathing began to calm, and she searched through her pockets, trying to find her phone. Once she found it, she began to search through her contact-list. "God dammit." She'd forgotten to give Mai her cellphone number, and he hadn't given her one either. With a haggard sigh, Aeris slid free from Lisara's warm fur, and made her way to the bathroom to take a shower.

After getting out of the shower, and drying off, Aeris started to rifle through her bags for something to wear. The towel wrapped tightly around her slender body catching any remaining droplets of water that fell from her hair or skin as she searched.

Darius listened to the dead silence where he had took solitude from the outside world. Mostly only darkness surrounded him, faint illuminating lights were scattered along the concrete floor and cast his orange fur in an eerie glow. He was sitting with one leg crossed casually over his other while his golden eyes stared at the sight before him. It was an upright coffin, made from black marble with silver and gold engravings, as several holes littered the cover. He knew it was sealed tightly, though there was no visible lock. His vision watched each of the tiny tube worm their way from the holes, some filled with red liquid while others poured in a yellowish one, continued their tasks undisturbed.

Something deeply stirred within the fox while his paw reached for the only other furnishing within the small room, a side table at his side. His paw closed about the sleek, normal cell phone then flipped on the touch screen. Darius quickly scrolled down the list of various names from known elements like Juan and Emmet, even Olivia, to less distinguishable ones. Finally his eyes paused on one he hadn’t seen in a long time: Ris.

Scattered bits of ancient history flickered within his mind. Hell, a little girl with brown hair and ember eyes which were now bright blue, followed by the rest of two hundred years skirted into focus as he sighed softly. His claw pressed the number followed by the call button. Then he rested it near his large ear to listen, half expected the comfort of her young voice to answer in a familiarity he enjoyed.

Aeris, having decided to wear knee-length black skirt, and a long-sleeve black shirt, tied her waist-length brown hair back into a ponytail. Just as she adjusted the tightness of the band that held her hair, her phone rang with a familiar ringtone. To her surprise, she picked up the phone to see a name that caused her to smile. Darius. The demon fox had been a friend to her even when she was still with Szayeis, and had somewhat been like a father to her.

As the vampire slid her finger across the screen to answer the call, she brought the phone up to her ear. "Darius? What a pleasant surprise. What can I do for you?" Her soft, and melodic voice spoke, happiness evident in her tone. It had been a long while since he had actually called her, but she didn't mind. The fox was a prominant figure in her life, and even if they didn't interact constantly, as long as they did sometimes, she wouldn't mind.

While she awaited his answer, she moved around to the side of the bed, sitting down.

A slight smirk twitched on Darius’s muzzle easily at hearing Aeris, or as she sometimes preferred, Ris, answered the phone. It had been too long for his liking as even Olivia had commented on missing the young vampire. The moment his mind had skimmed over his adopted daughter, his mood quickly faded and blackened into anger. Slowly he closed his eyes. His mental restrains refined and tightened on his emotions while he kept his tone even. As much as he rather reminisced with young Aeris, now wasn’t the time. Besides, if the vampire had known he put off finding Olivia for a chit chat then she would likely rival him in his hatred, though more for him then the situation. The several seconds of no response was a key clue something serious was coming. Not a normal, average call checking up on her search or well-being.

“I wished this was a pleasant call, Aeris. I really do since it has been too long. However, I regret to say it is not. I need your assistance with an important task, are you up to it?” He asked, trying to keep the worry and frustration out of his tone. She didn’t provoke him, this creaturewho he had yet to know full. However, no matter what, he will pay.

Aeris listened to the silence on the other end of the line, and started to tense up. Before she could question him, Darius' voice perked up, and asked her a question. The doll nodded, "Of course Darius, whatever you need. What's happened?"

“Olivia’s been kidnapped.” Came Darius’s simple words, anything farther was halted to gage her reaction.

Aeris blinked, as she tried to process the fox's words. "I'm sorry... what?" She felt her blood starting to boil ever so slightly, and the blue in her eyes quickly flashed to purple.

“Aeris, I know I don’t need to repeat myself. You heard correctly. Olivia’s been kidnapped by someone, nameless currently, and requires me to retrieve someone of his. A woman, named Mary. According to him, she’s being housed within the Academy where they teach new musicians. This makes things complex and while I contact the Academy’s principle and a business connection, I’m hoping you’re close by. I have three weeks, however I had to end up locking up Emmet to prevent him from either getting himself or Olivia killed.” He breathed. His eyes still stared into the coffin as if he could see past the marble. A slight sorrow edged into his voice for a moment then faded while he continued to speak. “I had to bleed him Aeris. I didn’t want to but it was needed, can you understand that?”

The vampire listened as a look that could only be described as ice cold understanding took root on her features. She listened as Darius explained, and nodded silently. "Yes, Darius, I understand. It's for their protection, something you'll never have to explain to me. You'll be somewhat comforted to hear, hopefully, that I'm actually at the Academy. I'm to be a teacher here. So, that might make things easier for us." Aeris paused, waiting for the demon's response with a form of dread knotting itself in her stomach. Who had Olivia? And why did they need this Mary person? She didn't feel right giving someone who could be an innocent over to this person who, right now, was obviously malicious. However, to protect Olivia, she'd likely have done anything.

“It’s easier with you then Emmet, I’m afraid. As for your location, I’m rather pleased. Maybe you could do me a favor as well? Tell Hazumi and Lily I’ll be arriving between morning and early afternoon tomorrow and it’s about an urgent matter concerning one of their students. One thing this man never covered, a loop hole I intend to use to my benefit, was that he never said I was supposed to keep my muzzle shut.” Darius’s tone sounded slightly sly in its tone, filled with some hope. He decided to also inform his second daughter of anything he had discovered about her lost brother, Mairyell, though he had honestly hadn’t enough to collect the tidbit he’d gain together.

“I’m very grateful, young Aeris. As to show it, I have some information about your brother. Sadly, I’ve not sat down and collected it altogether from my sources so I can’t give you much at this time. However I can tell you the general information. He’s considered a rather righteous hunter and mercenary who’s power’s been rumored to be around warden class. Though exact measurement is impossible as normal with most creatures. Still trying to locate him, I’m afraid Aeris.”

Aeris smiled, as she would have had she been face to face with the fox. "Will do, Darius." When he started to mention her brother, Aeris' voice grew warmer in its melody. "Actually, I found him today. He had another matter to attend to, but we should be meeting up again soon. It might be a good idea for me to enlist him to help us. What do you think?"

"Spendid, it's fortunate someone is having some luck. Maybe having your brother around might help in the endeavor. Also, keep in mind the individual who took her has already murder the groundskeeper at her school, I supect right in front of her, and Hank. I don't have to tell you how important this is, he has already made it clear he will torture Olivia unless I deliver so let's hope Hazumi's willing to listen." Darius said, accepting Aeris's brother being brought into the fold though he wished it was otherwise. He trusted Aeris more, having known her better, and though she seemed to have steel confidence in him, Darius didn't. However he easily hid that fact from the young girl.

"I'll try to reason with her, I promise." The vampire looked around her room for a moment and sighed. "Darius, I'm going to go look for Hazumi now, I'll call you when and if anything develops from my talk with her. I'll also let her know you'll be here tomorrow. Good-bye, and be careful." With that, the girl hung up having heard the fox bid her farewell and good luck. Aeris clutched her phone tightly in her hands, an almost feral growl having left her lips as she rose to head out of her room. The first place she was going to check was the ballroom.

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