Most active?
If something suddenly happens today that will impede you from posting completely, it's not that hard to tell us today, or tomorrow, or the day after.I don't like this phrasing. What if there's a death in the family, or your group of friends? What if you get in an accident? Worse case scenario, you won't be able to tell us the day of, or even after. Whether it be because you're in the hospital, or you're just grief-stricken. I also don't like the rule that people aren't allowed to speak for you if you have to go MIA for whatever reason. As an example: Yosh and I are dating. So, if I say, lost my internet for months, he'd be the only one in our group to know. He'd have to speak for me. I don't know how close Merlin and Grin are, but say something happened with either of them, and the other was the only one who could tell us? Yes, I am taking these rules literally, because they should be worded to avoid people who would actually take them literally.
Wind Wild said
GM Tune-in. Ok, folks, due to the recent stagnation in activity I've noticed I'm adopting a new rule for collabs. From now on all collabs that are taking place within the current time-line (aka evening, morning, whatever) that prevents other players from posting, have to be completed and posted within a week's time. For this to happen, please tell us when you start working on such a collabs so we know to wait for you without moving the timeline along. For everyone who is currently collabing and wants to post the collab before we move on, please try to complete the collabs within 5 days. That's 11th of December midnight, GMT (Greenwich Mean Time). If you can't get it done by then, please figure out a way to postpone the part of it that you didn't manage to complete and post what you have so the rest of us can move on too.
LokiLeo789 said
I thought I send my Bingo sheet to you?